Immigration Bureau.

Austin shook hands with the director happily:”Thank you for cooperating with my work, come and drink vodka together?”


The two drank wine and chatted happily.

At this time, Kimble pushed the door and walked in angrily, asking:”Where is Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai?”

“Already sent away!”

“Fuck, you guys are in trouble.……”Kimble felt so angry that he was about to die:”We can’t let them go!”

Austin took out the order signed by Truman and handed it to Kimble:”Don’t worry, even if the sky falls, it will also hold it up!……”

“Oh, it’s over, it’s over……”Kimble slumped on the sofa, like a deflated balloon, and he knew that the dark moment for Eagle Sauce was coming.……


Hong Kong Airport.

Buzz buzz buzz… zigzag… whirr… the plane landed smoothly on the runway.

At this moment, Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai finally felt relieved.

“We…are back!” Miss Deqian’s voice trembled slightly…

I thought I would never be able to return to my motherland in this life.

When I stepped on the land of my motherland again, Miss Deqian’s excited heart, trembling mouth, and all the emotions were left in his eyes!

Guo Yonghuai was moved by the scene and burst into tears.

No one knows what Guo Yonghuai has experienced in the past three years of detention? Humiliation, beatings, slander…

I never thought that I could return to my motherland alive.

At that moment, life is easy to grow old, the Mid-Autumn Festival is endless, the heart of a child misses his homeland, and the heart of a wanderer looks at the full moon.

On every full moon night, Guo Yonghuai could only look at the moon outside through the iron window, missing his hometown and old friends.

Only Guo Yonghuai and himself can understand that kind of emotion

“Lao Guo……”Miss Deqian comforted Guo Yonghuai.

The two of them felt a sense of belonging.

At this time, a group of people in Zhongshan suits came up to them and said,”You two, you have worked hard on the way. Please follow us!”

“Who are you?”

“We are plainclothes officers from the Public Security Bureau.……”One of them whispered.

After all, this is Hong Kong, they have no law enforcement authority.

“The capital sent me to pick you two up. From now on, we are responsible for your safety!”

As he said this, the plainclothes officer took out the letter sent by Miss Deqian’s wife, and the three of them believed the plainclothes officer.

Afterwards, the group first took a boat back to Guangzhou, then took the railway to Fuzhou, then took a boat from Fuzhou to Shanghai, and finally took the railway to Beijing.

The whole itinerary was arranged in this way because the B Island Strait is not safe, and there is no direct train to Beijing, so they have to change trains frequently.

Otherwise, they can take a boat directly from Guangzhou to Tianjin.

After a week of long journey, Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai finally arrived in Beijing.

“Miss Deqian, Mr. Guo Yonghuai, welcome back to China……”Li Guoqiang received it personally.

Miss Deqian said:”Thank you, my country, thank you, the party. Without your efforts, I might have been imprisoned for another three to five years.”

Guo Yonghuai:”For three years, I have been thinking about returning to China all the time. Today I finally got my wish. From today on, I decided to use the knowledge I have learned throughout my life to serve the motherland!”

“Yes, I came back to contribute to the construction of the motherland. I will go wherever I am needed!”

Miss Qian and Guo Yonghuai both expressed their wishes.

Their determination to serve the motherland…cannot be delayed.

Li Guoqiang:”As the rabbit is just established, all walks of life are experiencing a big boom. The motherland needs you talented people to return to the country to participate in the construction. I thank you on behalf of the 400 million compatriots in China!”

“Minister Li, you are too polite. We are all part of the motherland. I cannot thank you enough… I don’t know where we need people now. I want to start working immediately.”

“Yes, I am already full of passion. I have been preparing for this moment for five years.……”

Li Guoqiang:”Don’t worry, let’s not talk about work today, you should have a good rest.……”

Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai had been tortured for so long, and their bodies were already exhausted after the long journey.

Later, Li Guoqiang arranged the best accommodation for Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai.


In a residential area.

Miss Deqian was lying on the sofa, still unable to calm down from the excitement of returning home. Perhaps returning home was not easy for them.

In order to better serve the country, Miss Deqian thought for a moment, then immediately waved the pen in his hand and started writing.

His wife came over and said,”Qian, what are you writing?”

“National Defense Opinion!”

