500 kilometers from the coastline, in a sea area in the East China Sea

CV 63″Kitty Hawk” aircraft carrier deck, to be precise, now should be called”Forrestal class aircraft carrier”.

Because the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier is developed on the basis of the Forrestal class aircraft carrier, its main task is to use carrier-based aircraft to attack surface, air and land targets.

Its overall design follows the design features of the Forrestal aircraft carrier. Its ship type characteristics, size, displacement, power plant, etc. are basically the same as the Forrestal class, but the Kitty Hawk class aircraft carrier has made great improvements in superstructure, air defense weapons, electronic equipment, and carrier-based aircraft equipment.

The maximum speed can reach 32 knots, the fuel reserve is 7,800 tons, and the aviation gasoline reserve is 5,800 tons.

The weapons and equipment include RIM-2 air defense missiles (Beagle), which were later replaced by three eight-mounted MK29 Sea Sparrow air defense missile launchers, using semi-active radar guidance, and three Phalanx close defense system MK16 type 6-barrel 20mm rapid-fire guns.

Kitty Hawk’s carrier-based aircraft wing is a”standard” configuration, usually carrying one carrier-based aircraft wing, which has multiple aircraft squadrons under its command.

It is equipped with up to 82 aircraft of various types, including 20 F-86 fighters.、F/A-84 fighter jets, C-24, etc.

As the main battle aircraft carrier of the Seventh Fleet, its combat effectiveness is evident.

On the deck.

Marshall and the captain of the”Kitty Hawk” aircraft carrier, Steve, look out in the distance

“General, the battle is about to begin. Are we really going all out?”

Marshall shook his head:”No, no, this time we are just watching the battle. If necessary, we can send out a few fighters to support.……”

“Remember, our goal is to find out whether the rabbit has mastered missile technology!”

As for the bald warship?

Don’t worry about it.

“Immediately turn on radar detection, find out the enemy’s defense network and firepower points, and prepare for our subsequent war!”

“Yes, General!”


A port on Island B.

Baldhead and Chen Cheng looked at the land of their motherland with mixed feelings. One was that they were eager to return home, and the other was that they were afraid of the conspiracy of Eagle 10.

“I hope General Marshall won’t deceive me?”

Chen Cheng:”Chairman, do you think the Eagle Sauce is just putting on a show?”

“I don’t know, but my intuition tells me that we can’t disobey this conspiracy of the Eagle Sauce.……”

Once they resist, all the resources of the Guo Party will be gone. If it is true, maybe they can really spend Christmas in Jinling next year.

Therefore, the bald man has no way to refuse.

Chen Cheng:”If this is the case, then why should we go all out???”

“No, pass on my secret order and we’ll act accordingly.……”

“OK, I know how to do it.”


A certain radar command post of Rabbit.

Commander Zhang Jinyuan, as usual, always pays attention to the situation at sea to prevent the bald man from making trouble at this time.

“Report: Bald Navy discovered… five warships……”

“No, it’s 10.……”

“What? More than 10……”The radar observer was stunned when he saw the dense red dots on the display screen.

Zhang Jinyuan:”Oh my goodness, hundreds of warships… and the number is still increasing!!”

“What does the Fruit Party want to do? Has it started its counterattack?”

“Report: An aircraft carrier battle group was spotted in the northeast… It should be from the Eagle Sauce……”

Zhang Jinyuan saw this scene and finally understood the bald man’s intention:”Quick, report to the commander-in-chief immediately and request action.……”


Soon, the military district commander saw this scene and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately issued an order:”Notify the air defense forces to immediately turn on all air defense radars to prevent enemy aircraft air strikes. At the same time, order the anti-aircraft artillery regiment to enter combat status!”


At the same time, the commander-in-chief also received information from Zhang Jinyuan and was furious:”What a hawkish aircraft carrier group, instigating the bald navy to invade!……”

“Commander-in-chief, I think the purpose of the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier is not that simple… It seems that it is not participating in the war, but in fact it may launch an attack at any time.……”

“Yes, that’s right!” Commander-in-Chief:”In this case, we must not let the Eagle Sauce start… Pass my order, all coastal air defense regiments enter combat mode, as soon as the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier arrives, fire at me!”……”

We must not let the Eagle Sauce start the provocation.

