The big boss was very curious. Jiang Chen developed a new weapon with good performance in all aspects, but how many of these weapons are there?

Jiang Chen:”Not many. There are about 80,000 Type 51 rifles, each with three ammunition bases (360 rounds of bullets). There are only 1,500 Type 51 white phosphorus rocket launchers, each with three ammunition bases (12 white phosphorus rounds). In addition, there are about 100,000 sets of cold-proof supplies.……”

For the 19th Corps of 120,000 people, these are obviously not enough, but the situation requires them, so they can only use them first.

“Boss, are you still listening?”

At this time, the big boss was so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

80,000 Type 51 rifles?

Only 1,500 Type 51 white phosphorus rocket launchers?

Hiss, this data directly hit the big boss dizzy, his head buzzing

“Jiang Chen, how did you do it? Didn’t they say that the Ninth Corps had emptied out all the inventory?”

How did Jiang Chen do it in such a short time?

The Ninth Corps entered North Korea in December, and it has only been three months now.

Jiang Chen gave the CEO another big surprise?

The CEO was ecstatic:”Jiang Chen, you are really the savior of our army. Your 100,000 sets of equipment are so timely… It’s like timely help in times of trouble!”

“With these weapons, the soldiers of the 19th Corps will surely be able to wreak havoc on the peninsula!”

“That’s great…haha!”

The big boss burst into tears of joy, his eyes moistened:”Jiang Chen, you always give us surprises, you are the deputy general of our army!!”

“Always ahead of us, solving problems for me… I’m so happy.”

Jiang Chen:”The situation on the peninsula has entered a stalemate, and it’s the time when our army needs supplies, so I asked the uniform factory and the arsenal to work overtime to rush it out… I hope it can be used!”

“It’s really useful, Jiang Chen, you have solved a big problem for the central government!”

The big boss couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be if the 19th Corps brought the Wan Guo-made into the peninsula and faced the enemy’s steel torrent.

“Jiang Chen, prepare the things. I will immediately send the people from the 19th Corps to pick them up!!”

After hanging up the phone, the big boss was as happy as a child and immediately called the commander of the 19th Corps, Yang Dezhi.

After hearing the news, Yang Dezhi was very happy:”Okay, I will go immediately.……”

Yang Dezhi had long wanted to see Jiang Chen’s name, so he personally led 037 to the 101 Arsenal.


Jiang Chen’s expression also became serious, because through the communication with the big boss, he found a problem.

When our army entered the 38th parallel and fought to the 37th parallel, they did not dare to continue to move south.

Because the south is a plain and open land, it is very beneficial to the mechanized forces of the US military.

To solve this problem, we must have our own tanks and armored vehicles.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was well prepared.

“Hucheng, help me call Wang Huabing!”

“”Okay, Chief!”

After a while, Wang Huabing came in fully armed and saluted:”Chief!” Wang Huabing was wearing a mini-makeup, equipped with a 54 pistol, carrying a 56-type submachine gun, a flare and three grenades.

This is a standard tank soldier’s equipment.

The caliber of the 54 pistol is 7.62 mm, the effective range is 50 meters, the capacity is 7 rounds, the gun weighs 0.5 kg, and it is very suitable for close combat. The caliber of the 56-type submachine gun is 7.62 mm, the total length of the gun is 874 meters, the total weight is 4.03 kg, and the initial velocity is 710-730 meters?/?sec, rate of fire is 40 rounds?/?Points (single shot) and 90-100 rounds?/?The effective range is 400 meters.

Since the 56 submachine gun is a copy of the AK-47 rifle, it has the same reliable performance, simple operation, easy training and maintenance as the AK-47 rifle. It can penetrate a 6 mm thick steel plate, a 150 mm thick brick wall, a 300 mm thick soil layer or a 400 mm thick wooden board at a distance of 100 meters.

In use, it is best to implement burst shooting within 300 meters for a single target and single shot shooting within 400 meters. Concentrated firepower can be used to shoot at aircraft and paratroopers within 500 meters, and can kill group targets within 800 meters. The warhead is still lethal when it flies to 1.5 kilometers.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious, exactly the same as the AK-47: strong vibration during shooting, difficult to control, and poor shooting accuracy.

For a tank soldier, it is enough to use this submachine gun to counterattack in the face of emergencies.

Wang Huabing:”Wang Huabing, the commander of the armored brigade, comes to assure you, please give instructions, chief!!”