“Don’t be too tired!” The wife comforted him,”(baff) Minister Li asked us to have a good rest and not to worry.……”

Miss Deqian said:”I can’t wait any longer. I will contribute to my country when I return!”

“You go to bed first!”

Then, Mies got the money and worked like a workaholic… The more he wrote, the more excited he became…

It seemed that under his pen, he had seen a strong and prosperous motherland.


Another workaholic is Guo Yonghuai.

After returning to his residence, he felt the security and warmth of his motherland along the way, and his inner sense of belonging and identity exploded. He was so excited that he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

He wanted to continue the strength of his motherland.

Since he couldn’t sleep, Guo Yonghuai immediately took out paper and pen and began to write.

The theme of the plan is: the importance and significance of nuclear bombs to a country, and how to develop the first atomic bomb of Rabbit.

Like Miss Deqian, Guo Yonghuai completely entered a selfless work attitude after he devoted himself to work.

He wanted to write all the knowledge he learned into the plan.

In this way, he wrote until dawn…

One plan after another emerged, and Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai did not sleep all night, but they were still very energetic.

So, they submitted the plan as soon as possible.

“I wonder what the commander-in-chief will say after reading the plan? ?”

The two of them waited quietly at home.


Jiang Chen.

After his efforts these days, the entire framework, steps, research topics, and infrastructure construction of the nuclear bomb have been implemented.

Except for a few key parts, such as the detonation device of the atomic bomb, the fission equation requires people to preside over the work, and the other general frameworks have been completed.

Let’s put it this way, Jiang Chen has already completed the foundation and theme framework of the tall building, and the rest is”internal decoration” and”perfecting the whole”.

Of course, what Jiang Chen has to overcome now is the problem of the centrifuge.

In order to understand the structure and principle of the centrifuge, Jiang Chen spent another 10 million points to exchange for drawings.

Through the drawings, Jiang Chen roughly understood the principle and structure of the centrifuge. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The uranium 235 centrifuge is mainly composed of the following parts.

Centrifuge shell: The main shell of the centrifuge, used to support and protect the main components of the centrifuge.

Rotor: The core component of the centrifuge, used to install samples and achieve high-speed rotation.

Sample cup: A container for holding samples, usually a small cup, placed on the rotor.

Centrifuge tube: A container for holding centrifuge liquid, similar to a sample cup[]

Centrifuge cover: used to protect operators and equipment, usually made of transparent materials.

Its working principle is that when the uranium 235 solution enters the centrifuge, it will be placed in the sample cup and then centrifuged by the high-speed rotating rotor.

During the high-speed rotation, the uranium 235 solution in the sample cup will be affected by the centrifugal force, causing the heavier uranium 235 ions to move to the edge of the centrifuge and eventually gather at the bottom of the centrifuge tube. The lighter impurities will be thrown out of the centrifuge, thereby achieving the purpose of separating uranium 235.

The uranium 235 centrifuge has a high-efficiency separation effect, can complete the separation of a large number of samples in a short time, has high separation accuracy and stability, and can ensure the consistency of the separation effect.

At the same time, it is equipped with a safety protection device to ensure safety during operation.

With the drawings, production can be arranged.

Immediately, Jiang Chen called Zhao Tianming:”Have you received the drawings I asked someone to bring to you?”


“What you need now is to produce it as soon as possible… All processes must be carried out according to the drawings, especially the accuracy.……”

Centrifuges have the characteristics of high vacuum, high speed, strong corrosion, high Mach number, long life, and cannot be repaired.

Therefore, this requires very high process and production technology.

Jiang Chen:”If you have any difficulties or situations, please feel free to communicate. I can’t go back for a while.……”

Zhao Tianming:”Director, what is this?”

“A device that determines whether the ordinary people in China can hold their heads up. Foreigners are blockading our country, so we can only make it ourselves… By the way, this matter must be kept secret, and the code name is 541.”

The development of nuclear bombs must be carried out in secret.

Even the search for uranium mines is carried out in secret, and people in mines across the country are asked to look for them using code names.

Neither the Eagle Sauce nor the Bear wants the Rabbit to have nuclear bombs.

If they knew about it, they would definitely interfere and sabotage it.

Especially when the battle on the peninsula was at a stalemate, an atomic bomb was enough to affect the entire war situation.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Siruo came over with a cup of ginseng tea:”How is it? Is there any progress?”

