Omniscient Reader

Chapter 28 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #27: Sweet temptations can kill a man. [part 2]


As the elevator reached its destination, waves of drowsiness began to hit the teen. Kim Dokja squinted his eyes while he was struggling to keep himself awake. His body took a tool because of all the shenanigans happening around him. These past few days had been more action-packed than any film of James Bond and Jackie Chan put all together. A lifetime worth of adrenaline has been completely exhausted in this short period.

Kim Dokja's head kept bopping cutely but the teen was determined to not succumb. With a wry smile plastered on his lips, the regressor helplessly sighed as he wrapped one arm around the latter's shoulder, steadying him up. Yoo Jonghyuk looked at the number on the label attached to the key and began to search for the matching door.

"049… 050...051-" He wandered around the fifth floor for a bit before spotting the right door. "Found it."

Yoo Jonghyuk led the woozy teen inside the room as he scanned around the area. For normal hotel standards, the interior decor of the room was suspiciously expensive. He didn't inquire or even bothered how many stars this place held. But maybe this was a luxury one? Come to think of it, he seemed to had forgotten to check the prices list on the pamphlet.

He felt an unsettling feeling rising as his gaze landed upon the strange arrangement of the furniture in the room. Only a single king-sized bed in the center, with a layer of rose petals sparse on top of the quilt. The suspicion within Yoo Jonghyuk's heart began to slowly overtake him before finally overwhelming him completely. While taking advantage of a moment when Kim Dokja was absentminded, he reached out and slid one of the drawers out.


Raging tides of astonishment swept through his clear obsidian eyes. He was at a loss for words. However, although the shock, he still managed to compose himself quickly. As expected of the savant man who went through countless battles, his mentality cannot be easily shaken. He silently inhaled and exhaled a few times to relax his nerves before glancing down again.

What had immediately caught his eyes was the tiny basket filled with small square-shaped items with a ring-shaped protuberance at the center, but that wasn't the only thing laying around. While carefully glancing towards the questionable arrangement of items inside that drawer, he quietly shut it back without hesitation. Showing the same behavior of an ostrich, he ignored the existence of that entire cabinet. What eyes don't see, the heart won't grieve.

The unfortunate regressor was caught in a pinch, and his heart was casted in a dilemma.

「 This place is… 」

「 A Love Hotel. 」

His stoic face showed signs of breaking as he nervously peered at the younger man standing beside him. Kim Dokja seemed to stare doubtfully at the tall black-clothed man whose face became darker than the night. Usually, the regressor wasn't someone who cared about other people's opinions of him, but this…

"Y- You go wash first. I'll go ask for a change of clothes for you." Yoo Jonghyuk's voice cracked as he spoke, however, and fortunately, the teen had been far too tired to notice this slip-up.

Kim Dokja responded with a long and listless hum while groggily nodding his head up and down, unsure if it was a sign of affirmation or just the young man battling against his drowsiness. With a dazed look reflected inside his misty pupils, he fumbled around in his search for the bathroom.

Yoo Jonghyuk sighed and brought his hand to cover his rugged face in dismay. He sighed as the faint sound of running water filled the awkward silence. There's nothing much he can do about it, he's doomed to be misunderstood. He sighed again. Regardless of everything else, might as well get some change of clothes for his disheveled companion.

He tried to call the room service but all he got back was a rather suggestive proposal from the same receptionist lady who welcomed them at the entrance.

"There are many outfits to select from."

But she wasn't done. The supportive lady kept rambling on, bespeaking of more 'fun-activities' he could have engaged with his companion.


He dared not to imagine what she meant.

In the end, the regressor could only rely on himself. Steeling his heart, he prepared himself to venture inside the ominous closet. The room temperature fell several degrees and it wasn't the AC.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, most of the clothes inside the wardrobe didn't seem to fit the juvenile's lanky body. Apart from a few pieces of garments that Yoo Jonghyuk refused to even acknowledge.

With a heart in turmoil, the regressor backed away from the closet and decided to take a seat on the small sofa beside him.


Yoo Jonghyuk abruptly stood up when he felt a hard object pressed under him. After picking up the said object, he stared at the white remote control in his hands. He looked around and easily found an OLED 4K television positioned right in front of the giant bed.

Silence could only make things more awkward between the two, so the next best option was to fill that silence with some ambient noise.

The regressor pondered by himself for a short while before pointing the remote forward. However, oddly enough, there were two 'ON' buŧŧons. Yoo Jonghyuk didn't know which was the right one, so he just randomly pressed the one closer to his thumb. However, the screen remained black.

