Jun Mu left angrily.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat cold.

Murong Chen waved his hand and said, “Let’s go, don’t worry about him, the fairy music is played, and everyone continues to drink.” The

sound of the piano sounded again.

Many people stared at the plain-faced Wu Tianyun in amazement, and secretly said in their hearts: The Martial Clan may have produced a demon!

It is simply appalling to have such a cultivation at the age of more than 10,000.

This young master of the martial clan was usually silent, but he did not expect that his strength was so strong.

In the side hall next to it.

Murong Haoyu’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Cousin, your father is already an Immortal King?” ”


Wu Ning nodded slightly, “Just broke through, because of some special opportunities, the strength may be a little stronger than the average Immortal King. Murong

Haoyu was speechless.

He recently found an opportunity to break through the Immortal King, and he was confident that he would break through within a hundred years, and by then he would be an Immortal King who was more than 50,000 years old.

Such a young Immortal King is extremely rare among all super powers.

This inevitably made him feel a little proud in his heart.

But now, he actually saw an immortal king who was only more than 10,000 years old!

The pride in my heart suddenly disappeared.

“How the hell did my little uncle cultivate? I didn’t see his talent higher than mine before?

Murong Haoyu muttered, and suddenly stood up abruptly, “No, I’m going to retreat now!”

“If I don’t break through to the Immortal King, I won’t swear to get out!”

When the words fell, he didn’t have time to say hello to Wu Ning, so he disappeared.

Wu Ning shook his head and smiled, drinking alone.

My uncle’s birthday is almost over here.

Two days later.

The people who came to celebrate the birthday from the major forces had left one after another, and a lot of things had happened at this birthday banquet, and they didn’t have the heart to stay in the Murong Emperor clan.

However, the Wuning family did not leave.

The old couple was thinking of their daughter, and they had not seen each other for decades, and they wanted the Wuning family to live in Murong for a year and a half before leaving.

A year and a half is not a long time for them, and naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Xianyang Palace.

In a library of books.

Murong Chen looked at a crystal jade box and fell into deep thought, “This thing… How does it look like the legendary Bodhi Zi? ”

Bodhi Zi is a legendary immortal emperor medicine, which can remove demons, improve understanding, and help people to achieve enlightenment, and he has only seen it in ancient books in the clan.

It is said that the Bodhi tree exists in other great worlds of the heavens, and only the Tianyan Dao Sect in the primordial ancient world once owned a Bodhi sapling, but it was destroyed before it grew.

He stared at the crystal jade-like Bodhi seed in the jade box, which contained extremely majestic energy and exuded a mysterious Dao rhyme, just looking at it made people’s moods peaceful and extremely strange.

A moment later, he came over to Wu Tianyun.

“Brother-in-law, where did you get this bodhisattva?”

Murong Chen placed the jade box in front of him, his eyes a little puzzled.

Bodhi Zi is such a precious thing, this kid is so generous?

Wu Tianyun swept his gaze and said with a smile: “Big brother, this is Ning’er’s birthday gift to you, let me hand it over to you as well.” ”

Ning’er sent it?”

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Murong Chen was even more puzzled, Ning’er had just returned to the Martial Clan, where did she get such a precious thing.

He frowned, “You take this thing back, how can an elder in my hall accept his junior’s things, ordinary gifts are just that, but this Bodhi seed is so precious, how can I receive it!”

Wu Tianyun smiled and said, “Big brother, this is Ning’er’s intention, you just accept it, Ning’er should not lack these.”


Murong Chen said flatly: “Bodhi Zi is different from ordinary imperial medicines, it can enhance understanding, and it can make Ning’er’s future path a lot better, I can’t accept it.”

Wu Tianyun thought for a moment and said, “Then let’s do this, I will call Ning’er over, and you will tell him personally.” ”


Wu Ning came to the Hall of Books.

“Uncle, you can accept this bodhi, I still have a lot here, don’t believe you see…” Wu

Ning directly took out a handful of bodhi seeds, exuding crystal green light, there were about seven or eight.

He has an Immortal Bodhi Dao tree with three thousand Bodhi seeds on it, and all of them are ripe.

Give one to his uncle, he is not distressed at all.

Of course, Wu Ning didn’t plan to send too much, Bodhi Zi had the best effect when taking the first one, which should be enough to help his uncle break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.

When taking the second one, the effect will be greatly reduced.

These are all things he has experimented with himself.

Therefore, he did not send Murong Haoyu Bodhi Zi to help him break through the Immortal King, intending to give it to him when he was promoted to Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the future.

Murong Chen looked at the Bodhi in Wu Ning’s hand and was stunned for a while.

When did the Bodhi seed take such a thing one by one?

“Ning’er, you this…”

He wanted to ask Wu Ning where so many bodhisattva seeds came from, but the words came to his lips and swallowed.

It goes without saying that Bodhi Zi is precious, and it is likely that there is some secret involved, which is not something he should ask.

Wu Ning smiled and said, “Uncle, this Bodhi Seed should allow you to break through the extreme realm and go further, if not enough, Ning’er still has it here.” ”

Enough is enough!”

Murong Chen quickly waved his hand, and a trace of fire arose in his heart.

He had reached the Immortal King Extreme Realm for many years, and he was still extremely far away from the Dao Immortal Emperor, but he still had some certainty when he further broke through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.

If he added this Bodhi Seed to help, he was at least ninety percent sure of a breakthrough!

Murong Chen did not push back any more, his eyes looked at Wu Ning gently, and said, “Ning’er, then uncle will not be polite with you, this bodhi seed is indeed of great use to me.”

Wu Ning smiled, “Uncle, Ning’er would like to congratulate you in advance on stepping into the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Murong Chen smiled, “If Uncle can break through, Ning’er, you will be the biggest hero!”

He stepped forward and patted Wu Ning’s shoulder, “This uncle remembers in his heart, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, just come to me, uncle will support you!”

“Uncle, we are all relatives, so there is no need to say these outrageous words.”

“Haha, well said!”

Shortly thereafter, Murong Chen also couldn’t wait to retreat.

Wu Ning chatted and drank tea with his parents every day with his grandparents.

Or occasionally accompany the little cousin to wander around the Murong Emperor clan, get to know the younger generation of the Murong Emperor clan, and sign in some special places by the way.

The remaining number of annual signatures was quickly used up by him, and at the same time, he accumulated another 20 million years of sign-in cultivation.

Time flickered, and soon more than half a year passed.

Murong Chen and Murong Haoyu father and son are still in retreat.

On this day, the Wuning family prepared to leave for the Wu clan.

Murong Bo was worried that the Qianye Emperor Clan would send people to intercept and kill, and for the sake of safety, he directly used the teleportation ancient array in the clan to teleport them to the center of the Wuji Immortal Domain, close to the star domain of the Wuji Secret Realm.

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