Wu Ning quietly looked around and saw many acquaintances.

For example, Ye Huang of the Qianye Emperor Clan, the Wild Jian and the Barren Tu brothers of the Tai Desolate Immortal Court, and the prince Jun Mu of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, and so on.


Jun Muzheng looked at Wu Ning with a cold expression.

“That kid is Wu Tianyun’s son?”

A faint killing intent flashed under his eyes.

Last time he was humiliated by Wu Tianyun in public in the Murong Emperor clan, he lost face, and this hatred continued to eat away at his heart and soul like a demon, causing him to distort his mentality and hate Wu Tianyun to the extreme.

Beside him.

A golden-robed woman with a cold and proud look warned in a loud voice: “That kid has an Immortal Emperor powerhouse by his side, you’d better not act rashly!” Jun

Mu snorted coldly and did not refute.

The Immortal Emperor powerhouse protects the Dao, even if he is the prince of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, he does not have this treatment.

This made him feel a little jealous in his heart, and his killing intent towards Wu Ning became stronger.

Such a demon, if he died, Wu Tianyun must be very painful, right?

Jun Mu thought excitedly in his heart.

Wu Ning glanced at him lightly and then looked away.

An ordinary prince is just not worth his attention, and he can shoot to death at will.

Knock knock——!

The melodious bell echoes between heaven and earth, and the four poles of the world are powerful.

Endless divine light shines on the heavens.

Immortal Yun erupted from the Imperial Palace and instantly permeated the entire Central Imperial City.

Suddenly, boundless purple qi and auspicious visions appeared in the sky above the Immortal Capital Continent.

At this time, the Lord of the Evergreen Kingdom appeared above the imperial palace, and the woman next to him today was not the empress, but Concubine Zhuang, the biological mother of the Ninth Prince and Princess Fengxuan.

Inside and outside the imperial palace, countless subjects knelt down and shouted:

“Meet Your Majesty!”

“Meet Your Majesty!”

The Evergreen Country Lord smiled faintly, “Zhu Qing is flat!” The

two stepped out and appeared on the high platform of the Heaven Sacrifice.

Then, after the lengthy prayer to the heavens, the canonization edict was read.

“Honor the ancestor’s edict, the emperor succeeds the heavenly pole, the imperial ruler of the universe, the crown prince of the town and the country, the inheritance of the ancestors of all generations… Today, there is the prince Qin Tian, with a gentle temperament, Ying talent, tireless gifts, and the resources of the Lord of the Prosperous World, who can keep the weapon and inherit the Zuo, forever consolidate the national fortune, and be specially appointed as the prince of the Immortal Kingdom…”

As the edict was read, the ninth prince Qin Tian immediately knelt down to bow to Xie En and add the crown prince’s crown.

Then there was the worship of the courtiers.

“See His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!”

On the viewing platform.

Wu Ning’s heart suddenly moved, opened the system personal panel and took a look, and the check-in opportunities had accumulated to 2386 times.

“System, come twice for the annual signature.”

[Ding, the check-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a superb Dao weapon-Aoki Divine Armor! ] 】

【Ding, the check-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 million years of cultivation! 】 Two

system tones sounded quickly.

A smile appeared on Wu Ning’s face, and the reward was not bad.

With these ten million cultivations, it can be regarded as a step closer to the realm of Dao Venerable.

If this continues, it is estimated that it will not take long to successfully promote to the Supreme Dao Venerable.


Three days later.

Wu Ning said goodbye to his uncle and left the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom directly.

Murong Haoyu and his sisters had already left a day earlier.

In the middle of the starry sky.

The golden ancient ship shuttled at great speed, and countless stars were left far behind like streamers, brilliant and strange.

On top of ancient ships.

Wu Ning was leisurely counting the gains made during this period when he suddenly sensed a violent battle fluctuation.

He immediately let go of his divine sense and found three ancient warships chasing in the starry sky.

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Two chases and one escapes.

There are also several immortal kings around who are engaged in a big battle.


The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor flashed beside Wu Ning: “Daozi, it seems that someone is chasing and killing the people of the Wu Clan.” On

that chased warship, there was a Xuan flag with the unique “Wu” character of the Wu clan.

Wu Ning nodded slightly, “Go and see.” The

two disappeared into the golden ancient ship in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were already next to the three warships.

Wu Ning gave Emperor Shuiyun Immortal a wink, and the latter immediately shouted loudly and coldly, ”

Presumptuous! Stop it all to Bendi! ”


A vast Immortal Emperor coercion erupted from him, instantly filling the entire starry sky.

“Immortal Emperor!”

The faces of several immortal kings who were engaged in the great battle changed slightly.

One of them arched his hand and said, “Senior, we are people of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, I don’t know if we can offend our predecessors?” ”

Eternal Immortal Kingdom…”

Wu Ning raised his eyebrows slightly.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor did not pay attention to the Immortal King who spoke up, but looked at the Immortal King man who was besieged by them, “You are from the Martial Clan?”

“Senior, I am a martial arts clan.”

The man arched his hand and pulled out a martial identity token.

The Shui Yun Immortal Emperor nodded slightly, and said, “Since you are a member of the Martial Clan, have you seen this person next to me?” ”

This is…”

Wu Liang dropped his gaze to Wu Ning next to him, feeling a hint of inexplicable familiarity.

He had traveled abroad for thousands of years, and this time he was intercepted and killed by the people of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom on the way to the Hui, and although he knew that the new Daozi had been established in the clan, he had never seen Wuning’s face before.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor said loudly, “This is the Daozi of the Martial Clan!” ”

Martial Clan Daozi?!”

Before Wu Liang could react, several Eternal Immortal Realm Immortal Kings next to him let out an exclamation.

Several people suddenly changed color, and without thinking about it, they immediately fled.


The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor snorted coldly, and the figures of several people suddenly stopped, and they all let out a muffled snort, and their breath instantly became sluggish.


Wu Ning stretched out a hand and caught an Immortal King in his hand, and then directly probed his divine soul memory.

A moment later.

A trace of coldness flashed in Wu Ning’s eyes, and then with a wave of his hand, several Immortal Kings of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, including the two warships with them, instantly disappeared.

Wu Liang’s eyes widened in amazement.

This person is so violent, is it really the new Daozi of their martial clan?

“Go back to the clan yourself, be careful on the road.”

Wu Ning then instructed, and then left directly with the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor.

Wu Liang was stunned in place for a long time, and said with words in his mouth: “It seems that a lot of things have happened in the clan during this time!” ”

The people of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom actually made a move towards me, could it be that we have started a war with the Eternal Immortal Kingdom?”

“No, I have to hurry up and go back to the clan!”

Wu Liang shook his head slightly, and immediately took the accompanying warship away.


The other side.

Wu Ning put away the golden ancient ship, and then quickly came to another immortal domain with the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor.

A silent starry sky.

At this moment, an extremely large ancient warship was quietly galloping.

There were also three warships of the smaller one guarded around it.

Above the ancient warship in the center, a flag belonging to the royal family of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom was hoisted.

Fluttering quietly, exuding the breath of Megatron.

Among the warships.

Jun Mu frowned slightly, and said dissatisfied: “A bunch of waste, even a small bitch of the martial clan can’t handle it, and they haven’t come back yet!” ”

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