Rabbits make nuclear bombs?

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned!

He never thought that the national emergency task was to research nuclear bombs.

Commander-in-chief:”Jiang Chen, without this thing, the people of our country can’t stand up straight, and their fate can only be in the hands of Western countries. They can bully us whenever they want.……”

“Only by forging a sharp sword can there be dignity and peace!”

“It is our duty to break the nuclear monopoly of imperialism and safeguard world peace!”

Hu Gong:”I know that with our current resources and technology, it will be difficult to build a nuclear bomb, but the government’s attitude is very clear: no matter how difficult it is, we must build a nuclear bomb.……”

?Rabbits are now facing extremely difficult conditions and huge challenges in making atomic bombs.

At this time, Rabbits are facing multiple difficulties such as weak technical foundation, international isolation, and lack of resources.

First of all, weak technical foundation is the primary problem Rabbits face in developing atomic bombs. The industrial foundation is relatively weak, and there is a lack of necessary scientific and technological talents and equipment.

The development of atomic bombs requires a large number of high-tech talents and advanced scientific research equipment, which is a huge challenge for Rabbits.

Secondly, the isolation of the international environment also brings great difficulties to Rabbits in developing atomic bombs.

At this time, the Peninsula Campaign broke out, Rabbits’ relations with Western countries were tense, and there was a lack of opportunities for international cooperation and exchanges, which greatly restricted Rabbits in obtaining external technology and information.

Furthermore, the lack of resources is also a major challenge for Rabbits to develop atomic bombs.

The development of atomic bombs requires a large amount of rare metals and other key raw materials, and it is not easy to obtain these resources.

Therefore, Rabbits need to overcome the problem of resource shortages and ensure the supply of raw materials.

This is a great test for Jiang Chen and scientists and engineers with their firm will and unremitting efforts.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity to show the wisdom and courage of the people of Rabbit 10, and whether they can win respect and status on the international stage.

The commander-in-chief put all the difficulties in front of Jiang Chen and said earnestly:”Comrade Jiang Chen, I want to know… given the current situation, how long will it take for Rabbit to build a nuclear bomb?……”

The Eagle Sauce began in April 1939 when Roosevelt adopted Einstein’s suggestion.

In June 1942, the Eagle Sauce Army Department officially began to implement the plan to develop atomic bombs using nuclear fission reactions, also known as the Manhattan Project. At that time, the project concentrated the best nuclear scientists in Western countries (except the Nazi Hans Cat) at that time, mobilized more than 100,000 people to participate in this project, which lasted 3+3 years and cost 2 billion US dollars.

At 5:30 on July 16, 1945, the world’s first atomic bomb”Fat Man” was successfully tested.

It took the Russians 9 years to develop the atomic bomb. Although it was claimed that the Soviet Union only took 5 years to develop the atomic bomb, in fact, starting from 1938, the Russians, under the leadership of Beria, the boss of the KGB, went through 9 years of research and development.

During this period, the Russians not only made major breakthroughs in technology, but also used the KGB’s intelligence network to obtain a large amount of key information on the development of atomic bombs. This information played a vital role in the Russians’ final successful test of the atomic bomb.

Finally, on September 23, 1949, Russia successfully tested its first atomic bomb, becoming the second country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. ?

One took nine years, and the other took six years.

How long will it take for the rabbit?

Perhaps, only Jiang Chen knows.

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu looked at Jiang Chen expectantly, hoping to get the answer from him.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and slowly said:”One year… half a year at the fastest.”……”

With the system and existing industrial foundation, Jiang Chen believes that a nuclear bomb can be built within half a year or a year.


Half a year?”

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu were amazed by Jiang Chen’s answer.

If the base can produce a nuclear bomb within a year, it will definitely bomb the whole world.

Mr. Hu:”In this time… can we really produce a nuclear bomb?”

The commander-in-chief:”Yes, Jiang Chen, this matter is very serious, it is not a joke.……”

Both of them showed an expression of disbelief.

Jiang Chen:”Yes, that’s right, it should be possible in half a year to a year.……”

Making an atomic bomb is an extremely complex and sensitive scientific and engineering process, involving knowledge of multiple disciplines such as high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and chemistry. It requires a large number of scientific talents.

They need to master in-depth knowledge of basic disciplines such as nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and solid physics, and understand the basic principles such as the structure of the atomic nucleus, radioactive decay, and nuclear reactions. Only then can they study the release mechanism of nuclear energy, including fission and fusion processes, and how to control these processes to achieve the application of controllable nuclear energy or nuclear weapons.