Academic masters can not only get high scores, but also control scores… Although the rabbits do not have this ability now.

But it is still possible to get high scores with the efforts of the whole country!

Soon, the commanders of the coastal war zones received orders, and all anti-aircraft artillery regiments entered combat status.

The Type 59 anti-aircraft guns deployed along the coast entered the firing mode to prevent air force attacks.

Hundreds of Guards-2 rocket launchers deployed along the coast have begun to prepare for launch.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The bald warships are still moving forward.

The first wave of attack was the four battleships Taikang, Taiping, Yongsheng, and Yongshun, and the destroyers were covering behind them.

These warships are almost all 10,000 tons. For example, the Taikang has a displacement of 1,436 tons, a total length of 88.21 meters, a width of 10.96 meters, a draft of 3.07 meters, and is as high as a floor.

The power is provided by 4 General Dynamics GM16-278A diesel engines, dual-shaft propulsion, 6,000 horsepower, and a speed of 21.5 knots. The main armament is 3 MK22 76mm dual-purpose guns, 1 twin-mounted 40mm Bofors machine gun, 9 20mm Oerlikon machine guns, 1 24-mounted hedgehog gun, 8 depth charge launchers, and 2 depth charge rails.

Not to mention the dozen landing ships following behind, most of which weigh thousands of tons and have hundreds of commandos on board.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The warships are moving towards the coastline at a snail’s pace.

“Report, the enemy has entered the attack range, request to open fire……”


“Fire, the commander ordered… Fire… Everyone… Fire for me!”

With one order, hundreds of Guards-2 rocket launchers rose from the ground and flew towards the warship.

Boom boom boom…

Whoosh whoosh…

Whoosh whoosh…

On the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier,

Marshall saw the densely packed firing points along the coastline through the radar scan, and he was stunned.

“Fuck, does the Rabbit have so many missiles? ?”

Steve:”This is at least hundreds of missiles… firing hundreds of missiles at a time… When did the Rabbit become so rich!!”

Everyone was stunned.

Could this be the Rabbit’s national treasure?

The scene before them refreshed their cognition. When did the former weaklings complete their transformation?

They had no idea.

When they looked back proudly, they found that the Rabbit had become the Oriental Dragon

“So scary!”


On the Kuomintang warship.

The warship was moving forward without any difficulty.

Suddenly, the navy felt a ball of heat coming from above his head.

He looked up.


The next second, hundreds of rockets came at him.

One hundred Guards-2 rocket launchers, each with 6 rockets, a total of 600.

Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom?……

Six hundred rockets bombarded the fleet of warships, leaving no one alive wherever they went.

Warships were killed, warships were burned, and the navy was blown away. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Boom boom boom…

The rockets exploded like torpedoes, creating a big hole in the sea surface, and the sea water flew up to a height of more than ten meters.

After the first round of bombardment, the Kuomintang navy was completely wiped out.

There was a floating wreckage on the sea! []

The navy on the warship behind him saw this scene and were all dumbfounded:”Quick, quick, report to the chairman immediately!”……”

Port Command.

Baldhead and the top leaders of the Guo Party were anxiously waiting for the results, their hearts full of hope.

With Eagle Sauce as their backer, they will definitely succeed!

However, the news of the first wave of annihilation soon reached Baldhead’s ears, instantly bringing everyone back to reality.

“Damn it… More than 30 warships were lost in one attack.……”

“Half of the”eight major” warships have been lost, and one-third of various landing ships and air cushions have been lost.

The enemy is hundreds of kilometers away from the warships, and no one has been seen… Such a huge loss has been caused.

What else can we fight next!

The bald man was furious:”When did the rabbit’s firepower become so powerful?”

Chen Cheng:”Commissioner, do you remember the last time the rabbit bombarded the Eagle Sauce Pregnant Cruiser? I suspect that the rabbit used the rocket launcher this time……”


“You mean, the range of the Rabbit’s rocket launcher is several hundred kilometers? ?”

Mao Renfeng:”Indeed, according to the investigation of the Secret Service, the Rabbit does have a rocket launcher with a range of several hundred kilometers… but the number will not exceed ten.……”

“Damn… where did those hundreds of rocket launchers come from?”The bald man angrily scolded Mao Renfeng:”The news from your secret service is getting more and more offensive!”

