Go to the Arsenal?

When Qian Lao heard this, his expression was a little surprised. Where to go and what to do?

With his status, shouldn’t he go to the research institute or something like that?

However, after listening to Jiang Chen’s plan to build a uranium 235 centrifuge and nuclear fuel power generation, Qian Lao’s excitement could not calm down for a long time.

He was very much looking forward to it. When the rabbit built a uranium 235 centrifuge, the whole world would be shocked.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen arranged for Qian Lao to go home and rest first. He also had to hand over the details of the nuclear bomb research with Guo Yonghuai.

At present, Jiang Chen has already built the entire nuclear bomb research framework.

The rest needs to be handed over to Guo Yonghuai to refine and inject talent research into each framework.

Imagine that when the Eagle Sauce studied the first nuclear bomb, it used 100,000 people.

And Guo Yonghuai needs to arrange these”100,000″ people in this big framework.

Of course, the rabbit does not necessarily need 100,000 people to study nuclear weapons.

Therefore, this is a huge and systematic job that requires a dedicated person to be responsible.

Guo Yonghuai is very suitable.

And Jiang Chen needs to conquer the centrifuge and solve the problem of nuclear power generation, and he can’t get away.

Sure enough, Guo Yonghuai solved many management problems and many professional difficulties right from the start.

Jiang Chen was also amazed.

At the same time.

Guo Yonghuai looked at the existing achievements and couldn’t help but marvel in his heart:”Comrade Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect that we would use computers to convert… It’s incredible.”

Thinking back to the time when Guo Yonghuai calculated the nuclear bomb equation for Eagle Sauce, the computer he used was not at the same level as the existing computers.”Three Seven Seven”

“Comrade Jiang Chen, I never thought that our domestic computers are so advanced, with a data conversion capacity of 3 million times per second… Today I have really opened my eyes.”

“At this rate, we can build a nuclear bomb in less than a year!”

Before this, the computer used by Guo Yonghuai was called a vacuum tube digital machine, which was used from about 1946 to 1958.

In terms of hardware, the logic elements used vacuum tubes, the main memory used mercury delay lines, cathode ray oscilloscope electrostatic memory, magnetic drums, and magnetic cores; the external memory used magnetic tape.

In terms of software, machine language and assembly language were used. The application areas are mainly military and scientific computing.

The disadvantages are large size, high power consumption, poor reliability, slow speed (generally thousands to tens of thousands of times per second), and high price.

Jiang Chen provided the institute with a transistor digital machine, the world computer The development time of computers was about 1958-1964 before this kind of computer came into the market.

The application fields of operating systems, high-level languages and their compilers in software are mainly scientific computing and transaction processing, and they have begun to enter the field of industrial control.

The characteristics are reduced size, reduced energy consumption, improved reliability, increased computing speed (generally 100,000 times per second, up to 3 million times), and greatly improved performance compared to the first generation of computers.

However, transistor computers are nothing, and Jiang Chen has begun to upgrade computers, which is the third generation of computers.

That is, integrated circuit digital machines (1964-1970).

In terms of hardware, logic elements use medium and small scale integrated circuits (MSI, SSI), and the main memory still uses magnetic cores.

In terms of software, time-sharing operating systems and structured and scaled programming methods have appeared. The characteristics are faster speed (generally millions to tens of millions of times per second), and reliability has been significantly improved, prices have further dropped, products have become universal, serialized and standardized, and application areas have begun to enter the fields of word processing and graphic image processing.

By then, all research conversions will change dramatically in life.

“Guo Lao, I’ll be working hard on you next!” After the handover, Jiang Chen said:”I’ll wait for your good news. If you have any difficulties or needs, please communicate with me in time.……”

“Okay, don’t worry!”


Russian bear.


Stalin was looking at the news sent back by KGB Director Rocks with a very serious expression.

Russian bear KGB has always been the main department responsible for Russian bear’s foreign intelligence work, counterintelligence work, domestic security work and border protection. It is a”super agency” that is above all departments of the party, government and army. It is only responsible to the Politburo.

It has the General Affairs Bureau, Foreign Intelligence Bureau, Domestic Counterintelligence Bureau, Military Administration Bureau, Border Guard Administration Bureau, KGB Station Group and other agencies. The number of KGB system staff once reached more than 500,000, including 10,000 in the headquarters, 200,000 in the espionage, counterintelligence and technical support departments, and 300,000 in the border guards.

