Qian Lao is looking forward to what kind of effect the No. 1 missile will have in actual combat… This is very important for the No. 2 missile he is researching next.

Since the No. 1 missile accidentally damaged the 10,000-ton freighter of Eagle Sauce during its last test launch, it has not really been on the battlefield.

Not only Qian Lao, but Jiang Chen is also looking forward to this first battle.

Actual combat is the only criterion for proving the truth.

Soon, Su Hua walked over quickly:”Director, the trajectory, direction, and position have all been calculated and can be launched at any time.……”

“OK, inject fuel now……”


“Fuel injection completed……”


Whoosh… Boom boom boom…

5 1.5 ton TNT equivalent No. 1 missiles took off into the air, raising a huge cloud of dust!

Whoosh whoosh…

The missile launch raised a shock wave that spread all around…

On the command tower.

Everyone stared at the radar display nervously, sweating in their hearts.

Looking at everyone’s expressions, Gan Lao asked curiously:”Have we tried this before?”

Zhao Tianming:”We have tried it in the Pacific Ocean.���No specific target was set, but the 10,000-ton cargo ship of the Eagle Sauce was sunk by mistake… This was the first battle of the No. 1 missile.……”

Looking at the radar display, Qian Lao said,”At present, the missile is basically consistent with the preset trajectory, so there should be no problem.……”

After hearing what Qian Lao said, everyone’s worries were slightly relieved.


Buzz buzz buzz…

Five No. 1 missiles quickly took off.

In the initial stage of operation, the missiles are vertically upward, and it is necessary to push the missiles out of the atmosphere where there is no air friction as soon as possible.

After the missile flies out of the atmosphere (this height is about 100 kilometers), the ballistic missile will enter a parabolic trajectory.

This is the acceleration time of the missile, that is, the propulsion and ascent time, which is only a few minutes.

During the acceleration stage, in order to make the missile fly to the correct target orbit, it is necessary to guide.

Missile No. 1 uses inertial guidance. It can obtain target information through radar, infrared sensors, laser guidance and other channels, and use this information for calculation and adjustment of missile flight.

At the same time.

The missile’s communication system constantly communicates with the ground control center or the launcher to receive commands, transmit status information, etc.

Let the command center know the flight status of the missile at any time.

Buzz buzz buzz…

At this time, Missile No. 1 has entered the atmosphere.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The missile continues to fly.

The speed is very fast, almost 2165 meters per second!

After the missile flies out of the atmosphere, the missile flies along an elliptical orbit at a high speed, which accounts for most of the entire flight process.

Due to the thin air outside the atmosphere and reduced resistance, the speed of the missile in the mid-flight stage has been greatly improved compared to the ascent stage, and it flies toward the target area along an elliptical orbit.

When reaching the target, the process from the re-entry of the warhead into the atmosphere to the final hit of the target is called the terminal stage of flight.

At this time, the missile engine fuel is generally exhausted and is in a state of unpowered flight, just like a cannonball using inertia to fly toward the target.

According to the three different flight stages of ballistic missiles, the anti-missile system interception methods are divided into three types: boost phase anti-missile, mid-stage anti-missile and terminal anti-missile.

In the ascent stage, the missile has just been launched and the booster rocket is still in full operation. The infrared characteristics of the missile tail flame are very obvious and can be easily captured and tracked.

Moreover, the missile has just taken off at this time, the warhead and the missile body have not been separated, the target characteristics are large, and the speed and altitude do not allow effective maneuvering and evasive interception. Technically, there are very favorable conditions for guiding the interceptor missile to hit the target.

From the perspective of the entire anti-missile operation process, the boost phase interception leaves a lot of margin for the command system, and there is still enough time to organize forces for secondary anti-missile after the interception fails.

However, the actual feasibility of boost phase interception is not high, because the time of the ascent phase is very short, and a series of complex procedures such as target detection, judgment analysis, tracking and locking, and issuing combat orders need to be completed in a short time.

Moreover, the interception force should not be deployed in the rear far away from the war zone, otherwise it will not be able to intercept in time.

In this regard, two solutions are generally adopted. One is to deploy interceptor missiles in areas or seas close to the front line of combat, and the other is to organize interception using highly mobile platforms such as aircraft.

