Chapter 158 Feast: The King’s Army and the Sword! 【1/? 】。

The heroic spirits then found that they had come to a clearing at the foot of Yuanzang Mountain, and not far away was the floating city.

“Miscellaneous Cultivator, is this the grave you prepared for yourself?”

Gilgamesh did not care about his position, but looked at Leo with murderous intent, compared to other things, the most important thing for him now was to kill this prisoner who dared to offend the dignity of the king.

“Why should the hero king be like this, since I brought you here, it means that I will not escape.”

“Okay, now let’s have a grand war.”

Leo’s words made everyone’s eyes solemn. Although I had a good time drinking just now, in the end, they are all enemies.

After all, there was only one Holy Grail, but there were six people present. No one wants to let the Grail go.

“Before the war, let me tell you the interesting news, that is, the Holy Grail can no longer make a wish.”

“He has now been transformed into a device that can destroy humanity. Speaking of which, thanks to the Einz Belen family, after all, they were called for violating the rules of their last Holy Grail War. ”

Speaking of which, Leo did not continue to explain. Looking at the solemn-looking people, Lai Ao stretched out his hand and saw several orange-red fireballs slowly burning behind him.


Under Leo’s control, the fireball went towards the followers below at great speed. Looking at the slowly approaching fireball, Gilgamesh laughed disdainfully.

I saw golden ripples behind him, and countless bladed sword weapons went towards Leo and the fireball from it. Of course, in this spare time, Gilgamesh also thought that others also shot treasures from time to time.

At the same time, countless fireballs, whirlwinds, lightning, and frost behind Lai Ao rushed towards the heroes below like a downpour.

“Bastard, what do you mean when you say that the Holy Grail cannot be summoned?”

Artoria, who sometimes avoids the aftermath of the battle between the two, questions Leo, after all, the Holy Grail is the only possibility that Saber can save his homeland.

But now Lai Ao told her that the Holy Grail was completely unusable.

“Who knows? But you can try to defeat me to summon the Grail. But let’s see if you can beat the dark guy. ”

Laio, who was in friendship with Gilgamesh, heard Saber’s words, smiled slightly and said with a slight point.

Before Saber could understand, the berserker Lancelot no longer knew where to rush towards Saber, and now Artoria did not know that the dark follower in front of him was his former Knight of the Round Table, Lancelot. Looking at Lancelot, who let out a roar that he couldn’t understand what he was saying, Saber could only fight him.

At this time, the scene has turned into an extremely chaotic battle.

Leo and Gilgamesh are really hot, and the attack between the two will cover almost all the followers. As for Saber fighting with Lancelot, Saber at this time found that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar.

As for the remaining two, Iskandar and Dilumudo are fighting each other. Iskandar fights while inviting Diromdo to join him.

“Lacner, would you like to join me? The treatment of these is really negotiable. ”

“Needless to say, Rider, my desire is to serve the monarch and never submit to your command. The only monarch ever recognized in this life was Lord Kenneth. ”

However, it is clear that Dilumudor did not care about Iskander’s words, and for him, the only desire now was to serve the monarch.

Looking at the dripping Dilumudo in front of him, Iskanda showed a slight regret, and then no longer hesitated to think of Dilumudo killing.

At this time, the scene was almost chaotic. The first is to come to Austria as a top level while dealing with Gilgamesh, while also in the mood to give some obstacles to other followers.

“Abominable! Are you belittling Ben Wang? ”

Seeing that Leo was dealing with himself, he still had the spare power to deal with the other followers. Gilgamesh’s eyes couldn’t help but show a little danger.

“Is there anything that can be done about this? After all, you really are. ”

“It’s too weak.”

For Leo, the current scene has not even taken out 1/10 of his strength, and he can’t raise his head with some relatively simple black mud magic to suppress them.

However, this is also normal, just talking about the black mud crystals in Lai Ao’s body now, that is, skill stones, there are thousands of them.

A simple magic trick like the fireball technique, this skill Shi Leo has almost dozens or hundreds of duplicates in his body to use at the same time.