He pressed again, but still no reaction. He tried a third time just to be sure and then tried the other 'ON' buŧŧon. Soon after, the television finally displayed signs of life. But just as the noise began to raise, Yoo Jonghyuk managed to catch a glimpse of a passionate couple with their nȧkėd bodies entangled together. Thanks to his fast reflex he immediately used the controller to close whatever shameful program the hotel decided to broadcast tonight.

He grunted out in exasperation. He had never faced such a tortuous trial filled with so many 'unique' ambushes.

The white remote control in his hand felt like a hot potato. A luxurious looking chandelier hanged from the ceiling, casting warm lights enveloping the room. However, at the moment, he wished nothing more but for an open terrace where he could face the harsh cold winds instead. But unfortunately for him, there were only windows. He thought about Kim Dokja walking out that door and being greeted by a cold breeze. He immediately discarded the idea.

He allowed his body to slump down on the small sofa again, wallowing in darkness. The black-clothed man lifted his calloused fingers to massage his heavy eyelids whilst another sigh escaped from his mouth. He felt more exhausted than ever. While throwing back his head, a few strands of dark hair swayed before settling on the side of his face, framing that trademark deadpan stoic expression of his.

Yoo Jonghyuk's empty gaze focused on the shimmering lights reflecting inside each small crystal hanging from the overly fancy-looking chandelier pending above his head. Although, undeniably a mesmerizing sight to behold, however, to him, a simple light show did not cut for a compelling distraction.

Then, the constant noise of running water in the background stopped. Noticing the sudden change, Yoo Jonghyuk thought that Kim Dokja had done showering. However, shortly after, he heard the following sound of splashing water. He subconsciously directed his gaze towards the source of the sound and froze.

Yoo Jonghyuk, male, Korean nationality, 28 years old (visually at least). Today he had faced one of the most devious creations of humankind.

The one-way mirror.

The randomly pressed buŧŧon had lifted the cover of a one-way mirror hidden inside of one of the bathroom's walls. But… Wasn't it too silent, too stealthy?! Why is this hotel so high-tech! South Korea should have spent its resources on other matters rather than investing in cutting-edge love hotel technology!

Through the translucent mirror, a thin layer of steam covered every inch of the bathroom, even the glass screen dividing them got slightly blurred. Nevertheless, through an 'unintentional' careful look and the help of his inhuman eyesight, this foggy layer was as useful as clear plastic on water. Thus, without any hindrance, the nȧkėd figure of a person slowly sliding inside a foam-filled bathtub entered his field of vision.

Yoo Jonghyuk began to feel a little dry in his throat. He was simply speechless. It felt as if the entire universe had colluded together to torture him in the most colorful ways tonight.

"This is killing me…"

Yoo Jonghyuk's complicated gaze rested on that figure for a long time. He was worried because, after a while, it seemed like Kim Dokja had fallen asleep inside the tub. When he saw the black mop of the teen sinking even further, Yoo Jonghyuk abruptly stood up and was ready to dash over.

However, contrary to his expectation, the thin figure of the young man abruptly shot up from the waters. And this allowed the regressor, whose gaze had been long focused on Kim Dokja, to catch a glimpse of not only the front view of his body but also the front view of something more… private. He carelessly turned his body over, directly facing the regressor unintentionally, making the latter jolt in fright.

A light red flush of embarrassment spread on his face, reaching the tip of his ears as he whipped his head away in shame. But as if possessed by a demon, the regressor couldn't stop his impulse. He slowly turned his head over again. Only to be faced with a pair of dark pupils staring right down at his soul.

Kim Dokja bent over to wash his face on the sink before raising his head to look at the large mirror in front of him. He leaned forward to get a close up of his eyes. The young man was simply checking the state of his unconventionally long lashes, he was ensuring that another similar incident like before wouldn't occur.

However, unbeknownst to him, on the other side of the wall, a certain someone was currently being tormented by both waves of relief and disappointment. Relief because the mirror wasn't high enough to show what was below. And disappointment because the mirror wasn't high enough to show what was below.

Even Yoo Jonghyuk himself was shocked by his own depraved mind. He punched himself in the face out of disbelief.

「 Yoo Jonghyuk! You beast! No! 」

Fortunately, the hit didn't leave any bruise because Yoo Jonghyuk's skin was thicker and more resilient because of his transcendent body.

While still in distraught, the listless man suddenly heard the sound of wet footsteps coming from inside the bathroom.

Without wasting even a second more, Yoo Jonghyuk's entire body dashed towards that cursed white remote control. While hastily pressing again that 'ON' buŧŧon, a thin layer of cold sweat had already formed on top of his forehead. But the danger was not over. Why was that damned fake wall descending so slowly! The anxious man almost threw the remote across the room in frustration.

