Dodai kicked Sasuke hard in the chest.


Sasuke fell hard to the ground.

But he didn't stop. He continued to rush towards the platform.

"Immortal Technique: Dayama Rasengan!"

He raised his hands violently, and the strong wind pressure caused sand and rocks to fly around him.



The two huge energies collided together and made a deafening sound.

The platform was blown over by Sasuke's powerful Rasengan, and his whole body was embedded in the wall.


He vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

He felt like his internal organs were about to shift, and his whole body was in excruciating pain.

He struggled to stand up from the ground: "You bastard, you dare to sneak up on me. I won't let you go."

Dodai gritted his teeth and looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at the other party calmly, with a sneer on his lips: "Huh! I'm too lazy to fight with you? It's still very early anyway."

"What? That move you just made was just to make me relax?" Tutai said angrily.

Sasuke shrugged and said, "Yeah~ so what? Anyway, this time the battle can be over."

"Ha! Do you think you won? You're so naive."

Dodai's eyes flashed, and he took out the kunai on his waist.

After Sasuke saw it, he was slightly surprised: "Kunai? No wonder I didn't notice it at all just now."

Sasuke suddenly thought: "By the way, I should use the Sharingan."

He immediately opened his Sharingan.

The world in front of Sasuke turned into darkness.

"Huh?" He was stunned because he had lost track of Tutai.

He tentatively looked around, but he could only see dark walls and nothing.

Suddenly, a kunai was shot at him.

Sasuke ducked away instantly, and he saw Dodai coming out of the darkness.

"Ha!" Dodai waved the kunai to attack Sasuke again.

Sasuke jumped quickly to avoid it, while looking at his surroundings clearly.

He finally knew that he was on the roof.

And besides him and Tutai, there was no one else around.

"So that's it. Tu Tai wanted to lure me away from the roof and then demolish the house."

Sasuke's face was gloomy. Although he knew what the other party wanted to do, he had no choice because he had to get rid of Dodai as soon as possible. Otherwise all his plans will fail.

Dodai's attacks became more and more fierce, and he used his agile body to shuttle through the air, constantly looking for opportunities to assassinate Sasuke.

"Hey Hey…"

Dodai laughed crazily: "Sasuke! Die!"

Sasuke closed his eyes slightly and began to concentrate, thinking about ways to deal with Dodai.

Tutai's attacks became more and more intensive, but he easily resolved them all.

He slowly opened his eyes.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Rock Technique!"

Suddenly a rock grew out of thin air, blocking Sasuke's escape route.

"Humph, you can't escape!"

Dodai raised the kunai and stabbed Sasuke in the throat.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Sasuke quickly condensed chakra in his right hand, and then spewed out a blazing flame.

The fireball collided with the kunai, making a "clang" sound as metal collided.

Sasuke took advantage of the impact and flew to the side.

"Hmph! Your little tricks can't hurt me at all." Tutai snorted coldly.

Just as he was about to give chase, he heard an explosion.

Tutai looked back and was stunned: "This guy..."

He saw that Sasuke had landed on the ground and clasped his hands together: "Water Release: Waterfall Jutsu!"

An extremely thick water dragon rushed towards the earth platform with a roaring momentum.

Tutai hurriedly got out of the way, but it was still too late and he was hit a little.

Suddenly, Tutai was soaked all over.


Tutai shouted angrily.

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

He reached into his arms, took out a few round lumps of earth, and threw them at Sasuke.

Sasuke quickly dodged.

But in the end, the lump of earth still hit him.

"Hmm." Sasuke groaned and fell to the ground unconscious.

"You bastard! You dare to knock me unconscious. You are dead! I will definitely make your life worse than death!" Todai cursed Sasuke viciously and punched him one after another.

He used Sasuke as an outlet for his anger and beat him over and over again.

Finally Tu Tai got tired and sat on the ground to rest for a long time.

He suddenly remembered something.

He remembered that he was arranged by Professor Kakashi to protect Naruto.

But he didn't expect that he would be almost defeated by Naruto's friends.

"Really, this kid is really troublesome."

Tutai stood up, patted his clothes, and then planned to go back to do business.

"Wait a minute!" came Sasuke's weak voice.

Dodai turned his head and looked at Sasuke who was lying on the ground. He snorted coldly: "Hey, wake up, don't pretend to be dead. Let me tell you, this is not like Konoha Village. I am not afraid of Konoha Village's guards."


Sasuke coughed softly, then slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Tutai, he smiled and said, "Tutai, thank you for saving me."

Tutai waved his hand: "Isn't this natural? However, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

"I understand." Sasuke smiled.

Tutai asked doubtfully: "What do you understand? Don't you need to run away quickly?"