“Well, everything is going well!” Jiang Chen turned around and looked at Yang Siruo:”How about you? Does your leg still hurt?”


“You may not be used to it once, but after so many times, it will be suitable for you!”

These days, Yang Siruo almost always climbs over the wall in the middle of the night, and the two of them toss together until dawn.

“The shoes have already”fitted””

“I just mean that you are walking more comfortably now!” Jiang Chen kissed her and said,”I can’t accompany you tonight, I still have work to do, you go to bed first!”

Yang Siruo understood very well and said,”Okay, you go to bed early!”


Jiang Chen then devoted himself to the study of centrifuges again. He wanted to better understand its functions and characteristics, as well as how to deal with accidents.

However, what Jiang Chen did not expect was that he unexpectedly discovered”nuclear energy”.

Natural uranium ore contains three isotopes: most (99.274%) is uranium 238, about 0.72% is uranium 235, and about 0.0055% is uranium 234.

If natural uranium is purified to contain 3% uranium 235, it can be used as fuel for light water reactors.

If the composition of U-235 is purified to 90%, it can be used to make nuclear weapons.

In other words, refining 3% of uranium 235 can be used As nuclear fuel for power generation.

It may be difficult to purify it to 90%, but purifying it to 3% should not be a problem.

After reaching this conclusion, Jiang Chen was very excited.

However, if you want to use nuclear energy to generate electricity, you need a”light water reactor” device.

A light water reactor is a reactor that uses a mixture of water and soda as a coolant and moderator. It is a way to peacefully use nuclear energy.

Light water reactors can be divided into pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors based on the way nuclear fission heat energy is carried out in the reactor.

Nuclear reactors that use light water as a moderator and coolant are called light water reactors, including boiling water reactors and pressurized water reactors.

Light water is just ordinary water, which is widely used as a moderator and coolant in reactors.

���Compared with heavy water, light water has the advantage of being cheap, and its deceleration efficiency is also very high.

The characteristic of a boiling water reactor is that water vapor is sent directly to the gas turbine without passing through a heat exchanger, thus preventing low thermal efficiency; a pressurized water reactor uses high pressure to suppress boiling, and generally adds 100 to 160 standard atmospheres (atm) to light water, so that the heat exchanger completely isolates the primary cooling system (taking out the heat generated by the core) and the secondary cooling system (generating steam sent to the turbine).

Working principle of a pressurized water reactor: Water is heated in the reactor core and pumped into the steam generator to provide heat to generate steam to drive the steam turbine and produce electricity. Working principle of a boiling water reactor: The boiling water reactor body consists of a reactor pressure vessel, a core, internal components, a steam-water separator, a steam dryer, a control rod assembly, and a jet pump.

The core is located in the center of the pressure vessel and consists of several units, each of which has four boxes of fuel assemblies and a cross-shaped control rod.

The upper part of each box of fuel assemblies is positioned against the upper shelf, and the lower part is placed on the lower grid plate, and sits on the top of the control rod guide tube and the fuel support cup.

The fuel assembly consists of fuel elements, positioning grids and element boxes. The fuel elements are arranged in 8×8, using uranium dioxide fuel pellets, zirconium 2 alloy as the cladding, helium filled inside, and end plugs welded and sealed at the ends. The internal components of the pile include upper grid plates, lower grid blocks, control rod guide tubes and enclosures.

The steam-water separator is used to separate steam and water. The steam is dehumidified through a steam dryer to meet the operating requirements of the steam turbine generator.

If the problem of”nuclear energy” power generation is solved, then will the country still be afraid of having no electricity? Is the problem of insufficient power in the centrifuge still a problem?

Jiang Chen became more and more excited as he thought about it. He already had the entire workflow in his mind. First, he used physical methods to make a certain amount of”uranium cakes” and refined uranium 235 to 3%, thereby producing nuclear fuel for power generation.……

“Perfect!” Jiang Chen shouted excitedly, and when he looked up, he found that it was already dawn:”Another sleepless night.……”

This is the daily life of scientists.

How many days and nights of research and calculations have they spent to make rabbits prosperous at this stage?

“”Chief!” Yang Hucheng walked in and said,”The commander-in-chief said that your old colleague Miss has returned with the money and wants you to meet her.……”

The three giants of the military industry can finally meet


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