And just as the mirror disappeared completely from sight, a light voice came from the bathroom, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hyung? Can I have some clothes?"

Yoo Jonghyuk sighed in relief before shaking his head and making his way towards the closet. Stay cool, Yoo Jonghyuk. You aren't a prepubescent student with hormonal issues!

Focusing on his current task, the regressor managed to find two simple long-sleeved shirts. One white and the other black. He feared for the white shirt to be too see-through and opted for the darker one instead.

He took the shirt and passed it through the small crack of the door. Although it had been just a coincidence for his fingers to brush against Kim Dokja's when he reached out. Yoo Jonghyuk felt as if he had touched a high-voltage wire. He felt uncomfortably skittish.

After waiting for the teen to properly dry himself up, the door was pushed open and a lanky figure walked out bȧrėfooted, wearing nothing but an oversized black buŧŧon-up shirt. With his usually straight hair slightly messed up and a pair of squishable cheeks painted with a healthy rosy flush, Kim Dokja's entire figure seemed aglow the room with a soft light. He looked like a fairy.

"I'm done."

[Character 'Kim Dokja' received a title: 'Yoo Jonghyuk's Fairy']

Kim Dokja's body was relatively small even though it was just the normal size for an average teenager. It wasn't his fault though, Yoo Jonghyuk's physique was just too top-tier, making all other men look leaner in comparison against him. But what Kim Dokja lacked in masculinity, he compensated with a devious mind.

And talking about devious situations. Yoo Jonghyuk noticed that the length of the black buŧŧon-up shirt was just bȧrėly enough to cover Kim Dokja's thɨġhs. The latter's soft milky white legs created a stark comparison against the dark fabric of the shirt.

This wonderful combination allowed him to perfectly pull off the boyfriend's shirt attack.

This is illegal. What kind of innocent seduction is this?

He's more dangerous than a fairy…

[Character 'Kim Dokja' has received one upgrade]

[Title upgrade has begun…]

[Title 'Yoo Jonghyuk's Fairy' has been upgraded to 'Yoo Jonghyuk's Devilish Angel']

「 … 」

[Character 'Yoo Jonghyuk' has exercised the founder's rights.]

[System notification permanent ban ensuing…]

Noticing the stiff body language of the person standing before him, Kim Dokja couldn't help but awkwardly fidget.

"Do I look terrible?"


The regressor curtly responded before fleeing towards the only place he could hide. He locked himself inside the bathroom. However, his instincts betrayed his better judgment. The room was still surrounded by a light mist of steam, and while enveloped by the warm humid air, Yoo Jonghyuk's mind wavered at the temptation that his imagination was forging him.

「 This is no good. 」

Yoo Jonghyuk vividly felt the sensation of his prideful manhood showing a reaction towards something it shouldn't be reacting at all! His body was hot and his brain was a mess. How unsightly. Stop acting like a prepubescent boy getting all worked up for nothing!


「 I am not a pedophile! 」

"I'll go take a shower. You rest."

After leaving a quick message to the dazed teen beyond the door, Yoo Jonghyuk hastily undressed and dashed inside the shower for a cold water medication to suppress his little buddy waving at him from down there. Although he was internally suffering during the process, after twenty minutes or so, the beast inside him had finally been oppressed.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Hyung? Can I enter?"

An explosion of white filled his vision again. With a hoarse voice, he gave another curt response. "No."

"Uhm, then I will leave the bathrobe on the handle."


The regressor sighed. What was he even imagining?

The young Kim Dokja was such a sensible man, a good boy. Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to slap himself for even thinking about anything else of that innocent caring gesture.

"Wait." The regressor heard the footsteps beyond the door halt. "The door is unlocked."


"Kim Dokja?"

"Oh! Uhm- Sorry for the intrusion then!"

Yoo Jonghyuk's heart drummed anxiously as if it was expecting something exciting to happen after that door handle bent down.

But to his disappointment, what he saw was just a blurry figure speeding in the bathroom, leaving the bathrobe on the counter beside the sink, before dashing out with equal speed. Baffling the regressor as his heart deflated like a sad balloon.

He wasn't narcissistic, but was he so unappealing? Kim Dokja didn't run as fast even when surrounded by a bunch of demonic people. Somehow, his companion showing such abhorrence towards himself made him self-conscious.

While Yoo Jonghyuk was wallowing in self-doubt, outside the room, Kim Dokja rolled down on the floor while hiding his face behind both hands.

No, Yoo Jonghyuk. Your charms indeed worked fine.

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