And design experiments to verify the theory, which may include building experimental equipment and preparing experimental materials.

Study the nuclear materials used for fission reactions, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, and light elements used for fusion reactions, such as hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium.

Next is to conduct experiments and data analysis, observe the process and results of nuclear reactions, record data and conduct detailed analysis.

Analyze experimental data to verify the correctness of theoretical models, and adjust experimental designs to optimize results. ?

Finally, there is the critical mass and explosion design, which is the minimum mass required to maintain a chain reaction. ?

Design the structure and detonation method of the explosive device to ensure that the nuclear material can undergo a chain reaction under the critical mass, thereby releasing huge energy. ?

Wait… This is a complicated process.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen developed the atomic bomb within a year is not just talk. The reason why the bear and the hawk spent so much time is mostly on the arithmetic of the equations.

For example, partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, linear equations, rely on manual calculations, a piece of straw paper plus a pen and an abacus are the tools, and the most powerful hawks use”electronic tube digital computers”!

The slow speed is generally thousands to tens of thousands of times per second.

But Jiang Chen is different. He has developed a transistor computer, so he can save a lot of time in calculations. The calculation speed is generally increased by 100,000 times per second, and can be as high as 3 million times.

It can save a lot of time.

At the same time, centrifuges can also be manufactured to increase the refining speed of enriched uranium.

In general, the scientific research team needs three groups of people. The first is theoretical knowledge, calculating explosion methods, nuclear fission reactions, etc. The second is to build centrifuges, and the third is to find uranium mines and refine raw materials.

After the raw materials are prepared, the final drills, modulation, test explosions, etc. are carried out according to the formula!

The whole set of processes has been imprinted in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Jiang Chen:”Commander-in-chief, I am not exaggerating… because I also participated in the nuclear weapons research of the Eagle Sauce back then, and I have a relatively good understanding of its manufacturing process. The most important thing is to find uranium mines… In short, we must be fully prepared!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The commander-in-chief was overjoyed when he heard this.

Jiang Chen participated in the manufacture of nuclear weapons of the Eagle Sauce?

That’s great.

The commander-in-chief and Mr. Hu instantly gained more confidence in Rabbit’s ability to make an atomic bomb.

You know, the refining of uranium 235 has blocked the idea of making atomic bombs for more than 95% of the countries in the world.[]

1 kg of weapons-grade uranium 235 requires 200 tons of ore to extract. During the Cold War, the United States generated 170 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, of which 17% was used for uranium enrichment. Small countries generally cannot afford it.

In a way, the structure of an atomic bomb is not very complicated. First, you need two pieces of uranium 235 with a mass below the critical mass. When detonating, ignite the ordinary high-energy explosives in the nuclear bomb first. The huge pressure generated by the explosives will tightly stick the two pieces of uranium 235 below the critical mass together, and their total mass will exceed the critical mass.

The atomic bomb exploded.

However, it is difficult to obtain uranium 235 materials.

Uranium 235 with an enrichment of 3% is low-enriched uranium, which is used as fuel for nuclear power plants.

Uranium with an enrichment of more than 80% is highly enriched uranium, but it still cannot be used to make nuclear bombs. Only uranium with an enrichment of more than 90% is weapons-grade highly enriched uranium, which requires complex procedures such as prospecting, mining, beneficiation, leaching, refining, and refining.

Weapons-grade highly enriched uranium is mainly uranium 235 and plutonium 239.

Among them, plutonium 239 is an artificial element. The Nagasaki atomic bomb, code-named”Fat Man”, used plutonium to make the core.

Uranium 235 is an isotope of uranium 238. Uranium 238 is a large amount of uranium in nature. The uranium 235 contained in the ore is only 0.7%, which needs to be separated manually by centrifuge. 200 tons of uranium ore can only extract 1 kilogram.

The technology of uranium enrichment centrifuge is only in the hands of a few countries. The high-speed rotation produces a very strong centrifugal field to separate uranium 235. It rotates more than 100,000 times per minute and has to run continuously for about 10 years without stopping or maintenance.

By using gas centrifugation to”throw” the larger mass of uranium hexafluoride to a relatively outer position, while the relatively smaller mass of uranium hexafluoride remains in a relatively central position, uranium hexafluoride containing uranium-235 can be separated.

At present, there are gas diffusion method, gas centrifugation method, electromagnetic separation method, chemical separation method, etc. Among them, gas centrifugation method is the most commonly used method.

