Omniscient Reader

Chapter 29 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #28: Sweet temptations can kill a man. [part 3 - Lemon(a

The regressor washed away all the impure thoughts under the cold water. He meditated like a monk for a few more minutes before deeming himself stable enough to go out.

Yoo Jonghyuk's bronze skin seemed to reflect a shiny ŀuster as he walked out of the bathroom. His raven mop was still drenched, the wet curtain of bangs hanging in front of his eyes had transformed his original unruly hairstyle into something milder, a style which resembled the original Kim Dokja's.

The dazzling figure of the man proudly stood underneath the light. And from the end of his locks, glistening droplets of water were dripping down. From his neck down his ċhėst, the water flowed along the path which traced his strong collarbone. The bathrobe was slightly loosened above his navel, allowing his perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles to be displayed in all their provocative allure.

But even with the protagonist halo on his side, his charms weren't enough to beat or even remotely reach the level of 'wickedness' of the unexpected honey trap which laid before him evoked.

What greeted him first was the quivering body of a whimpering teen curled up together like a little animal. With both knees close to his ċhėst, he faced down as the snowy white skin of his nape got exposed under his relentless squirming. Kim Dokja looked like a little lamb. Ambiguous. Seductive. But still maintaining that tinge of innocence.

The fabric of the shirt got slightly pulled upwards and peeking through the end of that loose shirt were his slender thɨġhs, and if only a little bit more exposed, Yoo Jonghyuk would have made another distressing discovery. This lazy bastard did not even wear his undėrwėȧr! Under that shirt laid his bȧrė, tender body.

Yoo Jonghyuk forgot whatever he wanted to say and simply stared flabbergasted.

Soon, the room was filled with the quick and heavy breathing of the relentless teen who continuously shifted uncomfortably on the king-sized bed.

How devious. How evil. The previous cold war against his dėsɨrė seemed to be futile now that 'it' has risen again with even more might and glory.

As if Kim Dokja sensed the presence of someone, he sluggishly lifted his flushed face to glance upwards, using a silky soft voice to speak while his eyes looked misty, almost sparkling under the light. The young man was experiencing the feeling of his entire body burning with yearning and dėsɨrė.

"Hyung, help... I- I feel so uncomfortable!"

The regressor loudly gulped down the bad impulse that was trying to overtake him as he stared fixedly at the teen who glanced towards him while pulling down the loose collar of the shirt exposing his smooth collarbone.


Yoo Jonghyuk's voice was already hoarse as he tried to inquire about the current state of affairs. But even before he could finish his question, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw an open heart-shaped box with few pink plastic wrappers laying on the counter beside the bed.

'Operation Lovely Drunkard: Commence!

A specialty of the house. Enjoy your stay, dear customers.

Attention: Contains a small dosage of legally approved aphrodisiac with added alcohol.'

「 This little glutton...! 」

Kim Dokja wasn't only an absolute lightweight, but now he was also drugged.

He wanted to scold the whimpering puppy beside him, however, the latter seemed to enjoy toying with him as his clarity was kept at a borderline distance between crude instincts and rational thinking. Kim Dokja forcefully tugged the loose sleeve of the bathrobe, yanking the towering frame of the regressor on the bed while topping him. Causing the body of the helpless regressor to fall onto the sea of white blankets with a soft but reverberating 'thump'.

The still whimpering young man tried to be valiant as he wantonly pressed down the much bigger body of the regressor underneath him. Kim Dokja's palms looked even smaller while he tried to pin down Yoo Jonghyuk's robust wrists from both sides.

"You... I-" Kim Dokja almost combusted himself when he finally felt the heat of another body close to him. "Need... Y- You...!"

As if inside the regressor's mind an explosion of blinding white lights occurred, almost blasting away and severing all the tightly knotted string of reasons keeping him together. He was about to abandon the last shred of his rationality.

Normally, Kim Dokja's face could be considered an average good-looking flower boy. But now, under the soft light of the chandelier, he looked especially ravishing. His flushed cheeks looked extremely prominent against his white translucent skin. His eyes trembled. And his long dark lashes fluttered, casting soft shadows above those unfocused gem-like irises. This was a dangerous situation.

All these small details added together made him even more intoxicating than the world's best liquor.

But out of the blue, the hands clamping him down retracted as Kim Dokja made himself comfortable on his abdomen. The young man stared at him, eyes squinting lazily like a cat. Then...


He... He started kneading his ċhėst?!

However, before the regressor could begin complaining, the young man leaned in closer.

The gentle impact came unexpectedly.

Yoo Jonghyuk's brain went haywire.

His lips were pressed against something unbelievably soft and tender.

Dangerously narrowing his eyes, Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't control his predatory instincts anymore. He was too tempted! But he's still a minor!

The sudden warmth made Kim Dokja subconsciously shrink his neck coylishly while Yoo Jonghyuk's closeness caused strange waves of tingling shivers down his spine up to his entire body. Kim Dokja could feel the firmness and strength of Yoo Jonghyuk's muscles, which was completely different from the softness of his body. His body shivered under the tender touch of those big calloused hands. Kim Dokja's not used to this sort of thing, however, his reactions had been all very honest so far.

He was much taller than Kim Dokja. He had never thought of Yoo Jonghyuk as anything more than a very reliable hyung. But maybe it was the already wet thing sliding between his thɨġhs that made him realize that his hyung, was also a man with 'needs'.

A momentary flashback hit Kim Dokja like a train at full speed, reminding him of that unpleasant episode with that thug trying to **** him. His muscles automatically tensed up in rejection and his body displayed a violent aversion towards any physical contact.

His uncooperative mind broke his fantasy and ruthlessly trashed his body with reality.