“How is the armored brigade training recently? ?”Jiang Chen asked.

The armored brigade includes a tank regiment: equipped with 48 Type 59 tanks, an armored regiment: equipped with 52 Type 50 infantry fighting vehicles, 56 self-propelled rocket launchers, and an air defense regiment: equipped with 48 vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft guns and 102 various mountain vehicles.

Wang Huabing:”All subjects are being trained. I think we can go to the battlefield at any time!” After training for so long, Wang Huabing couldn’t wait any longer.

Jiang Chen:”What do you think? Do you know that these two words will kill many people? If I say not what you think, but one hundred percent!”

The 101 Arsenal has finally accumulated this little wealth, and it can’t stand the tossing.

“Three days later, I will conduct an assessment of the armored brigade. Qualified soldiers will go to the battlefield, otherwise they will be retired on the spot.”

Jiang Chen’s requirements are very high:”I hope you can shed tears and sweat now, instead of bleeding and breaking arms on the battlefield… You have been training for so long, and the flight regiment formed with you has already fought against enemy aircraft on the peninsula… It’s time to test the results.”

Wang Huabing:”Please inspect the armored brigade at any time, and we must complete the assessment of every subject of the dinner!!”

“Go ahead, I’ll give you three days to prepare!” Jiang Chen finally instructed:”By the way, the situation on the peninsula is not optimistic. After crossing the 38th parallel, our army has been unable to advance and urgently needs an armored brigade… Whether you can go to the battlefield will determine your assessment results!”

Wang Huabing’s heart was filled with enthusiasm:”Please rest assured, the armored brigade will not let you down!”

Jiang Chen also hoped that the armored brigade would land on the peninsula as soon as possible and carve out a bloody path for our army.

However, our army’s mechanization knowledge is weak. If we want to master the tactical coordination between the Type 59 tank and the armored vehicle, we need to continue to learn and train.

It’s a donkey or a horse, we have to take it out for a walk.……

“Chief……”Yang Hucheng walked in and said,”Boss Lin is here!!”

Just as he finished speaking, Boss Lin walked in wearing a military coat and said,”Are you Jiang Chen?”

“Hello, President Lin!”

President Lin looked at Jiang Chen, who seemed a little young. As a veteran of many years, he had a proud and arrogant aura. He sat directly on the sofa, crossing his legs. It was indeed a bit unpleasant for him to protect a”little kid”.

Jiang Chen seemed to see that President Lin was a little unhappy, but he didn’t know what to say. Then, he arranged for Yang Hucheng to pour tea and continued to work!

The atmosphere of the scene was a little weird.

However, it was soon broken by a loud voice.

“Jiang Chen, Comrade Jiang Chen, please tell me, who is Jiang Chen?……”Yang Dezhi walked in carelessly.

However, when Yang Dezhi saw Boss Lin, he immediately became well-behaved:”Boss, you are here too!”

“Jiang Chen, hello… I’m here to pick up my equipment.……”

Jiang Chen:”Hello Commander Yang, you have worked hard all the way!”

Yang Dezhi was a little surprised to see how young Jiang Chen was:”Director Jiang is indeed young and promising… Your name is well known in our army. After meeting you today, I can see that your reputation is well-deserved!!”

“You’re welcome. Come on, I’ll take you to see the equipment!” Jiang Chen ordered,”Yang Hucheng, go get ready!”


Then the group came to the test site, and General Lin followed reluctantly. (bacb) At this time, Yang Hucheng had already prepared the Type 51 rifle in advance.

“Commander Yang, come and try the performance of this gun!!”

Yang Hucheng, the chief of staff of the 19th Corps, and the commander’s guards looked at the Type 81 rifle with shining eyes and carefully examined the rifle.

For a commander whose troops were all made in various countries, the Type 81 rifle in front of him was simply too good. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Da Da Da…

Yang Dezhi raised the rifle, aimed, pulled the trigger, and fired at full automatic power. Bullets quickly ejected from the muzzle.

In the blink of an eye, the target in front became a sieve.

Such excellent firepower and accuracy stunned Yang Dezhi and others.

Even General Lin was a little surprised[]

I didn’t expect that the 101 Arsenal could produce such an excellent rifle.

This guy is quite good!

“This gun has good performance and is very suitable for our army!”

The rifles used by the 19th Corps are all bolt-action rifles. When have they ever seen an automatic rifle?

Yang Dezhi and others were all shocked.

