Chapter 157 Holy Grail Questions and Answers! 【3/2】【Subscription requested】.

“Fool, conquest is my own dream to achieve.”

“The Holy Grail is only the first step to achieve the dream. Although we are now living by magic, we are not really alive, and I want to be reborn in this world, become a real life, and take root. ”

“Use your own body to challenge heaven and earth! That’s what conquest is all about. ”

“To start like this, to achieve, to end, this is my domineering.”

In the face of Iskander’s words, everyone fell silent.

“Miscellaneous, the world is the courtyard of this king, and you dare to covet my throne. King Ben decided that I would kill you with my own hands. ”

When Gilgamesh heard Iskander’s words, he couldn’t help but show a dangerous look, in his opinion, this world is his courtyard, and Iskandar, who wants to conquer the world, is undoubtedly blaspheming him.

Iskandar smiled and drank the drink from the glass again, of course this is not Pandora’s wine, but it is also Leo’s treasure.

“I don’t need you to remind me now, I also want to snatch all the treasures in your treasury, you need to be careful.”

“Speaking of which, archer, what is your wish?”

Hearing Iskander’s question, Gilgamesh flatly voiced his explanation.

“All the treasures of the world are mine, and the Holy Grail is naturally also, and the king has come here to drink to punish you thieves.”

“It is a matter of principle that those who intend to steal treasure should be punished. This is the law that I promulgated as King. ”

“It’s perfect, and it’s a king to be able to implement the laws you have made.”

Iskandar praised that even his enemies did not spare his admiration, perhaps this is the charm of his being king.

“Your approach is not the way of kings.”

Artoria spoke her opinion, as a king who had sacrificed her life for the people, she could not identify with the kingship of Iskandar and Gilgamesh.

“Then tell me what’s in your heart.”

“My wish is to save my homeland and use the almighty wishing machine to avoid the fate of the destruction of Britain.”

“Saber, when you say you want to change your destiny, you want to overturn history? Are you denying the history you and your courtiers have made? ”

Hearing Artoria’s words, Iskandar’s tone became a little serious, and he didn’t seem to agree with her wish.

“Am I confirming that the country you rule perished in its own time?”

“Yes, it is precisely because I think that I cannot forgive myself, so I regret it, which ending I want to change, that is my responsibility.”

Artoria’s words made Gilgamesh on the side laugh.

“Archer, what’s so funny!”

“People who call themselves kings are also called kings, and this kind of person even says that he regrets it.”


“Saber, sure enough, you are the best clown!”

At this time Iskandar said again,

“Saber, do you say you want to deny the history you have created?”

“That’s right, why do you have to ask, why do you laugh. Give me the sword and destroy the country for which I gave my life. I am saddened by this, what is ridiculous. ”

Leo looked at the picture in front of him that seemed to be in a scorching situation, and an interested smile appeared on his face.

“Saber, although your wish is undoubtedly correct in the eyes of the people, in the eyes of these two kings, you are just a little sister who is comfortable by the right.”

“That’s right, Saber, you’re just a sister-in-law bound by the right.”

Iskandar agreed. Gave Leo a thumbs up.

Leo’s words made Artoria a little angry.

“In that case, then what is your wish?!”

In the face of Saber’s question, everyone turned their eyes to Leo.

“My wish, the Holy Grail cannot be fulfilled, but it is okay to say it.”

Leo smiled in relief.

“My wish, quite simply, is to one day be able to return to my original hometown to see it.”

“It’s a pity that the Grail can’t fulfill my wish, but it can provide me with a little help.”



Hearing Leo’s words, Medea, who had been silent, looked at Leo with a little tenderness in her eyes.


Leo smiled and touched Medea’s head, then stood up.

“We all have our own wishes, no matter how much we deny the wishes of others, but they are always there.”

“Right or not, in the end, force must be resorted to.”

“This is also my goal for bringing you together, that only the winner can write history. The defeated will reign in the dust of remorse. ”

Leo’s words undoubtedly aroused everyone’s fighting spirit.

I saw that the atmosphere of the scene became anxious after Leo’s words.

Artoria on the side wanted to summon the holy sword, but found that she was now like an ordinary person, without the slightest power.

“What’s going on!”

Seeing Artoria’s panic, Leo explained without panic.

“In this city of Uropolos, I set up a super large enchantment, and the only effect is that as long as the magic power of outsiders does not exceed Uropolos, then they can only be ordinary people.”

Hearing this, Alice Phil on the side couldn’t help but say,

“Is this your killer app?”

Looking at Gilgamesh, whose face became a little ugly after he seemed to want to summon the king’s treasure but failed.

Leo shook his head,

“I don’t need to do this to deal with you, it’s just the effect that this city had when it was built.”

Immediately Leo waved his hand, and all the heroic spirits disappeared in an instant. The rest were temporarily trapped in place by Medea’s magic.

“Please stay where you are and watch the master’s heroic posture.”

With a wave of Medea’s hand, a water mirror appeared in front of everyone, and it showed Leo and their followers. A dividing line – after thinking about it, let’s send a chapter to save the manuscript first, there is really not a drop… Force..

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