Sasuke wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then quickly formed seals with his hands: "Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

A five-meter-high and three-meter-thick wall rose from the ground, blocking Tutai's attack.

"This is the new technique I have recently studied. How is it? My technique is not bad, right!" Sasuke looked at Tutai with pride.

"Hmph, earth flow rock!" Tutai said in a low voice, and stones rose under his feet.

Tutai punched the defensive shield formed by earth flow rock.


Sasuke retreated directly, he covered his chest and spit out blood.

"You are still a little weak, Sasuke."

Tutai kicked Sasuke in the chest.

Sasuke groaned, and he vomited blood again, but he still stared at Tutai stubbornly.

"Tsk tsk, still not convinced? Forget it, then I will teach you a lesson!"

Tutai formed seals with his hands.

"Earth escape·Earth flow rock technique!"

A pile of stones emerged from the ground.

Sasuke screamed in horror: "Earth Flow Rock Technique! This is one of our family's unique skills!"

"Hehe, Sasuke! Are you finally afraid?" Dodai said jokingly.

"Damn it!" Sasuke waved the kunai in his hand with difficulty.

"I won't lose like this, Dodai, today I'll let you see how powerful I am!"

Sasuke had a determined look on his face, he held the kunai tightly with both hands, and then stabbed it into the ground.

"Earth Style·Earth Flow Rock Technique!"

The ground cracked, and a large amount of mud and sand gushed out, instantly submerging Dodai.

"Humph, you want to defeat me at this level? It's really ridiculous!"

"Earth Flow Bullet!"

Dodai shouted, and all the gravel around him exploded.

He jumped into the air, then put his hands together, and a large amount of mud gathered on his palms.

"Earth Style·Earth Flow Bullet!"


Dodai launched a ninjutsu.


A large amount of rubble fell from the sky.

Sasuke looked up with difficulty, and then his eyes widened.

A huge shell landed on the protective shield formed by the earth flow rock in front of him.

"Crack, crack!"

A series of crisp sounds rang out, and the earth flow rock turned directly into powder.

The earth platform fell, and he smiled sarcastically: "I told you that my earth escape can restrict your movements, but I can use other earth escape ninjutsu!"

Sasuke's face was pale, and he said with difficulty: "You guy, I'm not willing!"

His hands trembled and pointed at the earth platform.

"Hahaha! I don't care whether you are willing or not, in short, I won't let you leave here alive."

"Earth escape·Earth flow rock!"

The earth platform laughed.

Sasuke dodged with difficulty, but was still slow.

"Earth flow rock technique!"

Sasuke used earth escape again, but was still slow.


Sasuke had several more wounds on his shoulders.

"You bastard!"

Sasuke roared in pain.

"Haha, I won't show mercy!" Tutai said fiercely.

With tears in Sasuke's eyes, he gritted his teeth and desperately urged chakra to use earth escape.

But his strength was much worse after all, so it was difficult to do it.

"Hehe, since you work so hard, I'll give you this chance." Tutai laughed sarcastically.

He stretched out his right hand, and a ball of green chakra floated on his palm, and he threw it at Sasuke.

Sasuke barely dodged it, but his right leg was blown open and blood was dripping.

"Damn! This bastard!"

Sasuke cursed.

Tutai stared at him coldly and said, "I said, I won't show mercy!"

Tutai continued to perform ninjutsu: "Earth escape·Earth Flow Rock Technique!"


Another loud noise.

Sasuke's defense collapsed, and a fist mark appeared on his chest.


He spit out blood again, and he felt severe pain all over his body.

Tutai looked at Sasuke with a grim smile.

At this moment, Tutai suddenly noticed the cold light flashing in Sasuke's eyes, and he was stunned.

He thought that Sasuke was not a coward, and he would definitely resist.

He immediately stood up and stepped back, and quickly formed a seal.

"Water escape·Super waterfall technique!"

"Boom boom--"

The huge water column rushed over instantly.

But it missed.

Because Sasuke had disappeared from the spot.

