Omniscient Reader

Chapter 27 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #26: Sweet temptations can kill a man. [part 1]

Yoo Jonghyuk's expression darkened as the constable drove away after sending him another threatening glare. The regressor scoffed indignantly at such a blatant display of disrespect. Does he look like someone who imposes himself on others? Was he such an unreasonable pushover? He's almost in his late twenties. He's more than an ȧduŀt, and in fact, he's actually stuck in perpetual ȧduŀthood.

However, the regressor couldn't afford to waste time by ranting because he had a far more concerning problem to deal with at the moment. The scenario completion clearly didn't stop the sad tale of Yoo Jonghyuk's unfortunate ordeals. He was left to his own devices.

"It seems like we can't go in..." Kim Dokja quietly muttered as he stared at his abode while standing across the street.

The sun had set long ago and even the usual faint moonlight couldn't breach through the thick sheet of clouds covering tonight's night sky. And thus, the only light source illuminating the area were the distant lampposts planted across the quiet roadsides. One could only hear occasional noises coming from some stray animals roaming the deserted streets. And as for the surrounding habitations, no audible activity could be discerned.

Under the veil of the night, a sudden gust of wind kicked up, creating a rustling sound amongst the dead leaves on the ground. It was late autumn, and the air was a little bit chilly. Kim Dokja lightly frowned while shrinking his neck inside the coat. The teen raised his head and peeked towards the taciturn man who stood beside him.

Yoo Jonghyuk's upper body was covered by only a black turtleneck shirt with nothing else underneath. His entire figure seemed to blend into the night as he remained motionless, unfazed. Kim Dokja made a worried expression, he couldn't help but think about that one episode where his hyung got sick.

The teen could only quietly grumble by himself. It was all that double-faced bastard's fault if his keys were still inside the house. Now they're in the dead of the night, homeless and trapped in a residential neighborhood. They should probably call a cab and find somewhere to stay for the night. Fortunately, Song Daehwa gave back Kim Dokja's phone before going away. Although, there was still another option available... Kim Dokja's long eyelashes quivered, sending another sidelong glance towards the same direction, he was wondering if the spare key he gave him was still there.

Yoo Jonghyuk immediately understood the meaning behind that look, but ultimately responded by shaking his head rigidly. Kim Dokja, albeit a little bit dispirited at the beginning, could more or less guess the latter's reason for throwing the object away.

The teen clenched his grip on the black ŀȧpels while biting his lower lip nervously. He dropped his head down dejectedly, opening and closing his mouth several times. He wanted to say something, anything. But in the end, he only fidgeted around, speechless.

Looking at the pitiful figure of the teen, Yoo Jonghyuk felt beaten down by his own guilty conscience. The older man sighed while gently rubbing his forehead. He truly regretted giving back the key to Lee Sookyung. In normal circumstances, disdain would have been the only emotion he'd feel towards the weak. But Kim Dokja's meek attitude had evoked a rare sense of protection in the regressor's stoic heart.

The night was cold and unforgiving. He cannot even consider the notion of leaving the teen without proper shelter. But much of his dismay, the cold harsh truth of this predicament is that he may not even possess the right currency of this place. All his ȧssets had been converted into coins since the other currencies had all lost their monetary value at the beginning of the first scenario. He didn't possess anything... Or maybe?

"Kim Dokja, give me the coat."

"Oh- Uhm... sure thing!" The teen reacted a bit slowly but eagerly obliged. He just knew that his hyung had been feeling under the weather and finally couldn't bear the cold air anymore, but that's perfectly fine! Kim Dokja's body was young and strong, that's why he can bear some hardships in his hyung's stead!

Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't aware of the fact that he had been given the sickly-old-man card. If he knew what had mulled inside that little crafty mind of his, the regressor would have gladly taken upon himself the task to remind a certain someone how that one heavy door had been kicked down by his sheer brute strength.

But enough small talk. After getting the windbreaker back, the regressor began rummaging inside the side-pockets. He searched through both spatial dimensions, looking for a certain item that he had probably long forgotten to get rid of.