In addition, there are 1.5 million informants in the country, 250,000 intelligence personnel abroad, and an annual budget of 10 billion US dollars.

The KGB is called”the world’s largest spy agency for collecting secret intelligence” by John Bull’s intelligence agency. It is known as the world’s four major spy organizations together with the Central Intelligence Agency of Eagle Sauce, Mossad of Israel, and MI6 of John Bull.

What is even more incredible is that in John Bull’s ace intelligence agency MI6, there are also double agents of the KGB, who sent more than 20,000 confidential documents to the Russians. Even the Gallic ambassador to the Russians was developed as an informant by the KGB.

In the eyes of the KGB, there are almost no secrets in the entire West, and their superb spy methods are even more applauded.

In the late 1940s, when the Cold War had just begun, the KGB had already started to attack the Eagle Sauce. They placed a large number of agents around the Eagle Sauce Embassy in the Russians, pretending to be ordinary residents, and took the opportunity of drying bedding to shake a bug called Golden Lips into the embassy yard. The

Golden Lips are very small and difficult to detect outdoors. It does not require batteries or actively transmit signals. Only special microwave pulses can activate it and send audio information, which cannot be detected by the technical means at the time.

The means of obtaining intelligence are extremely rich.

It was also through this method that the relevant information of nuclear bombs was stolen, making the Russians the second country to possess nuclear bombs.

It can be said that the KGB has made an indelible contribution.

Rocks:”Mr. President, according to our investigation, based on the deterrent power of the Rabbit missile, the Eagle Sauce has begun to focus on the development of missiles.”

“Moreover, in order to get the Rabbits to release the captured prisoners, the Eagles and the Rabbits made some secret deals and released the Rabbits’ students studying in the United States!”

“On the surface, the rabbit is at a loss…the purpose of doing this is unknown!”

“Moreover, according to the news from the Rabbits, they are secretly conducting 541 research. The specific content cannot be disclosed, but judging from the degree of confidentiality, the Rabbits should be researching nuclear bombs!”


Stalin took a breath of cold air:”What? The Rabbits are also going to make nuclear bombs? ? Where does he get the confidence from?”

“Given the current situation of the rabbit, it is not suitable and has no ability to research nuclear bombs.……”

“Do they have uranium mines? Do they have centrifuges? Do they have computers? Do they have enough electricity? What are they using to make it? It’s a waste of time!……”

“Their focus now should be on the battle on the peninsula!”

“Without our support, the rabbits will never be able to build a nuclear bomb in a hundred years!” Stalin said proudly.

With such a huge industrial base, it took the Russians nine years to build it.

The rabbits are poor and have nothing. Even if it takes ten times as long, it will be ninety years.

Rocks:”President, the progress of the rabbits in industry and military is obvious to all. Judging from the overall strength, it is indeed impossible, but it is not completely impossible. The rabbits always have a spirit of not admitting defeat.……”

Stalin:”Let them do whatever they want.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Obviously, the Russian bear completely looked down on the rabbits’ nuclear bomb.

They believed that the rabbits had no ability or strength to build a nuclear bomb, unless the Russian bear took action…

Obviously, the Russian bear would not help the rabbits, and their own nuclear bomb technology was not even hot yet!

How could they help them with all their heart?


At the same time.

The war on the peninsula is still going on.

As the war situation is favorable to us, the commander-in-chief formulates the battle plan for the fifth campaign.

The purpose of this campaign is to annihilate the living forces of the Eagle Sauce, and it is best to eat up several Eagle Sauce soldier divisions.

Although the number of rabbit soldiers on the battlefield far exceeds that of the Eagle Sauce at this time, the independent combat capability of the Eagle Sauce soldier unit is extremely strong, and it is not easy to completely annihilate it.

As soon as the fifth battle started, the rabbit soldier attacking force broke through many Eagle Sauce defense lines one after another.

The rabbit soldiers launched a fierce attack like a tidal wave.


Bangbangbang… Boom boom boom…

49-type rifles, 51-type rifles, as well as 107 rocket launchers, anti-artillery radars and other advanced weapons fully play their role. The 0

-mounted brigade, in battalions, assisted the rabbit soldiers in fierce battles.

