(Against) An unobserved story. What Happened in the Abyss – (B)

I am not a prophet. It reads people’s thoughts and cannot predict how they will behave in the future.

But I really didn’t know.

“Set, Lee!”

A few months into the abyss. In the darkness where there is no light, we can only survive by relying on each other. It’s natural to have feelings that you don’t have as you often come into contact with them in isolated spaces.

Also, love is an emotion that contributes to the preservation of the race, and it grows even more when men and women have little choice. Beta and Delta were just that.

Well, I explained it in great detail.

“Fahrenheit Whoa!”

In conclusion, Delta loved Beta.

“Why oh why!”

Taan. Flames form a spiral from the muzzle ignited by magic. Mattan… It’s just a bullet ignited by magical fire rather than a firearm. The intent of the attack was clearly communicated beyond what was visible.

Delta exclaimed amid the gunshots.

“You damn vampire! Why did you have to kill him in such a terrible way? Cindy is no less than a bug from your point of view! Whether the worms howl or not, you can just ignore them!”

Of course, all they reached were the will of attack and shouts. If the ancestors had been damaged by Delta’s attack, which was not even an officer, it would not have been a symbol of fear for over a thousand years.

With the bullets being swallowed by darkness without meaning, the founder recognized Delta and responded.

[Cindy? Ahh.]

The coffin opened slightly, and a white hand reached out through the gap. At the soft fingertips that have lost their color… A bloody cross stood upside down.

It’s Cindy’s. The founder, holding the cross upside down, said coldly.

[Did you mean the blood that was fiddling with the heavenly toy in front of me?]

“Cindy hey!”

tang, tang, tang. As soon as the bullets are loaded, they do not aim and shoot again. Before discussing whether it is significant damage, it doesn’t even fit in the coffin in the first place.

But Delta didn’t care. Because he knew from the beginning that this act was suicide.

I just couldn’t stand it without doing it.

[As you said. Whatever you said, it was a meaningless cry, and whatever you did, it was a meaningless gesture. I don’t rate it, I don’t pay any attention to it.]

“okay! If you are that strong! You can show mercy!”

[However, the belief in the gods is different. It is an insult and an insult to me. I have paid a price for that belief in the past, and I will continue to do so. If your faith is so strong, you will have no regrets even if you die for me to put that belief into practice.]

All the ammunition ran out. Not expecting much from the bullets, Delta approached the coffin, pointing the empty gun.

“monster! You, you are just a monster!”

[It’s a word I’ve heard often, so I’m not impressed enough to be surprised.]

Delta’s mind wandered. All kinds of emotions are swirling around me, so even I can’t read clearly. Fear of death, anger that transcends it, love and loss, and revenge.

The one wind that I feel filtered through… .

‘You must be sick… !’

A single breeze barely bloomed from the bottom of this abyss. I watched it just in case, and this is the result.

‘I don’t believe you can kill me. I just want to convey even 10% of this sadness and pain to that monster! If bullets can’t hurt the body of that monster, even the mind!’

Delta, that looks easy.

Language is also a tool. Only people who have used it often can use it properly. It’s too much for you who can’t speak properly.

“Yeah, dear! you are good It must be a great sijo! Be a monster forever, live as a monster until the end of the world!”

I know what you’re trying to say. You’ll be lonely for the rest of your life, you’ll remain a monster until the end of the world, and you’ll die without knowing your feelings or anything.

If I had refined it a little more, understood the other person more, and spit it out. Maybe it hurt Sijo’s little wish. Delta couldn’t get there.

[So is your cry. If your lover is so precious, head to the same place.]

Darkness covers the delta. Delta’s feet rise from the ground. At that moment, Delta felt death.

In fact, Delta has already committed suicide. At the edge of the cliff, the foot was lifted, and the only thing left was when it collided with the floor.

It took quite a while for a suicide, but the end has come. said the shijo.

[I hope you all go to heaven. I won’t be there, so it’ll be a good thing for each other.]

Hearing the blessings not from the ancestors, Delta struggled. Not because I want to live, but because I want to achieve something before I die.

‘Somehow… . A little bit of the pain I’ve been through… .’

In a fading consciousness, Delta strongly wished for the suffering of the ancestors. Even while blood swallowed his body and chewed on his bones and flesh. I hoped for it in the midst of terrible pain.

A man who had been Elsie Clark for most of his life, and a delta in the abyss, died that way, leaving only a slimy reverberation.

I fell to Tantalus with a grand purpose, and after giving up the cause at the bottom, I found trivial happiness, but in the end, I couldn’t achieve it and fell asleep inside me.

it’s an absurd death Humans who were nothing more than beasts knew that they would surely die too. He is swayed by love, cause, and invisible things, and even lays down his life. Some would call it romantic and exalt it, but to me it just seems silly.