“Jiang Chen, you are amazing. You designed such an excellent rifle. Great!……”Yang Dezhi loves his guns.

For a soldier, the gun is their second life. To cherish the gun is to cherish their own life.

Jiang Chen:”The Type 81 rifle can fire continuously or single-shot. Its range is 400 meters, but it has a certain lethality within 2,000 meters.”

“Such an excellent range, I’m afraid that many sniper rifles may not be able to achieve it!” Yang Dezhi liked it more and more.

However, at this time, Jiang Chen snatched the rifle from Yang Dezhi’s hand, threw it directly on the ground, rubbed it hard, stepped on it, and then threw it into the water.

The good gun became dirty!

Yang Dezhi was so distressed when he saw it:”Comrade Jiang Chen… Alas, you really… Such a good gun was ruined like this……”

“If this kind of gun is placed in our army, we will scramble to get it…you…you, ah……”

Yang Dezhi was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

The chief of staff patted his chest helplessly, and the heartbroken feeling was like a broken heart.

Jiang Chen calmly patted the dust off the Type 81 rifle, and then handed it to Yang Dezhi:”Commander Yang, don’t be angry, try again?”

Yang Dezhi was confused?


Do you take me for a fool?

If the bullet gets soaked with water, it will misfire.

If the trachea gets soaked with impurities, it will explode and injure you by mistake… Wouldn’t that be a big loss?

Jiang Chen:”Commander Yang, you have to believe in Rabbit’s military industry, and you have to believe in the quality of the 101 Arsenal.……”

Yang Dezhi looked at Jiang Chen’s confident smile, hesitated for dozens of seconds, and took the gun decisively.

Aim and pull the trigger!

Da da da!!!!

The bullet flew out very smoothly and hit the target again…

This scene shocked Yang Dezhi, the chief of staff and the guard.

There was also a gleam of brilliance in Boss Lin’s eyes: Can this rifle be played like this? Is it so cool?

The performance is no different from AK47!

Boss Lin is still knowledgeable and knows the performance of AK, but he didn’t expect that the 101 Arsenal could produce a rifle like AK.

For a moment, he looked at the young man in front of him with a new eye.

Yang Dezhi, the chief of staff and others were even more talking about it.

“What? How… is this possible?”

“My goodness… this rifle is amazing. It has been buried in mud and sand, and soaked in water… but it is still so smooth.……”

“It’s incredible!”

Jiang Chen:”The battlefield situation on the peninsula is complicated, with mountains, plateaus, snow… So, in order to adapt to the complex and diverse wars, this Type 81 rifle was specially designed, hoping to help you kill people on the battlefield!!!”

Yang Dezhi:”Jiang Chen, you are awesome, I, Yang Dezhi, admire you so much, by the way… How many rifles like this do we have? ?”

“Not many, only 80,000… You can use them first, and we will continue to reload later!!”


There are 80,000 rifles with such an advantage?


Yang Dezhi and others’ cognition was refreshed again.


Yang Dezhi knelt down excitedly:”Jiang Chen, thank you on behalf of the soldiers of the 19th Corps……”

“Absolutely not……”Jiang Chen helped Yang Dezhi up:”You are heroes. It is an honor for the 101 Arsenal and our military workers to be able to work for heroes.”……”

Looking at the young and modest Jiang Chen, Boss Lin seemed to have let go of her grudges and slowly walked to Jiang Chen’s side:”Comrade Jiang Chen, if you have anything in the future, please call me.……”

After that, he left in style and returned to the base!

Afterwards, Yang Dezhi distributed 80,000 sets of equipment, 1,500 white phosphorus rocket launchers, and 100,000 sets of cold-weather supplies, including thermos cups, military rations, and bulletproof vests, to the soldiers of the 19th Corps.

When the soldiers of the 19th Corps received the Type 81 rifle, they were all very excited and ecstatic. When had they ever used such a good rifle?

“Is this the best rifle I have ever seen?”

“What, this clothing is bulletproof? ?”

“What is this? Instant noodles? What are instant noodles?”

“My goodness, why is the water in this cup so hot?……”

A new piece of equipment refreshed everyone’s cognition again and again, as if opening up a new world.

Soon, in the early morning of March 1, the 19th Corps, carrying advanced equipment, crossed the Yalu River with high spirits.

However, unfortunately, not long after the 9th Corps entered North Korea, it encountered the 1st Marine Division of the United States again.……


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