The fear was still fresh inside his memory and impossible to push away from the spotlight of his consciousness. Kim Dokja cried through his trembling lips, his shaky voice was an immediate bucket of ice-cold water poured over Yoo Jonghyuk's heated impulse.

"D... D- Don't."

Kim Dokja's sweat plastered few strands of hair on his ghastly pale face, a heart-wrenching visage that could evoke pity in anyone's heart.

"G- Go away!"

Kim Dokja turned his head sideways and shut his eyes as he tried to hide the fear and refusal reflected through them. His body couldn't help but stiffen up.

He heard the lingering fear in his voice.

Knitting his brows with a complicated expression plastered on his handsome face, he felt conflicted inside. The regressor is well aware of Kim Dokja's past trauma and wants to show the latter his best side by behaving like an understanding and caring man, but at the same time, he knows that tonight can also be the last time he will ever see his companion again. Thus making the guilt for forcing the young man to overlap with the fear of losing him again.

"It's me." Yoo Jonghyuk lifted his head, with one arm supporting him while using the other hand to pinch the apprehensive teen's chin between his thumb and index finger. "The one holding you is Yoo Jonghyuk."

Feeling the rough texture of the regressor's hand touching him, Kim Dokja subconsciously flinched as he was forced to lock gaze with those soulful and deep brown eyes. Yoo Jonghyuk continued to patiently whisper soft words of reassurance, his husky voice sweetly trying to wash away all the negative emotions from Kim Dokja's perturbed mind.

"It's alright, don't be afraid..."

"You're safe now that I'm here."

"It's me... No one else but me, Yoo Jonghyuk."

It may be despicable for him to try and manipulate the teen by using the name 'Yoo Jonghyuk'. But he was also quite desperate and put in a corner by the latter's fear and rejection. Humans are indeed greedy creatures. That isn't because we received too little, but it's because we always want too much.

Yoo Jonghyuk's body was emanating a strong scent even though he just came out from the shower, it was a refreshing fragrance, and yet it was overbearingly ȧssaulting his nostrils. Kim Dokja felt suffocated and when he looked up subconsciously, he saw himself reflected in those dark profound eyes.

At such proximity, Kim Dokja could discern the clear features of that perfectly sculptured face before him. He couldn't help but gently glide his fingertips across those fine lineaments.

The regressor felt slightly itchy and hot under that soft touch, his Adam's apple jumped up and down as he loudly gulped down this strange feeling that made him feel like an easily intoxicated lightweight drinker.

Occasionally, Yoo Jonghyuk's lips would brush against his neck. A light and subtle touch, akin to a dragonfly lightly tapping the surface of a calm lake, disrupting the stillness of the waters with gentle ripples. He could feel the erratic heartbeats of the young man calm down under his care.

The lights above the ceiling were bright as if he had a halo hung over him, outlining his angular face, making him look even more attractive. Kim Dokja had to admit that his hyung was, truthfully, a very devilishly handsome man. One dangerous to all sėxes.

He then suddenly felt a hand sliding under his oversized shirt. Roaming around ċȧrėssing every inch of his skin, slowly traveling upwards towards his ċhėst area. The cold touch of those fingers seemed to set ablaze wherever they landed. Kim Dokja held his breath and couldn't help but shamefully arch his back upwards, bashfully demanding for more skinship. Kim Dokja's voice was akin to a mix of a shrill and a breathless cry.


"Call me Jonghyuk." The man tenderly whispered right beside his ear, making the sėnsɨtɨvė Kim Dokja even more skittish and embarrassed.


Groaning in dissatisfaction, Yoo Jonghyuk ultimately decided to forcefully seize that indecisive stammering mouth. Pressing those naughty cherry red lips against his to satisfy the hungry dėsɨrė awaken by that innocent touch.

Time slowed down as their distance soon shrunk down to nothing.

His warm lips were pressed against Kim Dokja's rosy mouth. In contradiction to his usual stern demeanor, his kisses carried waves of doting gentleness as if ċȧrėssing the most precious treasure in the world. However, they were also very greedy and passionate. His tongue moved in even further, trying to probe open those loose lips, deepening and entangling their kiss even further.

This was the real first kiss between the two. It was gentle and yet demanding at the same time. It was a kiss that carried something more than ŀust, it carried a warm feeling of affection, pure enough to make the heart hurt with bittersweet emotions.

At that moment, Kim Dokja's hazy mind went completely blank. With both ċhėsts pressed together, two erratic heartbeats gradually synchronized in a magnified sound reverberating in both of their ears, completely overtaking the previous ambiguous sounds in the room.

He was completely being guided by Yoo Jonghyuk who took the lead.

This guilty pŀėȧsurė was making him even more embarrassed than before.

The love hotel in they resided had a very high star rating, and one of the reasons was due to the auto-regulated lights dimming at certain 'happy' hours statistically calculated with the help of many surveys. So even before realizing what was happening, both men were plunged into the darkness. With the only light source coming from the distant windows in the living room.

After their lips reluctantly parted away. They gazed at each other.

In a dark environment, people's senses were more acute. The sweet scent, the warm feeling, and the sound of their breathing. All of it, Kim Dokja felt it very clearly.

Yoo Jonghyuk's mouth ȧssaulted Kim Dokja again as his hands slid down from his ċhėst to his abdomen, going further, without stopping.

The person under him shuddered at every touch. But as the regressor's hand reached towards a certain hot member, Kim Dokja jolted in surprise.

"Can I... Move?"

The voice of the man got even deeper as he whispered near his sėnsɨtɨvė ear, sending electrical shock waves throughout his entire body. Kim Dokja remained dumbstruck as he felt his reproductive organ throbbing against the latter's calloused hand.

The young man tried to cover his blushing face with his arm.

"Do you even have to ask?"

The older man responded with an evil smirk while his heart melted at the cute sight.

"Of course."

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