This campaign was launched near the 38th line, which is very beneficial to the Eagle Sauce.

The Eagle Sauce makes full use of mechanization, as well as strong logistics supply and air supremacy capabilities.

Although our army also has”Wuye” fighters (“Farmer” has not yet been mass-produced), and due to many objective factors such as the Russian Air Force Flight Regiment not crossing the 38th parallel.

The fighter planes are advanced, but the number is insufficient, and it is impossible to engage in fair air battles with the enemy.

At the same time, the number of an armored brigade is too small to stop the continuous attack of the Eagle Sauce and form a crushing battle.

Although it can win in local battles, it cannot affect the overall situation.

The rabbits resisted with all their strength, but also suffered a lot of casualties.

In the entire fifth battle, our army had a total of 25,000 casualties, and 7,000 were captured by the Eagle Sauce. This can be regarded as the most painful lesson for the rabbits during the entire peninsula war.

This battle can be regarded as a thorough awakening of the rabbit soldiers.

The winning streak made the soldiers a little arrogant, and the whole army looked down on the Eagle Sauce soldiers, thinking that the Eagle Sauce soldiers were all young masters and the Eagle Sauce army was a paper tiger, so they behaved extremely rashly on the battlefield.

At the same time, the rabbits ignored���Compared with our army’s huge weapon and technological advantages, the sauce soldiers also underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Eagle Sauce Soldiers’ participating troops.

You know, many of the Eagle Sauce Soldiers’ ground forces fighting against the Rabbit Soldiers on the peninsula were meritorious troops in World War II.

For example, the First Marine Division of the United States is an elite unit that has fought throughout the Pacific War and has experienced bloody and cruel island-grabbing battles. It is by no means a young master’s soldier.

The commander of the Eagle Sauce Soldier is not a straw bag. In the previous failure, he summed up the reasons for the defeat of the Eagle Sauce Soldiers and the combat characteristics of the Rabbit Soldiers, so as to carry out targeted counterattacks.

In general, our army basically completed the predetermined strategic goals of the fifth campaign, but it paid far more casualties than expected, and it was also a tragic victory.

At the same time, from the fifth campaign, our army has a new understanding of the mobility of the Eagle Sauce Soldiers’ mechanized forces. It also successfully dispelled the idea of the Eagle Sauce Soldiers to land on the coastline of the peninsula, providing the necessary military basis for the armistice negotiations between China and the United States.

At this time, the battlefield on the peninsula has entered the confrontation stage, and neither China and the United States has launched a large-scale campaign again, providing our army with precious recovery time.


Eagle sauce, White House.

Truman was very dissatisfied with the result of this battle:”Fuck, go, remove MacArthur… and let Ridgway take over!”

“This is damn……”

From the perspective of the Eagle Sauce, the first and second spring offensives (i.e. the fifth campaign) wiped out 175,000 enemy troops in 3.5 combat periods.

However, during the battle, the Eagle Sauce soldiers suffered more than 10,900 casualties, including more than 2,800 killed or missing, and the Nanchaoxian Army suffered more than 30,000 casualties, with a total loss of more than 40,000 personnel.

Although this result was a”victory”, it was not enough to offset the losses in the previous battles. What made

Truman even more upset was that after this battle, the Eagle Sauce soldiers were unable to engage in large-scale combat.

The source of troops, logistics, and the soldiers’ fear and war-weariness of the Rabbit soldiers, etc.

Therefore, Truman could only���Immediately adjust the strategy, continue to pretend to negotiate to buy time, and then launch a counterattack again after gathering strength. Determined to regain the face of the world’s strongest country.

At this time, Navy Secretary Kimball walked in:”President, I have something important to report to you. Why did you sign the order to release Miss Deqian and Guo Yonghuai? They can’t leave.……”

Truman was so angry that he could no longer bear it after hearing Kimble’s questioning.

“Fuck, are you teaching me how to do things? Who are you? Take care of your navy… Fuck……”

Truman yelled at Kimble.

Finally, Kimble could only say:”Truman, you will regret it.……”Then fled


Rabbit, Beijing.

Jiang Chen found Gan Lao:”You must have been feeling anxious these days!”

“Yes, Jiang Chen, are you going to take me to the No. 1 Arsenal? When do we leave?”

“Now……”Jiang Chen:”However, before you leave, the headquarters has issued you an important appointment!!”


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