The picture of the ancient mirror

rippled, and the masked man stared at Wu Ning through the ancient mirror, his eyes as deep as a black abyss.

There are three halls inside the black hell, namely the Hall of Seven Killings, the Hall of Blood Souls, and the Hall of Shadows.

The Hall of Seven Killings controls all the killers and is mainly responsible for carrying out various assassination missions.

The Blood Soul Hall is responsible for recruiting talents and training killers.

The Hall of Shadows is responsible for soliciting business and inquiring about various intelligence.

Although the three halls are of the same level, they are honored by the Seven Kills Hall.

As the hall master of the Seven Kills Hall, the status of the masked man was extremely high in the black prison.

His identity is also highly confidential.

In the black prison, many people knew him, but few people knew his name.

And now, an outsider said his name in one mouth!

How could this not shock him!

“Who am I?”

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Wu Ning’s mouth, “Remember, I will be your nightmare!” ”


As soon as the words fell, Wu Ning crushed the ancient mirror.

He already had a mature plan in mind.

Originally, he planned to tell Wu Xuan the information of the black hell’s lair, and see if grandpa could invite a few ancient ancestors to directly take out the black hell’s lair with the power of thunder.

But Wu Ning did not really like to rely on others.

Your own enemies naturally have to be solved by themselves.

He and the black hell seem to be enemies of darkness and darkness, but in fact they are enemies of darkness and darkness.

With Mo Bao, he has mastered all the opportunities, and the black prison has no secrets in front of him.


Not far away, Wu Mao was pressing Qingyang Ji and beating him violently.

In the middle of an immortal emperor, facing a peak immortal emperor, he was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

If Wu Mao is a dead hand, he may be able to blast Qingyang Ji in less than a hundred rounds.


Qingyang Ji was punched in the head again, his body flew out upside down, the blood mist gathered, and soon a head grew again.

“Haha, Qingyang Ji, you old thing can’t do it!”

“Don’t be in a hurry to die, I’ve just warmed up!”

Wu Mao laughed loudly and rushed towards Qingyang Ji again.

“Ahhh!! Too much deception!!

“Even if the old man dies today, he will definitely not make you feel better!”

Qingyang Ji roared angrily, and then sacrificed a blood-colored giant axe that exuded powerful demonic power.

“Magic weapon?”

Wu Mao’s eyes narrowed, the aura emitted by this magic weapon was extremely powerful, and it actually made him feel a trace of threat.

“Death to the old man!”

Qingyang Ji shouted angrily, urging the magic weapon to kill Wu Mao.

“Huh, think a magic weapon can erase the gap between you and me? Naive!

Wu Mao snorted coldly in disdain, and directly slashed him away.


Wu Mao no longer kept his hand, holding a knife and chopping like Qingyang Ji.

Wu Ning stood in the boundless starry sky, suddenly frowned, and noticed that several Immortal Emperor Divine Thoughts were leaning towards this side.

The movement of the Immortal Emperor’s battle was so huge, this place was close to the center of the Eternal Immortal Domain, and it quickly attracted the attention of other Immortal Emperor powerhouses,

a moment later.

A golden-armored giant burst through the sky, his body exuding a majestic and ancient aura, like a high god, and the terrifying immortal emperor coercion instantly permeated the entire starry sky.


“Who are you waiting for, and why are you fighting in the Immortal Domain?”

“Lord save me, I am willing to join the Eternal Immortal Kingdom and serve the adult!” Qingyang Ji seemed to see a savior and hurriedly shouted at him.

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The golden-armored giant glanced at him.

In the middle of an Immortal Emperor, if he can really be included under his command, it will definitely be a big help.

“Stop, this person is saved!”

He immediately spoke up, wanting to save Qingyang Ji.


Wu Mao smashed Qingyang Ji’s Immortal Emperor’s body with a punch, and said coldly: “Get out!” ”


“I am the Eternal Immortal Kingdom Xuanling Divine Monarch, do you want to find death?”

The golden-armored giant was furious, he was the god monarch of the Immortal Realm, backed by the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, and worshipped by countless people in the Immortal Domain, how had he been reprimanded with such contempt.

“Don’t roll anymore, even you will be chopped!”

Wu Mao said very domineeringly.

Even if he was in the late stage of an immortal emperor, he dared to speak out in front of him.

“Find death!”

The golden-armored giant’s eyes shone fiercely, revealing a strong killing intent.

At the same time, the aura on his body began to skyrocket wildly, and the mighty universe swept in all directions, the void quickly collapsed, and the galaxy trembled continuously.

“This is Immortal Kingdom Qi Luck…”

Wu Ning’s eyes narrowed slightly, this golden-armored giant was actually able to mobilize Immortal Qi Luck to bless his body, causing his cultivation to directly soar to a small realm, barely reaching the peak level of the Immortal Emperor.

“This Eternal Immortal Kingdom is a bit interesting.”

He muttered, flashed and greeted the golden-armored giant, “Clan Elder, you deal with Qingyang Ji, this guy will leave it to me.”

“Well, I’ll help you when I beat this old thing to death.”

Wu Mao immediately replied that he had seen Wu Ning’s strength, and it was definitely not weaker than him.

Seeing Wu Ning rushing towards him, the golden-armored giant immediately burst out of coercion and pressed towards him.

“Since you want to find death, then Benjun will fulfill you!”


The golden-armored giant’s fist shattered the void, and the power of the avenue was pervasive, carrying unparalleled terrifying power, and a punch blasted towards Wu Ning.

Wu Ning was not afraid, and also greeted him with a punch.

The power of the divine hidden burst out, the immortal power surged madly, and the avenues came out in unison, all condensed on the fist.

His fist was so small compared to the golden-armored giant, but the power it carried was even more terrifying.


When the two fists collided, time and space seemed to freeze for a moment, and then, the incomparably terrifying energy impact suddenly erupted, the space was instantly torn apart, and a large area of starry sky directly turned into nothingness.


The golden-armored giant’s arm and entire shoulder instantly exploded into a blood mist, and the body of Wanzhang flew upside down, like a golden light streaked through the void.

“So weak?”

Wu Ning shook his head slightly, the other party may not be weak, with the blessing of Immortal Luck, it is enough to match the peak Immortal Emperor, but he is too strong now.

Even if he didn’t use a magic weapon, it was enough to crush the peak immortal emperor.

Moreover, his Flesh Divine Treasure has not yet become a masterpiece, and if he waits for the Flesh Divine Vault to become a Dacheng, it is estimated that it will be difficult to meet an opponent in the Immortal Emperor Realm.


Wu Ning’s gaze froze, and he saw the golden-armored giant flying out upside down, and actually fled towards the same place.

He was blasted with one punch, and he didn’t want to stay and look for death.

“Hmph, two arrogant people, dare to hurt Benjun, you are dead!” The golden-armored giant’s eyes were fierce, and he was ready to return to the immortal capital to move the soldiers.

At this moment, an indifferent voice came into his ears.

“Want to escape? Stay!

“Well, what’s going on?” The golden-armored giant was shocked.

He found that his body actually stopped uncontrollably, and then flew in the opposite direction.

“Nope! Stop it! The

golden-armored giant roared angrily, and the terrifying immortal power surged, wanting to forcibly control his body.

But to his horror, as soon as he had such an idea, he was immediately denied by himself!

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