I am the king of such fools.

A person who is swayed by something invisible and throws his life away… The king of the broken beast is ‘I’.

oh It should be normal.

[You gave me enough time. I also set an example. Are your worries over?]

The arrogant Sijo said:

Ahh. Having lived for so long, she is a pitiful being who has tried to define herself as a phenomenon.

It must be your wish to return as a human. Why do you want to become a god? Do you really want to be understood by everyone?

you are not god At best, he’s nothing more than a vampire king… Even that, half of them can’t even represent them.

I casually opened my mouth.

“Since the two of us just died, we should get some more. Please save me, and save the rest of my colleagues.”

[You are greedy. There is also a degree of compulsion.]

“Instead, I’ll make your heart beat again.”

While Sijo twitched as if stabbed by something, he twisted his body and headed towards Finlay, who quietly bowed his head. The orders given by the founder were still in effect, so when Delta died, he kept his mouth shut.

‘ha ha ha! look good Yes, this is it! Now the food chain is right! Ha ha ha ha!’

He kept his mouth shut, and his thoughts were still turbulent.

What I brought with me was the stake that pierced Finlay and the arm of the immortal. As he approached the stake, his expression changed moment by moment.

‘There’s no way a human can harm the ancestors! 👑👑👑 okay! Is this right… what? What is that guy doing… ? As long as the ancestors exist, I won’t die with stakes, right?’

“Set, Lee, Bolt.”

The stake was driven into Finlay’s heart, and lightning magic was poured into the tip. An electric current rides the stake and flows through Finlay’s heart. Finlay’s body trembled.

‘Ugh. what? This not dangerous, but eerie attack… ?’

It is a weak electric shock that is difficult to kill even humans. It can’t work against vampires. Finlay was fine. It was when Finlay, who was suddenly attacked, was furious and was about to ask the Sijo for permission to kill me.

said to the sage.

“Have you ever felt it? Finlay’s heart reacts.”

I read of course. Finlay is now in the realm of the sijo, and all the movement of blood is exposed to the senses of the sijo. The Sijo must have read the movement of blood as if looking into his palm.

Sijo didn’t answer. After reading the affirmation in silence, he shrugged his shoulders and explained.

“I heard that vampires don’t have a beating heart. Hematology moves blood to all parts of the body. That’s certainly great, but it’s better to have a heart, right? It’s cumbersome to move one by one. how about it? If it was my lightning, I might be able to make my heart race.”

‘what? suddenly. What did this cheeky man say to the founder… ! What are you up to, Hughes!’

The response came. The coffin lid opened, and a fleeting girl who seemed to have lost her color stood up. The Sijo, who revealed himself after several hundred years, showed great interest in new knowledge about the heart.

“Really? Can it really move the heart?”

“Of course, my blitz may not work for the Sijo. Because the Sijo is so powerful… However, it is known that the human heart works in this way. Wouldn’t there be a reaction if it was the same principle?”

‘what? There’s no way a human like this could harm the ancestors… ! But why is it so ominous that your body trembles? Something is dangerous… !’

No matter how progenitor, there is a sense of reluctance to show your heart to others. But it wasn’t because he was afraid of breaking his heart, but because he was shy enough to show the insides.

Shame is defeated by desire. The same goes for sijo.

Desire overshadowed shame. With the intention of being deceived even if it was a lie, the Sijo ripped open his chest along with his clothes. The beautiful skin cracked, revealing the disgusting inside of the body.

said the shijo.

“then. Let’s try it somewhere.”

“If you succeed, you stop fighting. Please protect me as well.”

“Shouldn’t you be worried about when you fail?”

“I’m careful not to worry about meaningless things. Can you do more than die?”

Even while talking to Sijo, Finlay’s desperate cry could be heard.

‘Shijoshi! No. Please, no! Now that guy is in danger. Even if you don’t know how, even if you don’t know the intention… ! I’m sure I’ll do something… ! Sijo!’

However, the Sijo’s orders are absolute, and Finlay must keep his mouth shut. Because Sijo didn’t allow it.

He smiled softly so that only Finlay could see it, and he headed towards Sijo. With something deadly hidden in his pulsating hand.

Today is a day where everyone becomes a wish.

The Sijo will regain the feelings he had dreamed of, and, as Finlay wishes, he will end his long hiatus and go out into the world.

Humans are creatures that kill themselves for something invisible. It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense, it’s very far from the common beast… .

Yet he is their king.

After fighting Ebon, Kanisen died with his chest pierced. Alpha died of blood loss with his arm amputated. The two are quite friendly and have awakened the immortals, but the immortals of this land without the energy of the earth are powerless junk. Ebon’s Chloe was no match.

