(Against) An unobserved story. What Happened in the Abyss – (Middle)

The battle took place in a room familiar to Kanisen. Still, Kanisen knew how to take advantage of the terrain and was able to make relatively tactical moves. During a complex battle indoors, Finlay and Beta and Delta headed to the underground arsenal where the founders resided.

In front of the gloomy and huge iron gate of the underground arsenal. Originally, it was supposed to be a place full of weapons that the military had painstakingly crafted, but Tantalus is different. There lies a being more fearful and mightier than the most feared weapon.

The founder Tirkanzaka.

Progenitor of all vampires. Queen of Shadows.

A geek and a monster who came into the abyss, half self-proclaimed because the abyss is quiet and doesn’t get much sunlight.

The loneliness, darkness, and hunger that kill humans. All the reasons that humans fear the abyss are not applicable to her. Because she is also a fear comparable to the abyss.

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Fear seems to be similar to each other.

Beta, facing the darkness of the beginning, spoke with a trembling voice.

“This place is a cursed vampire… Oops.”

Delta quickly shut Beta’s mouth. Still, he seems to know what his girlfriend is doing. Delta took Beta’s hand and pleaded earnestly.

“Cindy. please please be careful with your words You can’t even say a word in front of Sijo.”

“Ugh, okay. If it’s Elsie’s request.”

‘… okay. I have not betrayed my faith. I’m only following the request of Elsie, whom I love.’

I clicked my tongue as I read Beta’s thoughts.

Some people need a reason to start doing something they can. It’s not just about Beta. Before the compromise and living, the resistance was similar to the beta.

They act only because they are dissatisfied with reality, but they pretend that it is for a cause. Then he gradually became buried and reached the point where he could not do anything without orders. As a result, without his own will, he followed Kanisen and fell into the bottom of the abyss.

How did this happen? Well, there are many reasons, but if I had to stick with it, it would be because the invisible became a god.

So I became the one to dig into God.

I was going to hold on until Jiseon arrived, but I can’t believe I’m going to lose the resistance. So I sighed and said.

“If I write with blood, I might react. If possible, blood similar to the ancestor would be better. You’d rather like female blood than male blood… .”

“You’re going to give me my blood?! To a vampire?!”

“… I’ll use my blood first, but if not, I’ll borrow Beta’s blood.”

Is it because you don’t want to hurt yourself? Or is it because offering blood to vampires is a religious taboo? There is no need to differentiate The two reasons are because they ultimately lead to one result.

With the conclusion that he will not give his own blood.

I bit my finger. Blood dripped from the slightly torn skin. Of course, the blood that should have spread on the ground drips like beads and rolls and seeps through the cracks in the door. As if it’s not yours as long as I’m outside of my body.

Looking at the unrealistic scene, Finlay spoke to me.

“You say you write with blood as ink? That’s a pretty big idea. However, the ancestors take all the blood outside your body. How are you going to write with runaway ink?”

“Originally, ink is about charring something with fire.”

In response, I used the ritual magic with my bloody finger.

“Set, Lee. Fahrenheit.”

Whoops. As if reflecting the amount of my magical power, a soft flame bloomed. The temperature is high, but the heat is low, and the blood is slightly blackened in the flame.

“If you burn it with blood, it will stick. In this way, the letters can preserve their form.”

“Hoo… . indeed.”

“I will work hard until I develop anemia. Wow, a book of blood written by tearing one’s fingers and burning them with fire. Even the emperor of the empire would not have received such a heartfelt letter. It’s huge.”

“Our ancestors are greater than the human emperors, so there is nothing grandiose.”

‘He’s also talented. If it’s written in charred blood, even the Sijo would be able to recognize it. This guy is human, but he’s great. But… Then why did you bring that bitch?’

It’s a test.

Even if I wake up the ancestors in a bizarre way, if Beta commits suicide, we’re all in danger.

As Finlay watched, I dotted it with scorched blood. First, let’s start with some clichéd lines, and if it doesn’t happen, let’s confess our love. Are you still not waking up? I’m just scratching my head while mentioning the age of the vampire.

There is no such thing as a refreshing mood in the first place. Whether you are a human or a vampire, you need an unpleasantly intense stimulus to wake up.

So, while writing a little clichéd blood letter.

The two kites just watched, holding hands.

“Hughes, you look sick… .”

“Hughes alone has its limits. Even if you write with blood, you won’t be able to write much. If I do, I will use my blood.”

“But, do you really have to? If Sijo doesn’t respond even after doing that, there’s no reason to write more.”

“… For now this is the best We can’t beat Ebon without our ancestors.”

“In the first place, is there any guarantee that the ancestors will help us? The founder is a villain who has killed over 10,000 people so far. It might suck all of us blood because we’re hungry.”

Saying so, Beta put her hand to her chest without realizing it. There, her support and idol, the celestial cross, was hung from the necklace… .

Ah, finally. You crossed that line.

“Elsie. Wouldn’t it be better to detonate the explosives?”

“Cindy! I’m serious? If you do, everyone will die!”

“Our resistance came in with that thought from the beginning. It’s just redoing the plans that have been put off.”

Positive sensations do not wake a person from sleep. Moving a still human is always a negative sensation. The reason history is drenched in blood is probably because all the humans who move with the flow are supported by evil.

the same The Resistance felt dissatisfied with the current life, and decided to fight the military, while Beta didn’t like vampires, so she’s letting go.

And the progenitor Tirkanzaka… .

“Together… Do you mean to die?”

“If you’re going to die anyway… It’s better to be martyred with all these things than to be food for vampires… .”

Erra. you just die

I took a step aside without writing a blood note.

Immediately after that, the door exploded open. The steel door, which did not move even after being knocked on by Aji, opened its mouth greedily, and dark red blood sticked out its tongue for a long time. towards the beta.

