“Gongzi, according to the news of the Heavenly Pavilion, the Sun Fire Spirit should be on this star.”

On the bronze battleship, a man in Xuanjia said respectfully.

In front of him, a red-haired young man wearing a star robe was looking at the huge star not far away, with a hint of blazing color in his eyes.

The Sun Fire Essence is a treasure of heaven and earth, containing extremely pure blazing power.

If he could get a piece of Sun Fire Essence, he would definitely be able to raise the Burning Heaven Divine Fire he had mastered to a higher level.

At that time, his refining attainment may be able to go to another level!

“Gongzi, you see, it seems that someone arrived one step ahead of us!”

The Xuanjia man’s gaze froze and he found the golden ancient ship on the other side of the Saint Yan Ancient Star.

The red-haired young man’s gaze swept away, and he suddenly frowned, “Do it!” ”


The Xuanjia man immediately flew out of the bronze ancient ship and released his divine thoughts towards the Saint Yan Ancient Star.

Soon, he found something, and his face suddenly showed joy.

But the next moment, the joy on his face froze.

“Gongzi, the Sun Fire Spirit was snatched away!”


On a golden ancient boat.

A large group of Sun Fire Essence appeared in front of Wu Ning, larger than a bull’s head, the whole body exuded terrifying high temperature and blazing light, and the space was constantly distorted, like a small sun.

But its temperature is much more terrifying than that of ordinary stars.


Wu Ning smiled faintly, this large group of Sun Fire Essence is quite a lot, and it can be used to cultivate Taiyu Diyan.


The bronze warship crossed a long distance and teleported next to the golden ancient ship.

The red-haired young man stared at the large mass of sun fire essence in front of Wu Ning, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his breathing immediately became rapid.

“Your Excellency, this prince is Wei Yun of the Evergreen Immortal Realm Refining Heavenly Alliance, this group of Sun Fire Essence was found by us first, isn’t it a little bad for you to snatch it?”

The red-haired youth asked in a deep voice.

Wu Ning glanced at him lightly, “If you want to grab it, just say it, no need to make excuses.” ”


Wei Yun was choked, he originally wanted to say that he had purchased it with a fairy stone.

But such a big lump of sun fire essence, he can’t afford to empty his family.

Even if he could afford it, he couldn’t bear it.

“Your Excellency, this news of the Sun Fire Essence was bought by our Refining Heavenly Alliance at a great cost of money to ask the Heavenly Pavilion, and you are so snatching, do you want to go against our Refining Heavenly Alliance?”

Wei Yun said coldly.

Although the Refining Heaven Alliance is located in the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom, it is a top power anywhere, and the strong are like clouds, and the general Immortal Emperor powerhouse does not dare to provoke.

Even the royal family of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom will give some face.

There was a hint of pride in Wei Yun’s eyes, he believed that as long as this person was not stupid, he would definitely not dare to oppose their Heaven Refining Alliance.

Wu Ning glanced at him speechlessly, and lightly spit out two words, “Stupid!” ”


Wei Yun was stunned for a moment.


But the next moment, the entire bronze warship exploded directly, and no one on it survived.

“Let’s go, go to the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom.”

Wu Ning put away the Sun Fire Essence and ordered the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor.

The position they were in now was already very close to the border of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor immediately manipulated the ancient ship to shuttle through the starry sky, and countless stars were left far behind.


A few days later.

A supercontinent with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light years appeared in Wuning’s line of sight.

That’s where the Immortal Capital of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom is located.

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The entire vast and boundless continent is the immortal capital of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom.

The golden ancient boat quickly flew towards the Immortal Capital Continent.

Soon, a group of guards wearing unified armor quickly flew forward.

“Stop, who are you? Please present your passcode. A

black-armored general of the Immortal King Realm flew next to the ancient boat, his gaze swept over the golden ancient boat, and he did not find any special marks, and his face suddenly became cold.

Whether it is within the Immortal Kingdom or outside the Immortal Kingdom.

The flying ships of the major forces generally have unique emblems.

That’s the best pass.

On the ancient ship, the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor appeared on the edge of the ancient ship and said coldly: “Daring, this is the car of the Daozi of the True Martial Emperor Clan, who came to participate in the canonization hall of the Prince of the Immortal Kingdom, and he dared to block it, and he didn’t quickly dodge away!” At

the same time as the sound came out, an Immortal Emperor coercion permeated out.

“It turned out to be Daozi Zun driving, disturbed, go here in the next step!”

The black-armored general’s face changed suddenly, and he quickly waved his hand and dodged away with a group of guards, his eyes watching in awe as the golden ancient ship flew towards the Immortal Capital Continent.

“Sir, is that martial artist in that ancient ship who was rumored some time ago?”

The guard beside him asked curiously.

The black-armored general immediately glared at him, “Don’t inquire blindly if you shouldn’t inquire!” ”

How could he possibly know the Daozi of the True Martial Emperor Clan.

However, I don’t think that madman has the audacity to dare to impersonate the Dao of the True Martial Emperor Clan.

And there is an Immortal Emperor powerhouse accompanying him, it should be a martial arts Daozi.

A moment later.

The golden ship is docked on a huge connection square.

For safety reasons, no one else knew about Wuning’s itinerary, so no one came to greet him.

Wu Ning shook his head slightly, let the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor put away the ancient ship, and then walked towards the outside of the square.

Next, the first stop should be to visit the uncle who he has never met.

The first time Wu Ning came to the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom, he did not know the location of the Luma Mansion.

After all, this is the immortal capital of the immortal country, and it is inconvenient to release the divine mind to scan at will, so he can only let the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor ask for directions.

“Daozi, inquire clearly, the Horse Mansion is in the Central Emperor City Taixingfang…”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor quickly walked back.

Then, several people headed in the direction of the Central Emperor City.

Their speed was extremely fast, and it didn’t take long to arrive at the Central Emperor City.

This is the core place of the entire immortal capital, prosperous to the extreme.

As far as the eye can see, it is full of carved fences and jade baskets, Qionglou Yuyu, can be described as five steps and one pavilion, ten steps on the first floor, each attic is extremely exquisite, seems to be carefully carved by famous craftsmen, giving people an extremely shocking feeling.

On the bustling street, people come and go.

The strong are in an endless stream, and immortals can be seen everywhere.

This is the central imperial city of the evergreen immortal capital, which can be described as a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and the strong are like clouds.

“Dodge, the person in front quickly dodges!”

Suddenly, a loud drink came from the front.

As this voice fell, there was another terrifying beast roar.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic and quickly flashed to the sides.

Soon, a huge black beast appeared in the sight of several people in Wuning.

On top of this strange beast, there was also a young man in Chinese clothes riding on his toes.


The alien beast roared and galloped down the street, and the pedestrians on the street were terrified and hurried to run to avoid.

Suddenly, a little girl of seven or eight years old was knocked down and fell towards the middle of the street.


The alien beast roared, and the eyes of the young man in Chinese clothes above suddenly showed a touch of excitement.

There were exclamations from the crowd.

Seeing that the child was about to die under the hooves of the alien beast, a man in blue suddenly rushed out, holding the little girl in his arms to avoid the trampling of the alien beast.

“Mean ant, look for death!”

The young man in Chinese clothes looked fierce, and a purple fairy whip appeared in his hand, swinging it towards the man in blue clothes.

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