
Qin Yu’s eyes widened sharply, and his face was full of disbelief.

He recognized the two people in the picture at a glance, it was him and the male pet Langqing!

“How is this possible?”

He shook his head a little distractedly, how could what just happened be recorded unconsciously.

He was clearly prepared for everything, even the Immortal Emperor powerhouse could not sneak into that Immortal Palace quietly.

“Who is it?!”

“Who did it, I’m going to kill him!”

Qin Yu’s expression was crazy, and his eyes turned blood-red, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.



The Lord of the Evergreen Kingdom slapped him to the ground in the air, and then destroyed the Shadow Divine Stone, and said angrily: “Come, press this villain into the Cold Age Palace, and you must not take half a step without Xuan’s order!”

The empress gritted her teeth, but did not dare to intercede at this moment.

Qin Jun was angry, if she interceded now, maybe even she would be affected.

At that time, their mother and son will only be afraid that they will be driven into the abyss and will never rise again.

The two golden-armored guards left and walked out with Qin Yu in their hands.

“Father, the sons and daughters were framed by someone!”

Qin Yu shouted in despair.

With such a big scandal, the position of prince is absolutely out of his reach.

He instantly thought of the Ninth Prince Qin Tian.

“Father! It must be Lao Jiu, it must be Lao Jiu who framed me!

“Father, you must be the master of your children!”

The Evergreen Country Lord was unmoved, but his eyes glanced at the Ninth Prince Qin Tian thoughtfully.

“Father Emperor Mingcha, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the children!”

A trace of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Qin Tian’s forehead, and he immediately bowed his head and knelt down.

Seeing Qin Yu’s downfall, he was naturally extremely happy in his heart.

But if this involved him, it would be bad luck.

This matter has seriously damaged the reputation and face of the royal family, if it really involves him, even if Qin Yu falls, I am afraid that it will not be his turn to be the prince.

The Evergreen Country Lord couldn’t see any mood swings on his face, glanced at him lightly, and then threw his hands straight away.

Immediately, the empress and all the imperial concubines also left one after another.

In the huge back garden, it seems extremely silent at the moment.

The people of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom did not dare to say more.

Although the people of the major super powers are not afraid of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom, they are extremely convergent in the territory of others at this moment.

“Old Immortal suddenly remembered that there are still children at home that have not been fed, everyone, leave!”

Suddenly, a white-bearded old man got up and said.

“Cough, the old man also remembered that the alchemy furnace at home had not been turned off, so leave!”

“Today came in a hurry, the shoes are all wrong, Benjun has to go back and change a pair quickly.”

“Just summoned from home, my wife is pregnant, everyone leave!”

For a while, everyone left.

Wu Tianhua said, “Let’s go too.” ”


A splendid fairy palace.

The Evergreen Country Lord stood in front of the window with a calm face, his face was gloomy, and his body exuded a terrifying aura like an abyss.


A green-robed man appeared behind him and knelt respectfully, “Your Majesty, all the male pets raised by the second prince have been dealt with. The

Evergreen Country Lord’s eyes were deep and he didn’t say anything.

The green-robed man knelt on the ground so respectfully, without any movement.

A moment later.

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The Evergreen Country Lord asked coldly, “Can you find anything?” ”

Back to Your Majesty, the minister did not find anything, and the person who made the move must be an Immortal Emperor powerhouse with extremely high spatial avenues!”

The green-robed man said calmly.

The eyes of the Evergreen Country Lord darkened slightly, “You go and investigate, this matter can be related to the Ninth Prince.” ”


The green-robed man answered, and instantly disappeared into the Immortal Palace.


What happened in the imperial palace still spread out.

Although the princes and ministers of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom did not have the courage to talk about royal scandals in private, the people of other forces did not have so many scruples.

What’s more, there are quite a few people with ulterior motives.

In just a few days, the news that the second prince Qin Yu liked male style and raised male pets spread in the imperial city.

And spread to the rest of the Immortal Capital at an extremely fast speed.

Among the Wufu.

Murong Haoyu secretly found Wu Ning and asked in a low voice, “Ning’er, shouldn’t this matter have something to do with your brat?” But

he remembered that Wu Ning had told him that there would be a good show.

Sure enough, there was indeed a good show!

Wu Ning smiled noncommittally, “Cousin, I’m just a theater watcher. ”


Murong Haoyu slapped him on the shoulder, “You boy, I really have yours!”

“Don’t talk about this, let’s drink together.”

Wu Ning smiled faintly, and then took out several great altar of superb immortal wine.

These immortal wines were all obtained by him in the treasury of the Great Zhou Immortal Clan.

As a top-level power, the immortal wine that the Great Zhou Immortal Clan can treasure into the treasure house is naturally extremely extraordinary.

Murong Haoyu’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Good wine!” The

two chatted casually while drinking.

“Cousin, you also have Immortal King-level strength now, why don’t you wait for the crown prince of the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom to go to the battlefield of the heavens with my cousin and me?”

Murong Haoyu suggested.

“The Battlefield of the Heavens…” Wu

Ning thought for a while, and shook his head slightly: “No, I am not in a hurry to go to the Battlefield of the Heavens for the time being, cousin, you go first, and my cousin will enter the Battlefield of the Heavens

in the future to find you.” ”

The Heavenly Battlefield only allows people under the Immortal Emperor to enter, and although Wu Ning has a heavenly umbrella to shield the heavenly machine, he does not dare to determine whether he can enter.

But he’s definitely going to give it a try anyway.

He was very curious about the battlefield of the heavens, especially the “Void God Realm”.

Moreover, the battlefield of the heavens connects to the ten thousand worlds, and it is also a transfer battle in the ten thousand worlds, through which you can quickly enter the other worlds of the heavens.

Maybe it will be useful in the future.

However, Wu Ning did not plan to go with Murong Haoyu.

First, he needed an umbrella to enter, and second, he also planned to collect several great opportunities in the Primordial Ancient Realm.

Murong Haoyu’s eyes showed a hint of regret, “It’s okay, then cousin will go to explore the road first, cousin, you must remember to contact me when you enter.”

Wu Ning nodded, “Definitely.” ”


Time continued to pass, and soon it was time for the crown prince’s canonization ceremony to be held.

In the early stage, the scandal of the second prince was raging, but as the crown prince’s canonization ceremony approached, everyone was diverted.

The second prince, who had the most hope of ascending the position of crown prince, was beaten into the cold palace, and now, the ninth prince Qin Tian has become the prince candidate in the hearts of countless people.

On this day, the magnificent ancient bell sounded leisurely, running through time and space, and instantly resounded throughout the entire Immortal Capital Continent.

Above the Palace Square.

The bells and drums chimed in unison, and the fairy sound was pervasive.

Many Immortal Kingdom ministers dressed in imperial robes stood solemnly.

On the viewing platforms on both sides, there are teams of major forces who come to watch the ceremony.

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