The elder of the Wumao tribe nodded slightly, and a trace of regret appeared on his face.

“Since you insist on leaving, it is inconvenient for the old man to keep it.”

“Heavenly Nether God Lord, welcome to come back next time.”

And a hammer!

With a black face, the Heavenly Nether God Monarch flew out of the hall in a flash, and flew towards the exit of the Martial Clan’s secret realm.

After he left.

Wu Ning paced into the palace.

He looked at the Wumao clan elder with a strange expression and gave him a thumbs up, “One word, absolutely!” ”


the Wumao clan elder laughed heartily.

Two trillion immortal crystals, this Immortal Emperor is hopeful!


After a long time, outside the Wuji Immortal Domain.

In a vast and silent star field.

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch turned into a shrew, and was cursing the heavens, using almost all the vicious words learned over tens of millions of years on the head of the Martial Clan.

“I fuck

¥%…##¥&…” ”


This scolding lasted for most of the month, until he ran out of words, and he stopped.

“Whew-” The

Heavenly Nether God Monarch let out a breath, and after venting, the whole person instantly relaxed a lot.

“Damn old thing, this ledger jun remembered!”

“Hehe…” Suddenly

, a strange laughter came into his ears.

“Who is it?”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch was suddenly shocked, and the majestic and vast divine thoughts instantly exploded.

“Hehe…” A

man in a black robe and impermeable appeared in the sight of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch.

Judging from the figure, it should be a tall and thin man.

The black robe on his body was extremely extraordinary, able to isolate the prying eyes of the Immortal Emperor’s divine thought.

If you don’t probe carefully, it will be difficult to detect the existence of the other party.

“Who are you?!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch frowned and stared at him deadly.

Such a hidden head and tail, at first glance is not a good thing.

“Hehe…” ”

Heavenly Nether God Monarch, you don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know that you have a handle in my hands.”

The black-robed man was playing with a Lingering God Stone.

Immediately released a high-definition sound picture, which was the scene of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch scolding.

“Hehe, Heavenly Nether God Monarch, you don’t want this matter to be known by the Martial Clan, do you?”

“How daring!!”

The eyes of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch burst into killing intent, and the anger suddenly surged up.

It’s just that he was slaughtered in the martial clan, and a guy who hides his head and shows his tail also dares to blackmail him, what a damn!

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, do you want to do it?”

The black-robed man squinted at him, and the aura of a peak immortal emperor permeated out.

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch’s gaze froze, but he didn’t expect that this guy was actually a peak immortal emperor.

He calmed down instantly.

He was not in the Eternal Immortal Domain at the moment, and he could not increase his strength with the help of Immortal Qi Luck.

As a peak immortal emperor, even if he can win, if the other party is bent on escaping, it is almost impossible for him to leave him behind.

“Say, what do you want?”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch asked coldly.

The black-robed man smiled darkly, “An Immortal Emperor Weapon, how about changing this Lingering Divine Stone?”

“No, change one!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch shook his head directly.

He now has one Origin Magic Weapon left, and there is no extra Immortal Emperor Weapon at all.

“Isn’t it? You are a god monarch of the Immortal Kingdom, and you don’t even have an Immortal Emperor weapon? The

black-robed man’s tone was full of questioning.


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The Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch threw an immortal jade bottle to him and said coldly: “Benjun only has this Immortal Emperor Pill now, if you don’t agree, then you can only do it once!” ”

What about the Immortal Kingdom God Monarch, what a cut!”

The black-robed man said with disdain.

He put away the immortal jade bottle, threw the Shadow Divine Stone in his hand towards the Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch slapped the Lingering Divine Stone into nothingness with one palm, and the killing intent in his eyes was almost condensed into substance.

“Damn fellow, Ben-kun remembers you!”


Somewhere in the starry sky of the Wuji Immortal Domain.

The black-robed man changed and immediately turned into a handsome man in a white robe.

The god of abundance is beautiful, and the jade tree is in the wind, and his appearance is extremely young.

“Hehe, it’s still the skill of this emperor.”

The handsome man hooked his lips and smiled, tossing another photo god stone in his hand.

Who said he only recorded it with a Lingering God Stone?

The Lingering Divine Stone is a kind of divine Lingering Stone, which can even clearly record the picture of the Immortal Emperor’s battle.

Also, the contents of the record cannot be changed.

Extremely precious.

But for him, one or two Lingering God Stones didn’t care at all.


A beautiful girl dressed in a glazed fairy robe flew over and looked at him curiously:

“Master, where did you just go?”

“Cough, Bendi just met a friend and went to say hello to him.”


The girl nodded cutely.

“Let’s go, Xiao Linglong, after staying in the Wuji Immortal Domain for so long, it’s time to leave.”

“Master, where are we going?”

“Hmm… I heard that the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom wants to establish the Prince of the Immortal Kingdom, let’s go and see the liveliness. ”


Wu Clan, Shenwu Continent.

The Wumao clan was in a hurry to blackmail… Eh, exchange the compensation of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch into Immortal Crystal.

Greeted Wu Ning and left in a hurry.

Wu Mao was also full of smiles.

In the end, more than half of those two trillion immortal crystals were his.

He’s the biggest winner.

Soon after.

Wu Ning came to another ancient palace on the mainland.

At this moment, around this palace, there are many clansmen, almost the entire palace is surrounded by water.

In the main hall.

Wu Tianyun sat at the top of the list, and

several elders sat on either side.

In the center of the hall were five or six young men, two of whom had blood stains on their bodies.

Among the two, one was richly dressed and slightly injured, and although he was kneeling, his expression was a little proud.

Another person was extremely injured, and no obvious wounds could be seen on his body, but his face was pale and his breath was extremely weak.

At a glance, you can tell that it hurts the origin.

Wu Ning secretly watched for a while, and then understood the cause of the matter.

The richly dressed young man was named Wu Kang, a disciple of the main lineage, and his grandfather was a core elder.

The other person’s name is Wu Feng, a descendant of the side lineage, who has never produced a strong person above the Immortal King for a hundred generations.

But his own talent is extremely high, and he has the cultivation of the Humane Emperor Realm at a young age.

Wu Feng has a childhood sweetheart named Wu Qingling, who is also a daughter of a side lineage, but her appearance is extremely beautiful.

A few days ago, Wu Kang accidentally met Wu Qingling, attracted by his beauty, coercion and temptation, so he planned to forcibly kidnap him, wanting to do something wrong.

Wu Qingling has a quiet personality, but she is a strong woman, and in order to prevent Wu Kang from succeeding, she directly committed suicide.

Subsequently, Wu Feng learned of Wu Qingling’s death, was filled with grief and indignation, desperately found the door, and fought with Wu Kang.

Because of the loss of life, this incident quickly became very large.

Among the martial clan, the main vein is respected, but there have also been many strong people in the side lineage of the branch.

When it comes to the sensitive topic of the main vein and the side lineage, the general elders are reluctant to intervene in this matter, fearing that they will set themselves on fire.

Later, after layers of reporting, it was finally reported to Wu Tianyun.

Patriarch Wu Xuan retreated, he was undoubtedly the most suitable person to deal with this matter at the moment.

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