The former solution is generally difficult to find a suitable forward deployment site, and the anti-missile force is extremely vulnerable to long-range firepower attacks from the enemy, making it difficult to ensure survivability during wartime.

The latter is based on aircraft interception, which can quickly reach the designated area for interception, but it will also be hit by multiple firepower if it does not fully gain air superiority.

The terminal interception is generally organized in the atmosphere, characterized by low interception altitude, small target area, and high interception speed-the target warhead altitude is about 25-30 kilometers at the terminal interception, the speed can reach more than ten Mach, and the missile target area can be basically determined.

The advantage of adopting a terminal interception is that it leaves a long decision-making time for the command system, the missile can hardly maneuver to evade, and the decoy warhead is easier to distinguish after entering the atmosphere.

However, the disadvantages of terminal interception are also prominent: intercepting high-speed targets requires higher accuracy, the interception risk is high and the tolerance rate is low, and it is difficult to remedy after the interception failure.

The most important thing is that after a successful interception, the residual warhead may still cause damage to the target, especially in the context of nuclear warfare, the loss caused is absolutely unbearable.

Of course, at this time, the Eagle Sauce does not even have missiles, so how can there be an anti-missile system.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Soon, 5 No. 1 missiles arrived above the target area and began to enter the gliding phase.


At the same time, at the United Nations headquarters, beep beep… the air defense radar detected something moving very fast and immediately sounded the alarm.

Beep beep… beep beep…

Not only the headquarters, but other areas on the peninsula also detected the missile attack.

“Fuck… Hurry up, report to Ridgway……”

“Fuck, I don’t know where the disaster is going to happen again!”

All the American soldiers were panicked.

Soon, Ridgway received reports from various units:”What? The speed is too fast…cannot be intercepted? ?”

Flashed by?

“Yes, General. Currently, five minefield base stations have detected UFOs coming from the north. The speed is too fast and our anti-aircraft guns can’t intercept them at all!”

The anti-aircraft weapons used by the Eagle Sauce are basically the M19 self-propelled twin-barrel 40mm anti-aircraft guns.

The M1 artillery itself has excellent performance. The 40mm shells have a long range, great power and high rate of fire.

The rotation and lifting of the entire anti-aircraft gun are electrically driven, and the maximum elevation angle of the anti-aircraft gun is 85 degrees.

It was the best anti-aircraft artillery in World War II and the main anti-aircraft gun of almost all the participating countries. It was equipped by the United States, Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union.

But facing the No. 1 missile, the M19 self-propelled twin-barrel 40mm anti-aircraft gun is not enough.

North? Rabbit? Could it be a missile?

Ridgway quickly thought of it:”Fuck, this should be the rabbit’s missile……”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Fuck, the rabbit actually used missiles……”

Ridgway trembled when he remembered the rabbit using”missiles” to bombard the bald warship, scaring the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier fleet away.

“Where exactly is the rabbit’s goal?”

“The missile keeps flying southwards…the target is still unclear!!”


Suddenly, Ridgway felt that he had offended the wrong person.


Ridgway quickly thought of a place:”No, the rabbit’s target is Busan.……”



At this time, the war between the two sides entered a stalemate stage.

In order to maintain the absolute advantage of the peninsula, the Eagle Sauce and the North Chaoxian must concentrate their forces and materials in a short period of time to stabilize the situation with their numerical advantage, so as to counterattack when the time comes.

The transportation line between the Jiaobenji Islands and the Eagle Sauce mainland to the peninsula has become the life and death line of the defense zone around Busan.

To protect this life and death line and cover the Busan defense circle has become the top priority of the Eagle Sauce Navy.

At present, the Eagle Sauce’s Valley Forge and the Royal Navy Triumph are two aircraft carriers docked in

Busan. It can be said that the Eagle Sauce has completely mastered the air supremacy of Busan and the surrounding areas through the rapid deployment of aircraft carriers.

Under air cover, the Eagle Sauce, which transported tens of millions of troops in World War II, was familiar with the route and constantly urgently transferred reinforcements from Jiaobenji and the mainland.

Gradually, the sea transportation of the Eagle Sauce army and military supplies became the lifeline of the South Chaoxian national destiny.

The peninsula is also a battlefield where bulk materials and personnel can be easily transported by sea.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Navy was responsible for organizing and implementing maritime transport and amphibious evacuation during the Peninsula War.