“ah… ?”

As his vision turned dark red, Beta reflexively grabbed the cross. At the same time, the blood that had stretched out grabbed Beta as it was.

Whoops, whoops. Broken bones and splattered blood. I’ve never eaten a human, but I knew without learning that it was the sound of chewing on a human. It didn’t take a moment for Beta to stop thinking.

Even in the waves of blood, there seems to be a low tide. The blood that had been greedy for the earth withdrew like an ebb when the time came. After the low tide came, nothing was left like a sandy beach.

Delta rolled her eyes.

“… Cindy?”

‘What, what? I was nearby a while ago. I was holding hands. I felt something hot… .’

I call my lover’s name, but there is no answer. Unable to grasp the situation, he fumbled through the air to find his lover.

“Cindy? beta? why, why Are you kidding me? uh, where did you go… .”

Unfortunately, Delta was moderately smart.

The girlfriend who could not forsake the cross until the end was judged by the ancestors. The knowledge accumulated so far arrives at the answer through the path of logic. It is clear to anyone

But Delta herself struggles to deny it. Denying reality, she wanders around to find her lost lover in the world. It’s nowhere, but I believe it’s there.

At that time, Finlay laughed out loud, regardless of whether his wounds were widening.

“Kah ha ha! okay. It’s a fitting ending! In this abyss, where even the gods can’t reach, you can’t wait to find the gods with the ancestors by your side! It’s like crying out for death! Ha ha ha ha ha! If you want to die, you must die! cancer! This is right!”

At the stinging words, Delta turned her head in great anger.

“you… ! Finlay… !”

“Right. If you commit suicide, you must die. No matter how much I think about it, it is right to die.”

As I said coldly, Delta put on a face that looked like it had been hit in the head. I ignored Delta’s gaze and pulled out the stake stuck in the finlay. Having regained his freedom, Finlay said, regenerating his wounds.

“Did you expect this to happen?”

“To some extent. I wanted it to end with my blood.”

“Kah ha ha! Also, I like it! You’ve changed your mind, Hughes! I was thinking of begging the ancestors to kill them all! Let me save you!”

That’s funny. Why do I have to live and die on you? it was up to me

“I do not need it. Do you think the Sijo will listen to you if you beg to die? Is your ancestor Shidabari?”

“What, what?”

“Don’t be noisy and the door is open, so let’s go inside.”

I stepped into the wide open door. Finlay, who had a dumbfounded expression for a moment, hurriedly followed me.

A little after we went in. Delta also followed me with a weak gait. What did you come up with… It was still unclear.

The residence of the ancestors was in itself a blasphemy against the gods. A beautiful mural glows eerily, stained with blood, and a soft candle burns with an ominous blood.

We followed the darkness that we could barely see under our feet, and we arrived at the sijo’s room at the end of the road.

[…] I called you here because I was purely curious.]

Even after waking up, Sijo still hadn’t woken up. He appeared in front of us in such a way that he was lying with his body divided in a coffin and only conveyed his voice.

Sijo asked me out of sheer curiosity.

[Is it because he provoked me with a sacrifice to a disgruntled believer, or was he trying to wake me up with that unreasonable love letter? I was so curious that I thought I would never be able to sleep again. What was your intention?]

“A letter? What did you write with your blood?”

I answered casually.

“I have longed for you. Please show me just that beautiful face. I wrote this.”

“Neonoo! How dare you!”


At Sijo’s words, Finlay shut his mouth. It is not an arbitrary silence. The order of the ancestors to rule every single drop of a vampire’s blood is absolute. Finlay won’t be able to open his mouth until Sijo permits.

‘You’re a fun kid. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen someone who doesn’t tremble in fear even when they’re in front of me.

Sijo chuckled in the coffin.

[Fufu. It’s okay. It’s not going to be true.]

“If it’s true, will you accept it? Then I’m always sincere. It’s not a lie this time.”

[There is no way I can receive your heart. Let’s see. The blood clot in the stomach is of particular interest to you. right?]

“If you accept my heart, I was going to make that request first.”

[Whoops. It glides on like oil on your tongue.]

‘I do not engage in unrelated human fights. Especially if the King of the Beasts was added to that fight. But… If only we could stop fighting. Depending on the story, you may be able to listen.’

The eponymous Tirkanjaka has no heart. It does not easily become unpleasant, nor does it become similarly pleasant. It is not without emotions, but there is a huge gap between emotions and actions.

That’s why it’s better to be a little irritable when dealing with Tirkanjaka. The more my behavior jumps out and the more it differs from my normal appearance, the more likely I am to keep it alive.

[Because you value your colleagues so much, you didn’t let the celestial believer die a little while ago.]

However, you must not hold the cross in your hand. Even jokes have a line.

“I have absolutely no interest in people who have owners. If you don’t care how much you don’t care, it doesn’t matter if you’re alive or dead. It’s not going to connect with me anyway, so what does that have to do with it?”

[Hey. Are you ignorant or are you pretending to be like that? OK. If so, I will suggest you two options.]

“I’m sorry, but either option is meaningless. I have only you.”

[Nungcheong is the best in the world!]

‘He’s a pretty funny kid. If you keep it by your side, it won’t be an enemy. However, one thing. The point is… .’

He succeeded in making a good impression on Sijo. Now all you have to do is harvest. I calmly waited for Sijo’s words.

[If you want to live alone, I will protect your life. If you want to save your comrades, act as a mediator and propose a truce. However, even if you are in danger in the process of ending the fight, I will not save you. ruler. What would you choose?]

Is it the safety of me alone, or is it everyone’s safety? No need to worry. of course… .

It was a time when I was about to recite the answer I had been given.


Delta rushed towards the coffin of Sijo with a gun.

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