However, the temperature of uranium hexafluoride gas entering the centrifuge is as high as 2000 degrees Celsius, and it rotates in a highly vacuum environment. It usually works for several years in a row, and the linear speed is equal to the speed of sound.

Centrifuges have the characteristics of high vacuum, high speed, strong corrosion, high Mach number, long life, and cannot be repaired.

Uranium 235 is about 1.6% lighter than uranium 238. When rotating at high speed, uranium 238 will be thrown out, and uranium 235 will remain in the middle.

The upper and lower temperatures of a high-speed rotating centrifuge cannot be the same, and the temperature difference between the upper and lower parts is about 300.

Early centrifuges were made of aluminum, but the effect was not good. Later, a carbon-free high-strength steel containing 16%-25% nickel and a small amount of aluminum, titanium and other alloys was used, and magnetic bearings were used.

Uranium enrichment plants have tens of thousands of high-performance centrifuges that rotate 24 hours a day, and the power consumption is amazing.

Of course, there is also a local method, which uses the local method of physical precipitation to refine the basic”uranium yellow cake”.

First find the uranium ore. The specific steps are to grind the uranium ore into powder. If there is no machine, it is broken by hammering manually. Then soak the powdered uranium ore in dilute sulfuric acid and dilute nitric acid.

Then filter it again and again until the residue is tested without uranium.

Finally, use the primitive method to dry the solution and make it into a cake-shaped uranium raw material.

At the same time, the second difficulty is how to make weapons-grade highly enriched uranium undergo supercritical reaction through ordinary explosives, that is, the distribution of explosive energy in a confined space.

The atomic bomb needs explosives to detonate the nuclear fuel 503 material. If there is no high-energy explosive, it can’t be exploded at all. The bear used TNT and RDX. The conditions were simple at the time. Hundreds of kilograms of explosives had to be heated in a pot, and different explosives had to be mixed evenly. The bottom could not be burnt when manually stirred, and the stirring speed was also required.

There is a critical mass of fissionable materials. In layman’s terms, if the nuclear material exceeds a certain mass, it will fission itself.

For example, if the critical mass is 4 kilograms, then the 4 kilograms of material must be separated inside the atomic bomb and cannot touch each other, otherwise it will fission. Only after reaching the target and detonating will the two separated parts be aggregated together.

This formula (control method) can only be mastered through step-by-step experiments.

At present, there are two ways to detonate atomic bombs, namely gun detonation and implosion.

The gun type is simple and has a large amount of nuclear charge, but the reaction rate is low and wastes materials. The implosion type has a complex structure, a small amount of charge, and a high reaction rate

“The”Little Boy” atomic bomb is a gun-type bomb, weighing 4,100 kilograms, with a diameter of 71 centimeters and a length of 3.5 meters. Its explosive power is equivalent to 1.4 tons of TNT equivalent.

“”Fat Man” is of implosion type, weighing 4545 kg, 3.25 m long and 1.52 m in diameter, equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT equivalent.

Generally speaking, the uranium material in the bomb is spherical, so that the neutron leakage of the same volume is the least.

Critical mass is the minimum mass of uranium material that can just maintain a chain reaction, which requires very complex calculations.

The critical mass required for uranium 235 under different conditions is different. For example, spherical uranium 235 with a purity of 93.8% and a density of 18.75 g/cm3 has a critical mass of 52 kg.

So the principle of the atomic bomb is not difficult, but it is difficult to turn the design drawings into a physical object, especially the acquisition of weapons-grade uranium is the most difficult. Even if there is enough uranium ore, high-performance centrifuges are difficult to manufacture.

Uranium enrichment plants require tens of thousands of centrifuges to work at the same time, which has extremely high requirements for mechanical reliability and material technology.

Of course, Jiang Chen believes that even if a photolithography machine can be made, there should be no problem with the centrifuge, after all, there is a system.

Commander-in-chief:”Jiang Chen, you can do it with confidence. We will fully support you. Just tell me what you need!!”

“Okay, the first question is power.……”

At present, the national power generation is 24.3 billion kWh. According to 17% of the 170 billion kilowatts of the United States per year, it takes 28.9 billion to make an atomic bomb.

In other words, the people of the country do not need electricity to separate uranium 235 by centrifuge. Therefore, electricity is the problem that Jiang Chen is most worried about.

However, just when the commander-in-chief was thinking, a letter from the United States was handed to Hu Gong…

The letter was sent by Miss Deqian’s wife.


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