The colonel pressed Aji with the butterfly. Aji, who could not attack humans, was beaten without using its front or hind legs, and eventually fell down bleeding.

Although he achieved his intended purpose, Ebon trembled with the anxiety that ran down his spine.

Kanisen and Alpha seemed to run out of time. If so, it means that the rest of the personnel are obviously doing something that takes time. Ebon predicted it without difficulty.

“Are you planning on waking up Sijo? .”

The blood that flowed from Kanisen and Alpha’s corpses crawled on the floor and headed somewhere. Ebon muttered as he followed the bloodstains to the underground arsenal.

Ebon’s lieutenant and henchman, Colonel Grund McKinsey, heard the murmur and answered.

“What are you worried about? I heard that the founder did not intervene in disputes between humans.”

“Because the principle is absolute, it is not that we do not intervene. I did not want to interfere, so I created that principle. What would the ancestors, who insulted even God, fear? I don’t think the Sijo himself will break the rules for anything, but I don’t know what the hell they’re going to do with the crazy idea of waking up the Sijo.”

“He is the founder who did not respond even when the military was buried in the abyss. How can they awaken the ancestors?”

As if answering that question, a voice came from beyond the steel door.

“What if it was the flesh of an immortal?”

Ebon turned to the side of the sound. I saw a large steel door painted with blood. Red energy was seeping in as if filling the gap in the door, but the energy suddenly dispersed and opened.

A man carrying something black staggered out of it.

Ebon recognized the man’s identity. He is a prisoner who was put in urgently after Colonel Rancart’s escape. For Ji-seon’s plan, someone had to live in Tantalus, so a light-criminal prisoner from the recently caught awaiting trial was put in. This was possible thanks to Colonel Rancart taking all the dangerous prisoners out.

I’ve heard that he’s obviously a minor offender.

But what is it?

‘what? This discomfort?’

Ebon looked at him and realized the identity of the object in his hand.

‘The arm of the immortal… ?’

The man with blood on his face waved a non-my arm to Ebon. The reason was unknown, but for some reason, the scene gave Ebon goosebumps.

“Hello, Evon Crimsonwild. fat cat Nice to meet you.”


That was then. The sound of horseshoes approached through the open door. Then a huge bloody horse sprinted through the aisle. Ebon tensed her body.

‘Blood horse Rallion… ! Sijo’s family! Did you really wake up the Sijo? By the way… ?’

The bloody horse shows whites… Ebon stares at the man without paying any attention. Horses are relatively gentle creatures, but their faces show tremendous anger and murderous intent. Obviously, even if Rallion touched it, that young man would be crushed.

Just before the runaway Rallion collided with the man.

Then the man stretched out his left hand. The furoshiki spread wide beside him. As the cloth fluttered in front of his eyes, Rallion’s gaze turned to it for a moment.

At the same time, the man rubbed the ground with the arm of the immortal held in his right hand. The black flesh crumbles and scatters on the ground, and Ralion’s hoof, which fell on it, melts and slides.

Sophisticated movements like a matador. Rallion narrowly escaped the young man and fell far away. It is also where the butterflies are.

Butterflies jumped and shook their mandibles.

“Ahhhh! Isn’t that weird! smell of blood! Are you in a bad mood?”

[pu hee hee hee hee!]

With the two beasts in the background starting to fight, the man walked slowly. It’s an embarrassing sight. Anyway, Ebon regained his composure.

‘The blood horse Rallion belongs to the ancestors. Judging from the fact that he was attacked by him, it does not seem that he took Sijo as an ally. It is clear that persuasion failed. Then there is nothing to fear.’

“It seems that the last gamble has failed. I wish you the best of luck… .”

“Are you also chasing the invisible? ha ha ha. cool. When your back is warm and your stomach is full, how much do you cost your life to find the same meaning of existence?”

Ebon’s calm was soon gone. Ebon hardened her face and asked.

“… What do you mean?”

“It probably wasn’t at first. You only had the instinct to survive and the hostility towards the enemy. With those two ferocious defeats of the realm, you became a general and a fat, hungry cat.”

The man just said what he had to say. However, each and every one of them touched Ebon’s life, so Ebon couldn’t just let it go.

“Since there is no one to fight with, now we have to find something to fight with. He’s trying to fight his past! He’s killing his subordinates and killing himself by doing useless things that he can’t even eat! What a noble hobby!”

“You guys… !”

“You are definitely human, Evon Crimsonwild! Because there are only human beings who risk their lives for the hopeless desire to be recognized as a human being!”

The man was mad. At the same time, the air changes color.

