The Lord of the Evergreen Kingdom looked cold and said, “Fan Xian, the so-called son does not teach the father’s fault, your son Fan Peng is so daring that he dares to assassinate the Daozi of the Martial Clan in public, such crimes should be committed to the entire clan, and the divine soul should be drawn into purgatory for ten thousand years!”

“Since Fan Peng has died on the spot, then it is up to you to take the punishment of your son!”

“Your Majesty!!”

“Your Majesty, spare your life! Weichen is wronged!

Fan Xianxian shouted, his face turning white with fright.

The Lord of the Evergreen Kingdom waved his hand expressionlessly, “Drag it down, execute!” ”


The two golden-armored Praetorian Guards took the order and immediately dragged the Cangnan God General towards the outside.

The harsh screams soon spread into the back garden, and everyone felt chills in their hearts when they heard it.

“Daozi, can you still be satisfied with such an explanation?”

The Evergreen Country Lord asked with a smile.

Wu Ning looked light, and said quietly, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“It’s just a trivial matter, so I won’t delay everyone enjoying the palace banquet.”

Fan Peng was so big that he didn’t believe that the other party didn’t notice anything.

Since he planned to launch the Cangnan God General Top Cauldron, Wu Ning was also lazy to calculate.

It would certainly be impossible for him to kill his own son.

The Lord of the Evergreen Country smiled and said, “What the Daozi said is polite, you don’t need to be restrained, enjoy the immortal banquet to your heart’s content, and you can speak freely today.” Afterwards

, a group of flowers and moon-looking fairy women stepped forward to play and dance, fairy skirts flew, graceful and colorful, and sang beautifully.

Xianyin was stunned, and the atmosphere soon became lively again.

Wu Ning raised his eyes and glanced at the seats of all the princes, and when he looked at the second prince, the other party also happened to look over.

Wu Ning moved his lips and said a few words silently.

A moment later.

The second prince Qin Yu quietly got up, arched his hand in the direction of the Evergreen Country Lord, and then directly turned around and left the table.

There were many guests present, and people often left the table, and some people noticed his movements and did not care.

After a long time, Wu Ning also quietly left the table.


In the midst of a magnificent immortal palace.

With a smile on his face, Qin Yu strode into a dormitory.

“Your Highness, aren’t you attending the palace banquet now, why did you come to the slave family?”

A man with a feminine temperament and a more beautiful appearance than most women in the world immediately greeted him.

“Lang Qing, the main hall is a little upset in my heart, I want to come to you to have a look…” Qin

Yu stretched out a hand and directly took the feminine man in his arms.

“Your Highness… Your Highness, don’t be numb, it’s still daylight.

“It’s okay, no one will come here.”

“Your Highness…”

“Gee, it’s really spicy eyes!”

Wu Ning held up an umbrella and walked between the Immortal Palaces.

He hurriedly took out more than a dozen Lingering Divine Stones, ready to record this exciting moment.


Half a quarter of an hour later.

Wu Ning returned to the banquet room of the Back Garden Palace.

Murong Haoyu asked, “Cousin, where are you going?”

Wu Ning replied casually: “Cousin, I went to see a good show. ”

Oh? What good show?

Murong Haoyu was aroused with a hint of curiosity.

“Hehe, cousin, you’ll know later.”

Wu Ning smiled mysteriously, and then continued to bury his head in wine and taste various delicacies.

About half a quarter of an hour passed.

Suddenly, a huge curtain of light was cast into the air.

“Huh? What is that? Many

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people immediately looked into the air, thinking that it was some kind of entertainment program arranged by the palace banquet.

But when they saw the picture in the light curtain, they were stunned one by one, and their eyes showed shock.


“Isn’t this the second prince?!”

“Groove! Did you see it, the one on the second prince seems to be a man…”

“What seems to be, it is clearly a man!”

“I’m dripping a girl, the second prince is also spending too much time here, right?”

“Hehe, young people can really play now!”

“I said how the second prince left for so long and didn’t come back, it turned out that he lost his private meeting and went…”



The Evergreen Country Lord’s face turned black with anger, and he swung his hand sharply towards the Shadow God Stone in the air.

But what surprised him was that he struck with anger and actually did not smash the Lingering God Stone!

Changqing’s gaze froze, and he suddenly frowned.

He released his divine mind and swept over, and found that the Shadow Divine Stone was cleverly placed in an alien space, and he had not hit it with the blow he had just had.

With this delay, more and more content was released by the Lingering Divine Stone.

The picture is high-definition, and the sound of silence reaches everyone’s ears.

Some big girls and little women blushed, covered their eyes, and couldn’t help but show a slit to secretly look into the air.

All the old and young masters did not care, and they generously rewarded.

If it weren’t for the scruples that the occasion was wrong, it was estimated that he would have to talk about the second prince.


The Evergreen Country Lord’s face turned cold, and he slapped his palm again.

This time, the Lingering Divine Stone shattered.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, several more light curtains were cast into the air.

“Damn it!”


The Evergreen Country Lord looked gloomy, not only for Qin Yu’s ugly affairs exposed.

It’s more about the people who exposed it.

Being able to arrange one shadow divine stone after another under his nose, but no one found it, this ability made him feel a little jealous.

“Your Majesty!”

The empress’s face was extremely ugly, and the anger in her heart continued to rise.

She still heard a little about her son’s proclivities, and she had warned many times, how could she not expect Qin Yu to dare to act so boldly!

“It’s all good sons you taught!”

The Evergreen Country Lord glared at him coldly, and then asked angrily, “Where is that rebel son at this moment?!” ”

Right at this time.

The second prince Qin Yu walked back slowly, his face remaining with a hint of satisfaction.

As if sensing that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, Qin Yu looked around blankly.

I found that everyone’s eyes fell on him, with all kinds of sadistic, weird, and contemptuous looks in his eyes.

He suddenly frowned, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

“Rebel, kneel for me!!”

The Evergreen Country Lord shouted with a livid face.

Qin Yu’s face turned pale, and without thinking, he knelt down directly.

“Father… Father, I don’t know what happened to my son…”

His heart was a little panicked, and his expression was extremely apprehensive.


As soon as Qin Yu’s voice fell, a light curtain was cast in the air again, and some familiar silence instantly entered his ears.

The Evergreen Country Lord’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he said angrily:

“Hmph! See for yourself what good you have done! Anyway

, it was seen by so many people, and this time he was not in a hurry to destroy it.

You don’t need to think about it, if you smash this photo god stone, there must be it secretly.

The people who laid out the method were extremely clever, and those shadow divine stones could not even be discovered by him before they were stimulated.

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