Luo Yuqing turned red when he saw it.

Quickly got up and saluted, “Yu Qing has seen Daozi!” ”

Her posture is graceful and feminine, her demeanor is dignified, and her appearance of saluting is also extremely good-looking.

Wu Ning secretly praised, I have to say that this is indeed a peerless beauty that is difficult to find in the world!

It looked a lot better than he expected.

Wu Ning stretched out his hand to help, “Goddess, please get up, no need to be polite.”

Luo Yuqing stood up, lowered his eyes, and quietly looked at Wu Ning.

Then, she looked coquettish and said: “In front of Daozi, Yu Qing does not dare to call herself a goddess, if Daozi’s cousin does not dislike, he can call Yu Qing a cousin.”

Wu Ning smiled lightly.

At this time, Murong Yin beckoned them to sit down and said with a smile: ”

Ning’er, Yu Qing has been in the clan for a while, but you were still in retreat at that time, and now you are out of the gate, if you have time, you can take Yu Qing to your Dao Yu Palace to have a look.”

Wu Ning couldn’t help but muttered in his heart, could it be that his mother took a fancy to this Luo Yuqing?

Although she was indeed beautiful, he was also a little impressed.

But he didn’t really like this delicate style.

Once the novelty is over, it is easy to get tired.

Wu Ning nodded casually, and then immediately changed the topic, “Mother, where is the father?”

“It seems that there is a bit of an urgent matter below, your grandfather is still in retreat, so let your father go over and deal with it.”

“By the way, how is that Heavenly God Monarch doing during this time, he hasn’t left yet, right?”

“Still hanging, it seems that if you don’t see your grandfather or your father, you don’t plan to leave.”

Murong Yin said with a smile.

Wu Ning turned his gaze and found that Luo Yuqing was staring at him stunned, his eyes confused, like a flower idiot.

Today’s girls are really not reserved at all.

Wu Ning shook his head imperceptibly, and then got up and said, “Mother, then I will go to meet that Heavenly God Monarch first, and then come back with my father later.” “Good

.” Murong Yin smiled.

“But you have to be careful, that Heavenly Nether God Monarch is a peak immortal emperor after all, it is best to ask a clan elder to go with you.”

Wu Ning nodded and walked towards the outside of the Yunxian Palace.


Soon, Wu Ning found the elder of the Wumao clan.

“Ning boy, it’s only been a year and a half, could it be that the Chaos Source Liquid has all condensed?”

Wu Ning took out an immortal jade treasure bottle and handed it to him, “For the time being, there are only five thousand drops, I am afraid that the clan elder will be in a hurry, so I will send it to you first.” Wu

Mao swept his mind and detected the droplets in the immortal bottle that emitted a colorful halo, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Of the 50 trillion immortal crystals, 800 billion were all from him.

In other words, there were one hundred and sixty drops of Chaos Source Liquid in it.

One hundred and sixty drops of Chaos Source Liquid, which is one hundred and sixty million years of cultivation, can definitely make his strength skyrocket a lot.

It had been millions of years since he had broken through to the peak of the Immortal Emperor.

If there were more of this Chaos Source Liquid, he might be able to impact the Immortal Emperor’s consummation realm.

The Wumao Clan elder showed a hint of excitement in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to immediately raise the Immortal Crystal Condensation Chaos Source Liquid.

Wu Ning said at the right time: “Clan Elder, if you have time, you might as well accompany me to meet that Heavenly Nether God Monarch?” Wu

Mao’s heart moved, and he had also heard about the Heavenly Nether God Monarch coming to the Martial Clan.

It’s just that he has long ignored such trivial matters in the clan, so he didn’t pay much attention.

“I heard that the Heavenly Nether God Monarch seems to have come to find trouble, is it because he killed that golden-armored God Monarch before?”

Wu Ning nodded slightly, “It should be for this matter.”

“Oh, then we’ll meet him.”


On the Shenwu Continent, in the guest palace.

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The Heavenly Underworld God Monarch’s face was extremely ugly.

For more than a year, he seemed to have been forgotten in this palace.

All the maids and servants around him were evacuated, leaving him alone in the palace.

If you want to find someone to inquire about the situation, you either don’t know about it, or pretend to be deaf and dumb and ignore him at all.

He didn’t understand that he was being hung by the Martial Clan!

“Damn it!”

The Heavenly God Monarch’s face was gloomy, but he came on behalf of the Eternal Heavenly Kingdom.

The Martial Clan is not only letting him sit on the cold bench, but also humiliating the Eternal Immortal Kingdom!


Suddenly, there was a subtle movement outside the palace.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked in.

It was Elder Wuyue.

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, the old immortal has brought you food.”

Elder Wu Yue said with a smile.

Then put a food box on the Bai Yuxian table next to it, open the lid, and inside it was a plate of ordinary pastries.

The kind that ordinary mortals eat.

The pastry is still a little dark, and some dust and stains can be clearly seen on it.


Elder Wu Yue’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, and he said a little apologetically: “Heavenly Nether God Monarch, I’m really sorry, it must be that those children in the clan are not sensible and knocked over the pastry.”

He quickly waved his hand and used Xianli to clean the dust and stains from the pastry.

“It’s okay, it should still be eaten.”

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, you have a large number of adults, so you shouldn’t be thinking about some children, right?”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch had a dark face, and his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

There was suppressed anger in his eyes, and he was almost on the verge of erupting.

Wu Yue seemed unaware and said, “Heavenly Nether God Monarch, I’m really sorry, or should I go and change a plate for you?”

“Today, there are rich merchants in Langyun City who do good deeds and give away many of these pastries, and the old man saw the novelty, so he took more.”

“If you like it, I’ll let that rich merchant send more when I turn back…”



The Heavenly Nether God Monarch’s eyes were angry, and he slapped the white jade immortal table, and a terrifying immortal emperor coercion erupted from his body.

Elder Wu Yue was instantly knocked into the air by this coercive pressure and flew out upside down towards the outside of the hall.


At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded.

The elder of the Wumao clan appeared at the door of the hall in a flash, grabbed Elder Wuyue, and then stared coldly at the Heavenly Nether God Monarch in the hall.

The vast terrifying coercion swept out, and the mighty pressure was towards the Heavenly Nether God Monarch.

“Heaven God, you are so presumptuous!”

“This is my Martial Clan, not your Eternal Immortal Kingdom, dare to injure my Clan Elder in the Martial Clan, are you looking for death?!”

The old man of the Wumao tribe took the lead and directly reprimanded.

“I…” Feeling

the terrifying coercion that pressed on him, the anger in the chest of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch suddenly dissipated.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he still didn’t understand that he was being tricked by someone.

How abominable!

The old Wumao tribe glared coldly, “I am what me!” ”

Heavenly Nether God Monarch, tell me for yourself, how should you deal with the destruction of my clan’s property and the injury of my clan elder?”


ps: Not today, I owe another chapter, I’ll make up for it later. (Tap Scold).

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