At this moment, Iskander, who was not far away, said with a bold smile.


“This war really makes King Ben’s heart happy! Then let you see the domineering of this king. ”

“Saber, Acher, this is the last question of this banquet.”

“Question? Is the king lonely? ”

Gilgamesh, who was fighting with Leo, smiled disdainfully, while Saber, who was fighting Lancelot, answered his question.

“The king is naturally lonely!”

“Sure enough, you still don’t understand, for those of you who don’t understand, I need to show the true king wind here”

As soon as the words fell, it was like countless hot winds pouring out of Iskander.

Immediately, everyone at the scene suddenly appeared on a desert under the scorching sun.

“This was once the battlefield where my army roamed, and it was a scenery that will always remain in the hearts of my warriors who share my bitter joy.”

“This world, this vision can be formed precisely because it is the mental image of all of us.”

“Behold, my unparalleled army, even though the body is destroyed and the soul is summoned by the world as a heroic spirit, but still loyal to me, legendary warriors.”

“My bond with them is my treasure, my royal road and the army of a king!”

With the iron horses of the army, countless former Iskandar warriors appeared on this hot desert.


Looking at every soldier in this large army, Dilumudo showed a surprised expression.

“These people… Every one is a follower! ”

Looking at the bonds that belonged to Iskandar in front of him, Saber didn’t know why he showed an envious look… Because this kind of thing is exactly what Saber is after, something that is unattainable.

“The so-called king is the one who lives the most wonderful and fascinates everyone.”


The warriors who belonged to Iskandar roared out loudly, admiring their king.

“He who gathers the envy of everyone and guides everyone forward can be king!”

“Therefore, Wang, he is not alone!”

“Come on, let’s move towards conquest!”

Random Iskandar draws his sword and swings it on his beloved horse and points it at everyone else.

“Want, save, go!”

Under the collective charge of tens of thousands of heroic spirits, even if they have no treasures, their flesh alone is a power that can hardly be underestimated.

Under such a group battle, Dilumudo fell into a bitter battle, but his expression was happy.

At least even if he dies like this, he can be considered loyal to his lord, which is his greatest wish for the Holy Grail War. Looking at Dilumudo, who was almost in a state of death in the sky, Nan’ao understood that the two heroic spirits who had withdrawn were about to be born.

At this time, Leo above the sky saw Gilgamesh and said jokingly.

“Gilgamesh, don’t you use your EA?”

Gilgamesh snorted coldly, although he didn’t know where Leo knew he had EA.

But the situation on the spot is really worth his use. Especially Iskander, the man he must kill.

“Bastard, let you have a good face to see the glory of my supreme treasure EA!”

Immediately, Gilgamesh drew a strange sword from a golden ripple, and perhaps could not call him a sword.

The sword itself does not have a blade, it is a sword body formed by three cylinders, the cylinder has some peculiar texts on it, and the cylinder itself is constantly rotating.

“It is said that in the beginning, the heavens and the earth departed from the gospel of nothingness, and the world opened up for my obedience from the sword.4.6 Intertwined with all things, the so-called “heavenly hell” gathered by the stars was the end of the eve of creation, and it was enough to accept death in silence

“Heaven and earth are the star of EnumaElish.”

With Gilgamesh’s prayer, the blade of the three stages of the sword EA began to rotate continuously, and red air currents appeared on it.

At the same time, the inherent enchantment of Iskandar began to crumble, as if the fabric of the world itself was being destroyed.

As Gilgamesh’s treasure, the Obedient Sword is a treasure of the world, and the scarlet air flow on it is an attack on the simulated space fault.

It is a veritable sword that cuts the world, a scene on the eve of the creation in Mesopotamian mythology.

Unfortunately, even if EA destroyed the inherent enchantment of Iskander, Dilumudo still died on the battlefield in this last moment, laughing and dying under countless old armies.

The venue suddenly turned and returned to reality, and now there are only five followers left. One–dividing line–Subscribe to spend and ask for tips.

I don’t know how many more today, but there is a 6k guarantee.

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