During the entire Peninsula War, the Eagle Sauce Navy transported a total of more than 52 million tons of dry goods, 21 million tons of fuel and approximately 5 million people (equivalent to 1/6 of the pre-war population of the Peninsula) to the Peninsula!

All passed through the Port of Busan.

According to Eagle Sauce statistics: During the Peninsula War, for every ton of Eagle Sauce air transport across the Pacific, there were 270 tons of sea transport across the Pacific, and every ton of air transport required 4 aircraft gasoline, which was transported by ships across the Pacific.

For every 7 people who went to the Peninsula, 6 went via the sea route; each soldier who landed on the Peninsula had to carry 5 tons of equipment and had to be supplied with 64 tons of supplies every day.

Well-equipped and well-supplied Eagle Sauce troops were continuously deployed to the Peninsula.

Including the M4 from the Port of Oakland, California, in August 1950..Sherman” tanks are transferred to transport ships by barges and directly to Busan Port.

For this reason, Busan, as the base camp of the Eagle Sauce, is also the logistics center of the Eagle Sauce.

It plays a vital role for the entire Eagle Sauce region.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce has more than 50,000 regional soldiers stationed in Busan (including logistics personnel).

The person in charge of Busan is Popovich, a four-star general of the Army. During World War II, he was responsible for the logistics of the Battle of Okinawa, as well as the supplies and weapons of the Eagle Sauce during the entire World War II.

In the later period, he had rich experience in defense.


Located at the southeast end of the peninsula, it is the largest port and the second largest city in South Chaoxian, and it is also one of the busiest ports in the world.

Historically, it has always been a link and bridge for cultural exchanges between the East Asian continent and the ocean.

Busan is adjacent to the Peninsula Strait in the southeast, facing Tsushima Island; it is adjacent to the Nakdong River in the west, with mountains in the northwest, and an archipelago barrier in the south, which is the gateway to the southern part of the peninsula.

As early as the early 15th century, Busan was designated as a commercial port by the Chaoxian Dynasty.

In 1876, Busan Port became the largest port on the peninsula.

Since the outbreak of the Peninsular War, Busan is the only city that has not been occupied by the North Chaoxian Army.

Popovich has made a lot of contributions to this.

Since the Eagle Sauce has a strong advantage in the navy and air force, Popovich focuses on defense on land. There are more than a hundred M19 self-propelled twin-barrel 40mm anti-aircraft guns alone.

They are deployed in a herringbone formation in the Busan Port. As long as there is an enemy plane attack, hundreds of M19 self-propelled twin-barrel 40mm anti-aircraft guns will form a dense firepower network, making it impossible for the enemy plane to return.

At the same time, in order to prevent enemy aircraft, Popovich also deployed hundreds of air defense radars around.

Monitor the situation of enemy aircraft at any time.

The Eagle Sauce is stationed at the headquarters.

Popovich asked:”How many supplies have arrived today?”

“There are three 10,000-ton cargo ships, 200 tanks, 400 armored vehicles, and 10,000 new soldiers. At present, the total amount of various materials in the warehouse has reached 5 million tons.”

Popovich looked at the report:”Okay, evacuate the goods as soon as possible to avoid more trouble at night!”

These goods are hot potatoes. If they are evacuated as soon as possible, they can quickly support the front line and reduce the pressure in the cargo hold to ensure the safety of Busan.

It can be seen that Popovich is also a smart person.


At this time.

Busan Radar Command Center.

Olek was looking at the radar display as usual, chatting with the officer next to him about something that happened last night with a woman, with a lewd smile on his face.

Beep beep beep…

Suddenly… the radar system of the entire command center sounded an alarm.

“Fuck…what is this?”

Radars in all directions sounded fierce alarms.

“Fuck… it’s too fast… our radar displays are all out of order!”

Olek ran out of the radar room quickly.

However, five Dongfeng missiles dropped from the sky stunned everyone.

“Fuck… it’s over……”

Five missiles dropped from the sky and hit Busan accurately…

Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…

In a moment, the whole Busan was shrouded in a sea of fire… It seemed…

The missiles were used in combat for the first time and achieved amazing results. This explosion shocked the whole world.

…… ps: Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, please go! Ten automatic subscriptions plus one more update


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