Chen Cheng:”Based on the current situation, the rabbits have no less than 100 rocket launchers with a range of hundreds of kilometers! Chairman, there is no chance of winning this battle!!”The bald man was so angry that he walked back and forth, feeling helpless.

It was not easy to pull off a vigorous landing battle, but he didn’t expect the victory and defeat to be decided before the fight.

It’s so cowardly.

“Niang Xipi……”The bald man kept swearing.

Chen Cheng:”Chairman, the Eagle Sauce is obviously trying to put us on the stage… The air support we promised was not there at all.……”

“We are fighting fiercely in the front, and the Eagle Sauce is watching the show in the back……”

“Damn it… I knew the Eagle Sauce was reliable, and the sow could climb a tree……”

Suddenly, the command room was filled with the sound of the Eagle Sauce making trouble.

At this time, the phone in the command room rang.

“Hello… Sir, this is General Marshall.……”

The bald man hesitated for a while, but still answered the phone:”General Marshall, please give me an explanation why you didn’t open fire just now… We agreed that you are responsible for air superiority and we are responsible for sea attacks.……”

Marshall:”Calm down first. I didn’t expect the rabbits to start attacking from a distance of several hundred kilometers… Sorry!”

“I lost dozens of warships for just one sorry……”The bald man suppressed his anger.

Marshall:”We promise that such a situation will not happen again… You can attack with confidence this time!”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Chen Cheng:”Commissioner, what did General Marshall say?”

“Let’s go on the offensive……”


Everyone was shocked:”What? General Marshall is asking us to die!”

“Mr. Chairman, General Marshall’s words cannot be trusted.……”

“I bet that if the fight starts, the Eagle Sauce will definitely run the fastest……”

“Chairman, these are the assets of the 750th party. We can’t squander them all!!”

Everyone persuaded the bald man.

After a brief thought, the bald man believed General Marshall once again and issued an attack order again.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The warships that received the order continued to move forward!


In order to further understand the weapons used by the rabbits, Marshall decided to send F-86 fighters A- type、F/A-84 C-type fighters are heading out.

Buzz buzz buzz…

5 F-86 A-type fighters and 5 F/A-84 fighter jets take off from the USS Kitty Hawk


Rabbit Radar Command

“Report, the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier has launched ten fighter jets and is heading towards our airspace!!”

Zhang Jinyuan:”Report immediately……”


After the commander of the military region learned about it, he immediately dispatched 5″Wuye” fighters to take off to meet the enemy and opened all anti-aircraft guns.

In a moment, all anti-aircraft guns from Fujian to Shanghai were opened, as well as the Guard-2 rocket launchers.

More than 500 rocket launchers were almost lined up… all ready for battle.

“The Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier immediately discovered the Rabbit’s air defense deployment through radar.

Beep beep!

Marshall and Steve were both stunned.

“Fuck…the rabbit is too rich!”

“When were so many missiles deployed? ? ?”

Steve:”General, why don’t we withdraw… This distance is too dangerous!”

With the current MK29 Sea Sparrow air defense system and three Phalanx close-in defense system MK16 6-barrel 20mm rapid-fire guns on the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier, it is simply unable to withstand such intensive bombardment.

Even if it is blocked, the Seventh Fleet is afraid of heavy casualties.

It is not worth it at all.

After a brief thought, Marshall immediately withdrew the fighters.

��Retreat to the Pacific Ocean……”

Following Marshall’s order, the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier quietly evacuated the East China Sea, leaving the bald man behind.

This really screwed the bald navy.

The sudden scene made the rabbit soldiers confused.

“I still want to fight a big battle, but the Eagle Sauce runs away? ?”

“What the hell is the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier doing? Is it setting a trap for us?”

“I think they were scared away by the rocket launchers of our hundreds of guards? ?”

“Eagle sauce… humph… paper tiger… not worth mentioning……”

“Commander, the bald ship is still moving forward… How is it? ?”


Following the commander’s order, more than 100 Guards-2 rocket launchers took off again and flew towards the bald navy.


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