“Finally back!”

As soon as he returned to the Wu Clan, Wu Tianyun was called over by the old man.

In the Great Hall of Zhenwu.

Wu Xuan looked at his son carefully, and after a long time, a fine light burst out of his eyes.

“You have broken through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm?”

Although there is only one word difference between the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, the gap is like cloud mud.

Wu Xuan carefully probed that Wu Tianyun’s current cultivation could not hide from him.

He knew that his grandson possessed that kind of heaven-defying treasure, and if he could directly improve his cultivation, he would inevitably use it for his parents.

Wu Tianyun nodded slightly, “Don’t hide my father, my cultivation has been promoted to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm by Ning’er. ”

Although only Immortal Power cultivation has broken through, the physical body and divine soul still belong to the Immortal King level.

The comprehension of the power of the Great Dao was even weaker, only comparable to some ordinary immortal kings.

But the quasi-immortal emperor is the quasi-immortal emperor!

Simply crushing with immortal power is enough to easily defeat the vast majority of supreme immortal kings in the world.


Wu Xuan burst into a burst of laughter.

Not only happy for my son, but also happy for my grandson.

His grandson has such a heaven-defying treasure in his hands, and the martial clan should be happy!

“Good! All right! ”

My True Martial Emperor Clan has such a Qilin Er, maybe I can lead my clan further in the future and reach the peak of the Primordial Dynasty!”


Wu Xuan stroked his palm and laughed, his expression becoming a little excited.

Wu Tianyun also laughed, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

No matter how good Wu Ning is, it is his son!

After a moment, Wu Xuan’s laughter stopped.

His gaze fell back to Wu Tianyun and looked him up and down, with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

“Not bad, much stronger than that villain!”

“Heavenly Luck, since you have broken through to the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it is time to start contacting the affairs of the clan.”

“Our Wu Clan martial clan dominates the entire Wuji Immortal Domain, and whether it is inside or outside the Wu Clan, there are a lot of affairs that need to be dealt with every day.”

“You still have a lot to learn about these, and I will arrange a few elders to assist you.”

“After he waits for you to preach, he can take over the burden of the martial master of the martial clan from his father.”

Wu Xuan said leisurely.

Wu Tianyun’s face showed a hint of embarrassment, “Father, isn’t this a little early?” ”

He’s still young, he’s finally standing up, and he’s going to go out and surf.”

He didn’t want to be trapped in the Martial Clan all the time.

“Early, early?”

Wu Xuan glared at him, “Do you think it’s a family that wants to control such a big imperial family?”

“You have no foundation now, you don’t understand anything, and if you don’t start learning now, when do you want to wait?”

He’s okay with it, easy and easy!

He didn’t want to do this position of patriarch for a long time!

If it weren’t for Wu Tianhua’s rebel son who would rather be a bullshit horse than take over his shift, why would he be so fortunate every day.

Now it’s hard to wait for the trumpet to grow up, but he can’t wait to pass it on to him now.

So as soon as Wu Tianyun returned, he couldn’t wait to call him over.

“Father… Ning’er’s current strength is stronger than mine, and I think you can actually pass on the position of patriarch directly to him.

Wu Tianyun thought about it and sold his son without hesitation.

A thought flashed in Wu Xuan’s eyes, and then he shook his head and said, “No, Ning’er has the potential to grow into a supreme being, he is still young, it is the best moment to cultivate, and he can’t be delayed by these trivial matters in the clan.” ”

Let’s wait until he cultivates for millions of years.”

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Wu Tianyun shouted ruefully.

Before he could say anything, Wu Xuan directly waved his hand, “This matter is so decided, Hugh will mention it again!” Wu

Tianyun was bitter in his heart, and he had succumbed to his father’s coercion for a long time, which made him a little afraid to resist.

After a pause, Wu Xuan continued: ”

With Ning’er’s current cultivation strength, there is no suspense in competing for the position of Daozi, there is no need to wait until two hundred years later.”

“I will go to a few clan elders to discuss it and advance the Daozi dispute as soon as possible.”

Two days later.

A piece of news spread among the martial clan at an extremely fast speed.

The battle for the Daozi is ahead of schedule and will start in three years!

The whole clan was in a sensation, and countless people of the clan were hotly talking.

“What the hell is going on? Isn’t there more than two hundred years left in the Daozi dispute, why was it suddenly advanced?

“Who knows, I originally wanted to take advantage of these two hundred years to fight again to see if I could break through to the True Wonderland, but now it seems hopeless, alas…”

Some people are sad and some are happy.

“Hahaha, I’m two thousand nine hundred years old this year, and the Daozi Battle is actually two hundred years ahead of schedule, doesn’t that mean that I also have the opportunity to participate!”

“There are still three years to go, hearing this news, I am afraid that the geniuses of those clans who are still practicing outside will rush back immediately, and then there will be a lively view.”

“Our martial arts demon Tianjiao is not, this Daozi battle must be a dragon and tiger fight, and I don’t know who will win in the end?”

“I heard that those high-level people in our clan seem to have set a Daoist inside, and if they can be favored by those bigwigs, there must be something extraordinary, and I think it should be him who wins in the end.”

“That’s not necessarily, after all, that person is too young, it is estimated that he has only broken through to the True Immortal Realm not long ago, and there are many true immortals and demons within three thousand years old in our clan, and there are even those who have broken through to the middle stage of the True Immortal, such as the emperor of the True Feather Immortal Palace.”

“And the demon who passed the Colorful Immortal Tribulation at Shenxiu Peak eight hundred years ago seems to have broken through to the middle stage of the True Immortal…”

Star Immortal Palace.

Wu Shaoyu frowned.

The battle of Daozi is actually ahead of schedule!

He originally planned to break through to the middle stage of the True Immortal within a hundred years, plus his Mixed Yuan Immortal Body and the various peerless schools taught by his father, he had a great chance of defeating others to obtain the position of Quasi-Dao Son.

But now, before the Daozi battle, his plans were all disrupted!

“Damn, what the hell is going on?”

He took out a silver-white ancient immortal mirror and urged it with immortal power, and a picture immediately appeared in the mirror.

It is the figure of a man in a green shirt, in his forties, with a majestic appearance and vicissitudes in his eyes, giving people a feeling of ancient years.


shouted Wu Shaoyu.

The blue-shirted man smiled faintly, “Wu’er, you want to ask about the dispute over the Daozi in advance, right?”

“Yes, Father.”


the blue-shirted man sighed: “This matter has been decided, you don’t need to ask more, everything is natural, and then you will know everything.”

Wu Shaoyu frowned slightly, he knew his father’s personality, if he didn’t want to say that he couldn’t ask anything.

After a few small talks with his father, he broke off the contact with the virtual mirror.

“There are still three years to go to the All Souls Pagoda to break through, it should be enough to break through…” Wu

Shaoyu’s eyes showed a trace of determination, and his figure instantly disappeared into the palace.


Chao Unsen Palace.

“Ning’er, your grandfather let the father start to deal with the affairs of the clan, you can help the father more, after all, this position will pass to you sooner or later.”

Wu Tianyun said with a bitter face.

Wu Ning smiled and said nothing.

He no longer has any interest in the position of the Wu Clan Patriarch, and he is simply more tired than being an emperor.

He had already thought about it, and in the future, he would let his father be the patriarch, and with his own cultivation, he should be able to directly become the ancestor.

Directly take millions of years of detours.


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