Suddenly, the Heavenly Underworld God Monarch’s gaze froze, staring at the Wumao Clan Elder, “It’s you!”

“It’s the Xuanling God Monarch you killed!”

The old man of the Wumao tribe waved his hand, “Don’t make a mistake!”

“What Xuanling Divine Monarch, the old man does not know.”

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, don’t think about changing the topic, we’re talking about your problem now.”

“You fought in our martial clan, not only destroyed our clan’s precious property, but also injured the core elders who worked hard for our clan, are you trying to declare war on our clan?”

The Wumao clan elder asked sharply.

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch frowned, “Your Excellency, don’t talk nonsense, when did Benjun destroy your clan, and when did he injure your clan elder?” ”


the elder of the Wumao tribe pointed to the white jade immortal table that had been smashed, “This table was used by a deceased ancestor of my clan when he was young, and it has great commemorative significance to my clan, even if it is a trillion immortal crystals, it is difficult to change.”

“We put it here to show our welcome and respect for our guests, but we didn’t expect to be slapped by you!”

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, how do you say this should be compensated?”

The old Wumao tribe looked angry and said the same as the truth.

The Heavenly God Monarch’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he suppressed his anger without making a sound.


the Wumao Clan Elder then pointed to the Wuyue Elder next to him, “My Clan Elder was kind enough to send you pastries, but if you don’t appreciate it, you actually used coercion to hurt him, what is the reason?” ”


As soon as Elder Wu Mao’s voice fell, Elder Wu Yue immediately spewed out a large mouthful of blood.

The whole person’s breath instantly became chaotic, his face turned pale, and his appearance looked extremely hurt.

Wu Mao cast a satisfied look at him.

Not bad…… This old boy is very good.

In the next second, his face instantly turned cold, “Heavenly Nether God Monarch, look how badly you injured my clan elder!”

“Light is a stagnation, no matter how difficult it is to advance, the heavy is in danger of falling!”

“Elder Wuyue is a meritorious minister who has made significant contributions to our clan, you injured him for no reason, if you don’t come up with an explanation, you don’t want to leave our Wu clan safely today!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


What a shameless lady!

After living for tens of millions of years, it was the first time he had seen such a brazen person!

He wanted to be angry, but immediately felt an extremely terrifying aura descend on him.

That breath was extremely terrifying, and he felt that he was definitely not the enemy of the other party.

“Whew-” The

Heavenly Nether God Monarch let out a long breath, forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

He endured!

“How you want to compensate, just say it.”

He kind of understood that this old guy just wanted to lie to him.

The old man of the Wumao tribe looked relieved, “Very good!” Since you realize your mistake and are willing to make compensation, then the old man will not embarrass you. ”

Damage to the relics left by my clan ancestor will be compensated with one trillion immortal crystals, and injured by our clan elder will be compensated with one trillion immortal crystals.”

“Leave two trillion immortal crystals, and you can go.”

“Two trillion immortal crystals?!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch’s eyes widened and he trembled with anger.

Just such a broken table, actually asked him for a trillion immortal crystals?

Why don’t you grab it!

And that elder was clearly not even a minor injury, and he actually wanted a trillion immortal crystals.

Nima’s naked blackmail!

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“Impossible! Up to 200 million, more no! The

Heavenly God Monarch curled his neck, looking like he wanted money and death.

The elder of the Wumao tribe raised his eyebrows, looked at the elder Wuyue beside him and asked, “According to the law of my clan, what is the crime of injuring people, damaging my clan’s property, and injuring my clan elder?” ”

Hui elder, this move despises the majesty of our clan.”

“Peel off its skin, destroy its flesh, refine its spirit, destroy its Taoist system, and follow suit!”

Elder Wu Yue immediately replied.

The old man of the Wumao tribe bowed his head slightly, and glanced at the Heavenly Nether God Monarch, “The old man originally wanted to give the Eternal Immortal Kingdom a face, and let you give a little insignificant compensation.”

“Since you are stubborn, then blame the old man for not being polite.”


The terrifying coercion erupted and pressed towards the Heavenly Nether God Monarch.

At the same time, the coercion in the secret became more terrifying.


A trace of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch, “Benjun is willing to give compensation.” “It’s

just that two trillion is too much, and Benjun doesn’t have that much.”

The coercion on the old man of the Wumao tribe instantly dissipated, and his face showed a kind smile:

“That’s right…”

“It doesn’t matter if the immortal crystal is not enough, it can be mortgaged with other treasures.”

“If it’s really not enough, you can repair a book, and the old man will send someone to help you send it back to the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, and let people send the immortal crystal.”

Damn it!!

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch was dripping blood in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to smash a punch in his face.

Subsequently, he continued to pull out various treasures, and soon they piled up into a mountain.

There are only tens of billions of immortal crystals, and more are all kinds of immortal medicines, elixirs, and magic weapons.

The elder of the Wumao tribe weighed it and shook his head slightly, “The value of these things is about 900 billion, and there is still a gap of 110 billion immortal crystals.” The

Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch gritted his teeth and once again took out two ancient jade boxes full of heavy prohibitions.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the two jade boxes.

One of the jade boxes contained a palm-sized colorful divine stone, crystal clear, and exuded an extremely rich Dao rhyme.

Inside the other jade box was a golden bone, covered with dense occult runes, exuding a magnificent and ancient powerful aura.

“This Colorful Divine Stone was obtained by chance by Benjun, it should be a material for refining Dao instruments, and it is definitely worth trillions of immortal crystals.”

“And this True Dragon Treasure Bone, worth hundreds of billions of immortal crystals, is definitely not a problem.”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch said with red eyes, feeling that his heart was dripping blood.

The old eyes of the Wumao tribe lit up.

It’s all good stuff!

I didn’t expect that this Heavenly Nether God Monarch was so rich, and he could really gather two trillion immortal crystals.

He quickly waved his hand to put everything away.

“Haha, come on, quickly serve tea to the Heavenly Nether God Monarch!”

The old man of the Wumao tribe was in a good mood, and his face smiled into a chrysanthemum.

“No thanks!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch said with a dark face, he didn’t want to drink a cup of tea and be blackmailed with a trillion immortal crystals.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a calm tone as much as possible: “The punishment is also punished, the compensation is also paid, Benjun can leave now, right?” A

hint of surprise appeared in the eyes of the Wumao Clan Elder, “Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch, don’t you still have something important to come to our Martial Clan?” ”

I heard that the noble patriarch is still in retreat, and Benjun has been leaving the Immortal Kingdom for a long time, so he plans to go back first.”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch said expressionlessly.

The martial tribe is not a place for people to stay, and if you don’t leave, it is estimated that even the skin will be peeled off.

As soon as he saw the attitude of these guys of the Martial Clan, he knew that there was no hope of asking for an explanation for the Xuanling Divine Monarch.

If you stay any longer, maybe you will have to ask the Chengwu Clan for an explanation from their Eternal Immortal Kingdom!

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