Laugh at!

The purple whip tore through the air, fast as lightning, carrying terrifying power, and fiercely pumped towards the Qingyi man.

If ordinary monks are selected, it is estimated that they will be directly drawn in half.

“Be bold!”

But this man in blue is not an ordinary person, I saw him shout angrily, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the purple whip in his hand, and then pulled it hard, directly dragging the young man in Chinese clothes from the alien beast.



The young man in Chinese clothes was wrapped in a terrifying force and fell heavily, touching the ground with his face, his whole face was flattened, like a leather ball, constantly rolling on the street.

It happened to crash in the direction of Wu Ning, and then was shocked by a trace of aura emanating from his body.

“Young Master!”

A man who looked like a guard immediately rushed forward and flashed to catch the young man in Chinese clothes.

“Ah! It hurts the little master!!

“Bastard! Kill them for me, I want them to die! The

young man in Chinese clothes looked hideous, his eyes were full of anger and killing intent, and his flesh and blood were blurry, looking like a ghost.

“Dare to hurt my son-in-law, you are looking for death!”


A powerful aura instantly erupted from him, and this guard turned out to be a Heavenly Immortal Realm powerhouse.

The Qingyi man’s face turned cold, “Dare to run wild in the streets of the imperial city, there is simply no king’s law!” ”

Yingluo, take them down for me!”


A woman wearing light red armor suddenly appeared, and when she raised her hand, she easily suppressed the two of them and one beast.

“Immortal King?!”

The guard’s face changed suddenly.

Being able to command an Immortal King powerhouse at will, this person is definitely not small, and they are afraid that they will kick the iron plate this time.

The young man in Chinese clothes had anger in his eyes, “Bastard! ”

Family Father Cangnan God General, if you don’t want to die, let me go!”



The war-armored woman directly slapped out, drawing the other side of his face into a blur of flesh and blood.

“Male… Gongzi, how to deal with these two?

The man in Qing Yi put the little girl in his arms aside, waved his hand casually, and said, “Throw them all to the Immortal Prison Division and let those guys greet them well.” ”


The war-armored woman immediately flashed away with two beasts.

Seeing this scene, there was a round of applause all around.

“My lord…”

“Thank you for saving your life!”

An anxious middle-aged woman walked over quickly, nervously examined the little girl, and then led her to bow down towards the man in blue clothes.

The man in blue snorted softly, raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Ning, feeling that his eyes were a little strange, his brows suddenly frowned, and then disappeared directly.

Wu Ning smiled faintly and continued to walk forward.

A moment later.

They came to a huge mansion of immense luxury.

The Horse House is not actually called the Horse House, but the Wu House.

It was only because Wu Tianhua married the third princess of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom and became a horse that Wufu was called the Horse Mansion.

“Stop! Who are you? The

two cloaked guards immediately stepped forward.

“Do you know this?”

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Wu Ning took out a simple token with a vigorous martial character on it.

“This is … Martial Clan Token? The

two guards stared, they were doing things in the Martial Mansion, and naturally knew the token of the Martial Clan.

“Dare to ask, but an adult from the Wu clan?”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor said lightly: “Blind your dog’s eyes, this is our martial arts Daoist, don’t hurry up and report.” ”

Martial Clan Daozi…” The

two guards were startled, and their expressions immediately became humble and respectful.

The two quickly bowed and took two steps back, “There are no beads in the lowly position, please hurry up.” Wu

Ning walked directly towards the mansion, and everywhere he passed, he bowed down and bowed to each other.

A leading guard followed the way and quickly summoned the adults in the palace.

Wu Ning raised his eyes and looked around the mansion, this mansion was extremely vast, misty, luxurious and noble, golden pavilions could be seen everywhere, and inside and outside the mansion were like two worlds.


Ning’er, your father only contacted me a few days ago, I didn’t expect you to arrive so soon!”

At this time, a heroic man with a bright moon strode out.

Wu Ning raised his eyes and looked at his uncle, his appearance was at least seven points similar to Wu Xuan, and his temperament was three points elegant, three points domineering, and four points detached.

His figure is not burly, but he is tall and slender, and his appearance is extremely young, looking like an older youth.

“Ning’er has seen the uncle.”

Wu Ning bowed slightly.

Wu Tianhua quickly supported him, showed a kind smile, reached out and patted his shoulder, “It’s all a family, these false manners are exempted, I have never liked these.”

“Go, go in with your uncle.”

Wu Tianhua took Wu Ning around the pavilions and walked towards the main hall of the mansion.

“Ning’er, there are still a few months before the canonization ceremony of the Prince of the Immortal Kingdom, and you will live here during this time.”

Wu Ning bowed his head slightly, “Then disturb the uncle.” ”

Haha… You boy, you don’t have to be polite here uncle, just like in your own home.

Wu Tianhua said with a smile.

Soon, the group walked into the main hall.

Wu Tianhua quickly ordered people to serve tea, and said to Wu Ning: “Ning’er, you came unluckily, your eldest aunt went to the imperial palace two days ago, and it is estimated that it will take a few days to return, and during this time, we will be in the mansion.” There

was a hint of lightness and pleasure in his voice.

After becoming a couple, he learned how rare it was to have such a wife without his side.

Suddenly, a butler-like man hurriedly walked in.

“Sir, it’s not good!”

“The Pavilion of Odd Things was smashed by someone!”

Hearing this, Wu Tianhua frowned imperceptibly, “Who is so bold as to dare to smash the Pavilion of Odd Things?” ”

This Curious Thing Pavilion is his most important industry in the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom, such a large martial arts mansion, so many people need to be raised, almost all rely on that Curious Thing Pavilion.

There was an immortal king sent by him to sit there, and he was actually smashed, and it seems that the person who did it is not small.

The forces in the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom all know the background of the Odd Thing Pavilion, and there should be no one who dares to smash the Odd Thing Pavilion.

It should be forces from other immortal domains.

The housekeeper hurriedly said: “The Changming Immortal King summoned the news, the person who made the move came from the Taihuang Immortal Court, in addition, there are people from the Qianye Emperor Clan. ”

The Great Desolate Immortal Court… The Qianye Emperor Clan…” Wu

Tianhua’s gaze was cold, “It must be Ye Huang’s grandson who is behind the ghost, it’s really looking for death!”

He turned his head towards Wu Ning and said, “Ning’er, you must be tired after driving for so long, I will let people take you to rest, uncle, I will deal with a little trivial matter first.”

Wu Ning smiled and said, “Uncle, I’ll go with you, just came to the Evergreen Immortal Capital, just take a look at the liveliness.”

Wu Tianhua didn’t think much about it, nodded and said

, “It’s okay, then you will accompany your uncle to teach those jumping beam clowns a lesson.”

However, he knew that his nephew was an unprecedented demon, and he had an immortal king cultivation at a young age.

You don’t have to worry about danger.

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