Chapter 156: Pandora’s Wine! 【2/2】。

Everyone is greeted by a long, Western-style round table. In addition to Leo sitting on the seat, there are seven chairs. So now comes the awkward question. In addition to Leo and Medea,

There are also Iskandar duos, Gilgamesh duos, Lancelot duos. Two Kenneths and three Artoria, a total of 11 people, of which 5 are heroes.

After removing the seat reserved for Medea, there are six chairs left. Obviously, there must be five people standing at the scene.

It’s also a way to see who is in charge of them.

However, when Leo saw Yan Feng Qili coming with Gilgamesh, and Yan Feng Qili seemed to have a spell on his hand, he understood that Tosaka Shichen was probably cold.

At this moment, everyone at the scene vaguely understood the meaning of the seat.

Just when everyone hesitated, Gilgamesh did not hesitate to find a seat and sit down. With this beginning, the others also chose to sit down.

Gilgamesh, Iskander, Kenneth, Mutong Goose Night. All four sat in their seats.

The three members of the Saber group hesitated. In the end, Artoria was forcibly pressed on a seat by Alice Phil, and seeing that only the last seat remained, Leo smiled 453 and said with a smile.

“This last seat might as well be given to Miss Allie, after all, she is the little Holy Grail.”

As soon as Leo’s words came out, everyone looked at Alice Phil with some surprise.

When summoned, the Grail tells them what the Little Grail is. That was the sacrifice needed at the end to summon the Great Grail.

“Allie, is everything they said true?”

Artoria asked with a startled look.

Alice Phil nodded helplessly, and then sat down on the seat. Seeing that everyone had arrived, Leo nodded in satisfaction.

“Since it’s all due now, let me say a few words first.”

“Half of the followers present are kings, and it is not an exaggeration to say that this banquet is a king’s banquet.”

“I invited you here because I simply felt that the Holy Grail War would not take that long.”

“One night.”

Leo’s slightly arrogant words made everyone a little unhappy.

“Miscellaneous cultivation, it’s really bold.”

Gilgamesh said with a slight squint of those red eyes, and the tone was like talking about the general. For Gilgamesh’s provocation, Leo did not care, but smiled slightly.

“Since this banquet is here, how about a drink that I have specially made for you.”

Leo clapped his hands, and then a glass of purple-red liquor appeared in front of everyone present, exuding a charming smell of sin in the light of the moonlight at night.

The reflection of the moonlight in the cup reveals infinite temptation, but it is faintly holy. This is Pandora, brewed with the original sin of mankind and a small amount of hope.

Gilgamesh looked at the contents of the cup in front of him and said with a hint of scrutiny.

“If this doesn’t satisfy me, then you’ll know the fate of the king of fraud.”

After that, when the others were undecided, they drank the contents of this cup in one gulp.

Gilgamesh only felt that he was in the midst of endless desires, which seemed to be fully satisfied, and seemed to be completely unsatisfied, the desire to kill, the desire for power, and a series of desires that were enough to be considered sin, Gilgamesh felt a strange and wonderful taste.

It’s like looking back on my own life, the beauty after meeting my best friend and the sadness after my best friend’s parting are all resurfaced in this glass of Pandora’s wine.

Gilgamesh, who survived to the end, only felt a ray of light shining on his soul, as if he was in the placenta of the king’s mother, leaving only peace of mind and hope.

Slowly opening his eyes, Gilgamesh let out a long sigh. There was a rare gentleness in his eyes.

“King Ben seems to have had a dream, this wine…”

After a moment of silence, Gilgamesh looked at Leo.

“I have to admit that even the treasure of this king is almost nothing comparable to your wine. For the sake of this glass of wine, I will not pursue your previous rudeness for the time being. ”

After speaking, Gilgamesh closed his eyes, as if he was recalling the taste just now.

“Is it really that delicious?”

Looking at Gilgamesh’s attitude, it was obvious that the contents of this glass were a good thing, and Iskandar directly took the glass and drank it clean.

“Good wine!!”

“This made King Ben feel again the kind of heroism that rose to the crusade to find the Sea of Okeanos!!”


Iskandar did not hesitate to praise the wine in front of him.

Leo was naturally very happy at this time, after all, of course, it was very pleasant for his things to be praised.

“Not only that, as long as you can drink it to the end, this wine can also purify the soul.”

Speaking of this, Leo suddenly smiled strangely and said.

“In other words, the qualifications of magicians will also be improved.”

Hearing these words, Kenneth and Webb both instantly looked at the charming Pandora wine. Unfortunately, Kenneth had one, while Webb didn’t.

Then, except for Alice Phil, everyone else sitting drank what was in the cup.

Except for Kenneth, who fainted because his willpower could not bear the contents of the cup, no one else was undoubtedly hit.

“It seems that you all approve of this drink, so how about we talk about your desire to get the Holy Grail after drinking?” Leo’s words undoubtedly aroused the interest of everyone present. ”

“In that case, let’s talk about it first.”

Iskandar said boldly, as if the glass of wine had completely aroused his arrogance.

“That’s my wish.”


Weber on the side exclaimed,

“Ah, your desire is not to conquer the world!!”

In the face of Weber’s exclamation, Iskandar directly flicked Weber to the ground with a snap of his fingers on the forehead. One–dividing line—- Seeking flowers.

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