The darkness oscillates ominously.

The blood boils anxiously.

Something is happening. No, it has already happened. The sense of the beast left behind to Ebon shouted so.

“Your boy. What have you done!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You will find out soon!”

[aa! It hurts, it hurts!]

As he said, someone’s screams came from the dark and deep. The owner of the voice weeping in pain… It was the progenitor Tirkanjaka.

Ebon’s body stiffened. A progenitor with an immortal body. I wouldn’t mind putting a stake in my heart. But the man in front of me… In some ways, the Sijo suffered.

“I think Sijo’s immunity was weakened because he slept too much! You’re out of your mind with a heart allergy! Beware of seizures and hysteria, everyone!”

[You, you dare… ! dare… … !]

“Ha ha ha ha ha! How does it feel to be alive, Tirkanzaka? Is it the best? Exciting, right? It’s my gift! A gift for you who want to feel alive!”

bang. A huge arm made of blood broke through the steel door and popped out. It looked as if the devil had only pulled his arm out of the pit of hell. His reddish arms dripping with blood groped the ground as if looking for someone.

[Forgive me, I won’t forgive you! I will not forgive you!]

“If life is pain, then pain is also life! It’s okay to say thank you. It’s my job to make the wish come true!”

The devil’s arm that sensed the voice clenched his fist. At that moment, Ebon’s hair stood up all at once. Immediately after Ebon instinctively slammed the ground and escaped, a huge fist slammed into the ground.

Concrete is broken radially by the impact that seems to have fallen from a meteor. Blood pours into the air. Ebon barely escaped, but the colonel, who could not escape, was smashed in his fist and turned into a handful of blood.

Although the level of qigong was low, the officer who reached the rank of colonel could not resist and became bloody. Ebon would not be much different.

In front of the fear of death, Ebon glared at the man.

‘Sijo’s runaway is because of that man! If you want to live, you have to sacrifice that man!’

Ebon, who had set a goal, rushed in furiously. Ebon, who ran on all fours like an animal, stretched out his arms to subdue the man.

But it wasn’t worth it. The man’s movements were not fast, but he was agile, and above all else, he used the devil’s arm as if it were his own. Ebon, who was thrown away by the devil’s arm while trying to snatch the man, called out urgently.

“Are you going to die together?”

“I wasn’t going to do that, but everyone here is a suicidal person! Well, what can I do! Humans can do anything. If you use that power to kill yourself, I’ll add a hand!”

“You guys… ! Ouch!”

The devil’s arm swept the ground. Ebon had no way of avoiding this wide-ranging attack, so it flew away like a ball.

But even in the midst of this, the man was unharmed. The Sijo’s voice resounded through the entire space.

[Even Heaven will not take you away. I will hang you upside down and give you pain for eternity!]

“Wow! Obsession is scary. But what, I have no intention of getting caught! great! I’ll give you a mission! The founder, Tirkanjaka, find me when you go out of the abyss! If possible, living with a purpose is fun, right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

[No way. You will not be able to get out of this place!]

“Unfortunately, I am a magician. When everyone thinks it’s impossible, he has the talent to soar into the sky and fall to the ground. Voila!”

The man shouted and snapped his fingers.

Immediately after, a loud explosion is heard. This is the management office located in the very center of Tantalus. Red flames and smoky smoke rose and the shock shook the ground.

And from there the cracks spread.

In fact, Tantalus can be crushed with explosives, and Gamma, the engineer, noticed this within a few days.

The bottom of Tantalus was empty. It’s like a lid on top. After making cracks here and there, put explosives in the cracks and explode. Tantalus, weakened by the riots of the prisoners for 25 years, could not bear its weight and would crumble and fall into the abyss.

However, Gamma, whose life was so precious, did not tell him about it. He struggled with this fact alone, and later confessed in front of everyone through Hughes’ intervention. I was forgiven by everyone, and I was moved to tears.

But he didn’t know.

I don’t think someone would have put an ignition device on the explosives independently.

When Gamma knew it, it was the moment when the explosives exploded right in front of his eyes.

The blood beast roars. Human corpses are swallowed by waves of fresh blood, and undigested bodies are cursed. At the same time, a roar and shock rumble the ground. Shaking ground, collapsing walls. the world is twisting gravity is off

concrete land. The end has come to the artificial land standing on two legs.

Tantalus is falling down the abyss.

Scream, roar, collapse, fall.

“…I’m sorry, Aji. I can’t keep my promise this time.”

And apologies for the promises I didn’t keep.

Carved into his body of what had happened there, Tantalus fell as a great monument for the dead.


The earth cracked, and the black abyss swallowed everything.

like that.


into the abyss.

And he fell into a past that no one knows about.

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