Sasuke said: "Dodai, you are pretty good and you are my strong rival. But I also hope that I can fight you openly, so that I can gain more power."

Dodai frowned: "I am a genin of Konoha Village. If you are determined to provoke me, you will lose miserably."

"I won't lose." Sasuke said firmly.

"In that case, just wait and see."

Dodai walked directly to the door, but after taking a few steps, he turned around and looked at Sasuke lying on the ground and said, "Hey! Aren't you coming with me?"

"I want to stay here to practice." Sasuke said calmly.

"Oh, you're such a freak."

Tudai sighed and left the room.

Sasuke was sitting cross-legged, with his legs bent, his left hand against his abdomen, and his legs straight, as if he was ready for battle.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Rock Technique!"

Many potato-like lumps appeared on Dodai's body, and then he rushed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke's face was solemn, and he pressed his right hand on the floor, chakra gathering in his palm.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A ball of flame enveloped his hands, and then a fireball rushed out.

Flames and lumps of earth collided together.

Boom boom boom!

The smoke from the explosion filled the air.

When the smoke cleared, Sasuke gasped.

He had several bruises and redness. But he touched it nonchalantly, and then stared at the earth platform in the distance.

Dodai also had some dust on his face. He staggered closer to Sasuke and said, "You are so strong!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Dodai!" Sasuke said seriously: "Now, please let us decide the winner!"

Sasuke used his ninjutsu again: "The Great Fireball Jutsu!"

Two huge fireballs flew away, but were blocked by Dodai using Earth Release Ninjutsu.

"As expected of Sasuke, he can actually release ninjutsu. But you may not know that my earth escape is a special earth escape of the Earth Kingdom. It can hinder the power of ninjutsu!" Todai said: "The power of your ninjutsu is reduced by one Most of it.”

Sasuke's expression changed slightly: "If this is the case, then I can only win by fighting hard."

Sasuke took a deep breath, then held the kunai in both hands and jumped high into the air.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

He used fire escape to scorch the ground, burning the surrounding area extremely red.

Sasuke stepped on the flames with his feet, and he slashed at the earth platform with a knife in both hands.

Flames mixed with hot wind blew on Tutai.


Tutai snorted disdainfully.

Tutai held his arms in front of him, and earthy yellow seals appeared on his hands.

His arms suddenly grew several times larger to block Sasuke's slash.

"Earth Escape·Iron Wall!"


Sasuke fell directly from the air and hit the ground hard.


Tutai laughed mockingly.

Sasuke struggled to get up.

"What? You have no room to resist anymore?"

Tudai mocked.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and stood up: "I said, I will fight you fairly!"

"Fair?" Tutai snorted: "Have you forgotten who you are?"

"What?" Sasuke looked at Dodai in confusion.

"You are Uchiha Sasuke!" After Dodai finished speaking, the whole person suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Sasuke's pupils shrank instantly, and a sense of danger filled his heart.

The next moment Dodai came to Sasuke.

"Earth Release·Earth Flow Cone!"

Sasuke immediately used the teleportation technique to dodge, but Dodai predicted Sasuke's position in advance like a prophet.

"Earth Release·Senbon!"

Countless hidden weapons were shot at Sasuke, and then he swept away the hidden weapons with a swipe of his kunai.

"Haha, you are too confident!" Tutai sneered: "Escape: Earth Spear Technique!"

Sharp spearheads burst out of the ground, heading towards Sasuke.

Sasuke used the teleportation technique again.

Tutai saw that his earth spear had been destroyed, and he roared angrily: "Fire Release: Fireball Technique!"

The scorching fireball rushed towards Sasuke.

But Sasuke was extremely fast. The moment the fireball was about to touch him, he used Flying Thunder God and teleported to the other side.

"Hmph, how can my earth spear technique mean that you can come when you want and leave when you want!"

Tutai snorted coldly and formed a seal with his hands.

"Earth Escape·Earth Stab!"

Hundreds of earth spears emerged from the ground and rushed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke once again used the teleportation technique to dodge, but was blocked by a sharp sword that pierced his chest.

He clutched his chest and vomited blood: "Tu Liu Sword... Tu Tai!"

Dodai looked at Sasuke with a gloomy face: "Are you stupid? You dare to use a super forbidden ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God in Konoha Village!"

"Because I believe that this level of ninjutsu is not a secret skill for Konoha Village. And you! You actually don't care that this technique is forbidden!"


Tu Tai smiled ferociously: "I admit that I underestimated you just now. But you should also know that my earth escape is more than just that. Although my earth spear technique can limit you, it is impossible for you to defeat me! "

"Really? I won't give up easily, Tutai. I will always pursue victory!"

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