Under the faint illumination of the lamppost above him, the shimmering edges of a gold-rimmed black card could be seen. Despite his high income, Yoo Jonghyuk had never been the type of person who liked to flaunt his wealth around. And so throughout the years, most of the money he had earned as an e-sport player went inside this card. Although he doubted if the foreign card would have been accepted as a means of payment here.

[Outside item has been detected.]

[System analysis in progress...]

[The outside item's validation progress has been completed.]


Yoo Jonghyuk's Black Card. (non-duplicable)

Description: All the saving Yoo Jonghyuk had prepared for Yoo Mia's future.

Note: The item has been granted validity inside the scenario world.


Yoo Jonghyuk who had been promoted to his past nouveau riche status again: "..."

Kim Dokja who had unwittingly acquired a new title: "Aren't you cold, hyung?"

The regressor wordlessly stared at the teen before throwing the coat back, gesturing him to wear it instead.

"Not cold."


Money was indeed important, but so are opportunities.

This is what Yoo Jonghyuk had recently learned as they faced the umpteen refusal from another fully booked hotel. Late autumn wasn't even a holiday season, so where did all these people come from? Even luxury hotels had no vacancy left.

The senior taxi driver who received the request had been very happy with the thought of ending his shift with a big catch. While thinking about the cash flowing inside his pockets, he gave a radiant smile and cooperatively followed their instructions. He drove them to each place without any complaint and even proposed a few locations of his own. However, after several fruitless rounds around the city, even he was getting impatient.

After depleting half of the amount of fuel inside his car, they reached yet another hotel's entrance. The old driver sighed as he watched the two individuals getting off his car for the twelfth time tonight. While his lingering gaze focused on his wristwatch, the old man yawned as he leaned back on his seat. He was so bored and tired, he could not even manage to muster up enough energy to check outside. If it wasn't for the handsome compensation tip promised to him, he would have already checked out from this cursed late shift.

He contemplated the idea to go out for a quick smoke while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. The boredom was decimating him. But just as he was about to open the door, the senior man heard two knocks against the window beside him.

Yoo Jonghyuk leaned forwards and took out the gold-rimmed credit card from his pocket. The old driver's listless expression suddenly lit up. He was finally going to get paid and return home! This torturous shift was finally over!

The senior worker quietly hummed while waiting for the regressor to finish the transaction on the POS device. Out of pure curiosity, the old man peeked behind towards the chosen hotel. But as he noticed the name of the building, a sliver of surprise flashed across his old wrinkly face. However, his confusion soon ended up being cut short by a clear, brisk voice. The old man could only swallow back his questions.


The old man passed the receipt to Yoo Jonghyuk with a blank expression. He squinted his eyes, sending another inquisitive gaze towards the young man puffing out few white clouds of smoke in the distance. Although in the end, the old taxi driver decided to shrug it off nonchalantly. He was a man with principles and only followed a simple mindset in his life. Once paid, none of his business.

"Ah! It's good to be young."

Yoo Jonghyuk ignored the old driver's mutterings and returned to the spot where his little companion was obediently waiting for him. However, the black-clothed man remained frozen after a few steps and stared ahead with a marveled expression. Sometimes, it was still hard for him to get used to seeing Kim Dokja's face without any layer of haziness.

The warm radiance coming from inside the hotel illuminated the lean figure of the teen. The tender light which cast a soft halo around the latter, shone as if its sole purpose was to accentuate his mellow features. Kim Dokja lowered his head and blew towards his stiff hands, trying to warm them up. The shadow of his bangs covered his dark ink eyes while a little bit of redness could be discerned on the tip of his nose. The little naïve face, and the docile behavior seemed to be enhanced by the stark contrast with the regressor's black coat.

It was nothing but a question of a few meters, and yet he felt so distant, like a bystander who could only watch. Yoo Junghyuk's heartbeat accelerated for two reasons. He was mesmerized by the picture, but also scared. Scared of suddenly waking up to find that this ephemeral moment had been just a dream, a mere fruit of his own subconsciousness.

