In a dark old palace.

“Is there any news from the Wuji Immortal Domain?”

The masked man asked in an icy tone towards an enchanting woman in front of him.

“Sir, we can’t contact us over there in the Wuji Immortal Domain, and all the dark sons have lost contact.”

The enchanting woman immediately replied.

“In addition, it can be confirmed that the Southern Ming Immortal Emperor has fallen.”

A ghostly light flashed in the mask man’s eyes, and the whole person’s aura instantly became gloomy.

“All the strongholds and dark sons of the Wuji Immortal Domain have been erased, which is not something that ordinary people can do!”

“It seems that we have a terrible traitor inside…”

The enchanting woman immediately knelt on the ground and touched the ground with her forehead, “Adult Mingjian! The

masked man glanced at her lightly, “Honza didn’t say it was you, get up.” ”

Immediately send someone to the Wuji Immortal Domain, in three days, I want to know what happened to the Wuji Immortal Domain!”

The masked man’s voice said grimly, making people chill in their hearts.



Wuji Immortal Domain.

The Nanming Immortal Sect and the Qingyang Immortal Clan were destroyed, and this news made the major forces in the Immortal Domain panic.

After all, the Nanming Immortal Sect and the Qingyang Immortal Clan are not small forces, but two Immortal Emperor Daoists!

Two were destroyed at once, which had to make those big forces feel terrified.

At this moment, a piece of news came out from among the martial clan.

The Nanming Immortal Sect, the Qingyang Immortal Clan, and all the big and small forces that have been destroyed in the past few days are all minions of the Black Hell Organization.

These include the two veteran Immortal Emperors of Nanming Immortal Emperor and Qingyang Old Ancestor!

The Black Hell Organization dared to make a move against the Young Patriarch of the Martial Clan and the Daozi, and it would definitely pay the price for their arrogance.

This time, erasing all the black prison minions in the Wuji Immortal Domain was just a little lesson for them.

As soon as this news came out, the major forces of the Immortal Domain were in an uproar.

“Hey, it’s actually a black prison organization!”

“The Nanming Immortal Emperor and the Qingyang Old Ancestor turned out to be people from the Black Prison, this is really terrifying!”

“I didn’t expect that there were so many minions of the Black Hell in the Immortal Domain, and if it weren’t for the Martial Clan’s move, we wouldn’t know yet.”

“The people of the black prison have always been mysterious, I really don’t know how the Martial Clan mastered so much information about the Black Hell at once, I can only say that it is worthy of the Martial Clan!”

“The black hell killer has always been lawless, anyone dares to kill, this time the kick is to the iron plate, haha…”

“Thank you to the martial clan for sweeping away the black hell, and returning the peace of the Immortal Domain!”


Wu clan, in the hall of true martial arts.

Wu Xuan called him back as soon as he received Wu Mao’s summons.

“Ning’er, have you really broken through the Immortal Emperor?”

Rao had already received the exact news, and Wu Xuan was still a little unbelievable.

The hundreds of years old Immortal King was scary enough, but I didn’t expect to become a hundreds of years old Immortal Emperor in a blink of an eye!

Who dares to believe this?

Even if you cultivate in the womb, it’s not so fast!

Wu Ning smiled faintly and directly released the realm aura that belonged to the Immortal Emperor.

Afraid of hitting Wu Xuan, he only released a very weak aura.

After all, his current cultivation strength had far surpassed his grandfather’s.

Wu Xuan was originally only in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and in the past few years, he had obtained some Immortal Chaos Source Liquid, and only then began to impact the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor.

But there has been no breakthrough so far.

And Wu Ning’s cultivation, immortal power, divine soul, flesh, and avenue comprehension have all reached the late stage of the Immortal Emperor.

You can beat him with one hand.

Feeling the immortal emperor aura released from his body, Wu Xuan was silent.

At this moment, he felt old.

This world, he is already a little incomprehensible….

A moment later, Wu Xuan raised his eyes to look at Wu Ning.

“Ning’er, did anyone tell you?”

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“Say what?”

“You’re such a monster!”

Wu Ning was speechless.

Wu Xuan waved his hand, “Okay, you go by yourself, I’m going to retreat for a while, and you can help more on your father’s side.”

“Well, grandson knows.” Wu Ning bowed his head slightly, “Then Sun Er will retire first.” Leaving

the Zhenwu Hall, Wu Ning first went home to see his mother, stayed for half a day, and then set off to return to the Northern Regions.

Wu Tianyun is still dealing with some affairs in the Northern Region, and it will take a lot of time to return to the tribe.

The elder of the Wumao tribe also stayed on the northern region, and this time he was the only one to return to the clan.

The Northern Region was extremely far away from the Martial Race Universe Secret Realm, but it was nothing to an Immortal Emperor.

Wu Ning soon returned to the Wu Clan’s station in the Northern Regions.

“Clan Elder, I have detected the location of Old Ancestor Qingyang, let’s rush now, lest he run away again.”

Wu Mao’s spirit was shocked, “Haha, go!”

“I haven’t done much with this old bone for hundreds of thousands of years, last time the old ghost of Nanming died too quickly, and I didn’t have a good time, this time I must not let the old thing of Qingyang Ji escape again!”

“Ning boy, you can’t rob me this time.”

“I’m the main attacker, you can just press the formation on the side.”

Wu Ning smiled and nodded, “Okay, Old Ancestor Qingyang will be handed over to the clan elder to deal with.” The

two set off immediately.

This time, Wu Ning did not bring the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor again.

He only had the early cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, and he brought it with him.

As for Wu Tianyun, there was also an old Wu clan guard here, and Wu Ning was not worried about his safety.

Of course, for the sake of safety, he still left a lot of life-saving cards for his father.


Eternal Immortal Domain.

This is the territory of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom.

It is located in the east of the Wuji Immortal Domain, but there is also a Cangyun Immortal Domain between it and the Wuji Immortal Domain.

On a dead star without people.

Qingyang Ji is contacting the masked man through the ancient mirror.

“Sir, your subordinates are currently in the Eternal Immortal Domain, I wonder what your arrangements will be next?”

Qingyang Ji asked respectfully.

The masked man said indifferently: “Since you are in the Eternal Immortal Domain, it just so happens that this seat has a task for you.

“Sir, please order!”

“Don’t be in a hurry now, someone will come to you in two days, and then you will be at your disposal.”

“Yes…” ”

Not good!”

Qingyang Ji’s eyes changed suddenly, and he felt that he was suddenly locked by an extremely terrifying divine thought.

“What people?”

He immediately snorted coldly, but in exchange for a terrifying fist print.


The dead silent star he was standing on was instantly blasted with a punch.


Qingyang Ji scolded secretly and dodged in panic.

At this time, he also saw the person who made a move towards him.

Wu Ning couldn’t see his appearance clearly, but after seeing Wu Mao, he suddenly widened his eyes and said with a shocked expression:

“You are from the Wu Clan?!”

He had lived too long, and he had seen Wu Mao before.

“Qingyang Ji, let’s see where you are still running!”

Wu Mao snorted coldly, and directly sacrificed the Immortal Emperor Weapon to kill Qingyang Ji.

Wu Ning’s gaze swept and reached out to grab it in the direction of Qingyang Ji, and the ancient mirror was instantly caught by him.

The picture on the ancient mirror still hasn’t disappeared, and the masked man is staring at him coldly:

“Who is Ru?”

Wu Ning smiled and said, “You are the Lord of the Seven Kills Hall of the Black Hell, Fu Jiuyou, right?” The

masked man’s eyes shrank sharply, “Who the hell are you?” ”

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