Kim Dokja's gaze was focused elsewhere, but as soon as he spotted the familiar silhouette, the teen joyfully greeted the regressor back and walked towards him. While clinging on the latter's arm, Kim Dokja urged him inside the building. He was still apprehensive about the cold weather outside. Yoo Jonghyuk lips twitched as he raised a hand to ruffle the latter's ebony-colored hair. The usual sharpness surrounding him disappeared and inside his dark pupils, a rare display of tenderness flitted across. The duo exuded a warm and harmonious atmosphere together.

Yoo Jonghyuk was not used to such intimate interactions, and yet his hand had rested on top of the young man's head as if it was its own rightful place.

That's it. Yoo Jonghyuk decided that when he'll get back, he must change Kim Dokja's title. That man held his own type of beauty too. Though a tad bit more on the delicate side. His appearance didn't pale in comparison to the regressor'.

"Let's go inside."

Sweetness began to replace the sour feeling inside his heart. With a faint smile printed on his lips, he lightly nodded in satisfaction. Yoo Jonghyuk did not put any resistance and allowed himself to be dragged around by the young Kim Dokja.

The automatic doors slid open as they strode inside arm in arm. And as soon as the receptionist saw a couple of clients nearing the counter, she immediately straightened her posture.

"How many hours will your stay be sirs?" asked the lady receptionist.

Hours? Why was it in hours? Nevermind that. Anything is good enough if there are a roof and a bed. Yoo Jonghyuk didn't want to keep wandering outside in the dead of the night like a stray.

"We will book it for the entire night."

"If that's so, I would recommend the mid-stay program. It contains 14h and room services."

Yoo Jonghyuk nodded halfheartedly and was about to pay when someone tugged his arm.

"Hyung, wait."

The regressor turned sideways to face the teen. His heart almost stopped when he saw tears welling up inside those big watery eyes. He could not hide the slight anxiousness that his voice carried as he inquired. "What's wrong?"

"I- I got something in my eyes."

"Don't rub it, let me see."

Unbothered by others' gazes. Yoo Jonghyuk stared at the latter solemnly, he carefully held Kim Dokja's chin and lifted it towards him. The regressor's rough fingertips fell on the corner of his eye. Kim Dokja's long eyelashes tickled him.

Seeing the distressed look in the teen's eyes accompanied by the burning warmth spreading from his cheeks to the tip of his ears. The regressor couldn't help but chuckle at such a childish display of stubbornness. His thin lips curled up, revealing a helpless and pampering smile. Not even Yoo Mia had the privilege to receive such an otherwordly smile brimming with love.

And all of this premium-quality dog food was being served to the receptionist lady. However, instead of showing disgust on her face, she felt quite delighted inside.

So sappy, so clichè... so... so- WONDERFUL!

The receptionist struck a dramatic pose inside her mind, but outwardly, she maintained a professional demeanor and showed them the way. However, she could hardly contain the mischievous smile hidden behind her meaningful eyes. The overflowing emotions screaming inside her mind were like an unrestrainable tide sweeping through her maiden heart.

The receptionist lady coughed a few times to get their attention. Kim Dokja turned his head away, embarrassed. The regressor's furrowed eyebrows curved in a soft arc. His obsidian dark pupils shined with a tender glow as he gently lifted his hand to stroke the teen's messy hair. Turning his head back, Yoo Jonghyuk faced the receptionist with his usual stoic expression. He wasn't a man who's willing to waste time with empty pleasantries, so he simply looked over, nodded, and paid for everything.

"Thank you, sir, for your patronage. We wish you a joyful stay at our hotel."

The woman didn't mind the fact that she had been just given the cold shoulder. The enthusiastic woman still maintained a professional attitude as she personally ushered them to enter the elevator. However, she could not help herself from gleefully smiling while sending them off.

Yoo Jonghyuk was confused by the strange looks the receptionist woman was sending at both of them when he got inside the elevator with Kim Dokja.

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