Tutai cursed inwardly: "Damn, where did he run to?"

At this time, Sasuke appeared behind him: "Tutai, you are too careless!"

"You!" Tutai said in surprise.

Sasuke said coldly: "Do you think I am still the boy who only knew how to hide, escape and be bullied?"

He formed a seal with both hands.

"Earth escape·Rock shield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding rock walls were blown away like wallpaper.

Tutai felt an extremely terrifying force.

But he also reacted quickly, he exerted force with his legs, and the whole person was ejected.

Sasuke was anxious when he saw Dodai was about to jump away.

Although he had mastered the technique of using earth attribute chakra, the opponent had three years of combat experience after all.

He immediately chased after him.

At the same time, he formed seals with both hands and shouted: "Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

Dodai suddenly stopped and looked back.

He found a ten-meter-high wall blocking him.

Tutai knew that this could never be an illusion, because there was no need to go to such trouble, let alone dealing with him?

Sure enough, Sasuke next to the wall said with a smile: "How is it, Dodai? Is my move powerful enough?"

"Hmph, Sasuke, don't be too happy. My earth escape ninjutsu is much stronger than yours." Dodai said with a gloomy face.

He formed the seal again, clasped his hands together, and muttered a few words.

"Earth escape? Earth dragon bullet!"


A huge ball of mud erupted from his mouth.

Todai smiled.

"Hahaha, Sasuke, let's see how you resist!"

Sasuke frowned and said: "What a disgusting ninjutsu, can't you change it to something fresh?"

He immediately opened his arms and the chakra in his body burst out like an explosion.

"Wood escape? The tree world is coming!"

In an instant, the trees in front of him were rising from the ground.


The loud noise was deafening, and the two ninjutsu collided with each other.

In the end, Tutai lost and his offensive was destroyed.

Dodai panted and looked at Sasuke opposite him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, you've really become stronger."

"So what?" Sasuke smiled contemptuously and said, "I still say the same thing, you will never defeat me, you are destined to be a waste."

Hearing Sasuke's insulting remarks, Dodai yelled angrily: "Sasuke! Don't be so arrogant."

He waved his hands, and a sandstorm appeared and enveloped them.

Seeing this, Sasuke smiled slightly, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Earth Escape? Wind Wall Technique!"


A strong wind blew up and scattered the surrounding yellow sand, allowing them both to regain their light.

Tutai said in shock: "How could this happen!"

Sasuke sarcastically said: "Dodai, do you think you can stop me with your ability?"

"No matter what, I will definitely kill you today!"

Tu Tai once again used Earth Escape.

"Escape? Sand Burial Technique!"

However, Sasuke was already prepared.

He directly used earth escape to absorb all the ninjutsu released by earth platform.

" is this possible!!" Tutai's eyes widened.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

His sand is so hard that ordinary ninjas would not dare to touch it.

But now he was easily swallowed by Sasuke.

"Dodai! Your strength has improved very quickly, but it still doesn't change the fact that you are trash!" Sasuke said calmly.

"Shut up, Sasuke!" Todai shouted angrily, "I am the teacher of the ninja school!"

He roared angrily: "Escape from Earth? Rain of Rock Spears!"


A large number of sharp rock spears shot up from the ground.

Each of these rock spears is so thick that it requires at least six or seven adults to hold it together.

They shot towards Sasuke in dense numbers.

Sasuke sneered: "Earth escape? The art of continuous bullets with a wooden spear!"

I saw his hands forming seals.

Suddenly, countless small sharp guns and rock spears appeared on the ground, intertwined together.

This is Dodai's most powerful ninjutsu, and he has used it to defeat many powerful enemies.

But Sasuke's strength is obvious to all, and he is stronger than before.

His wood type chakra has a special blood inheritance limit, and its power is indescribably powerful.

Therefore, Dodai's rock spear technique cannot hurt Sasuke at all.

Tutai gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, this bastard has actually become so powerful!"

"Earth Escape? Sand Hidden Technique!"

The earth platform was immediately sealed.

Then a large amount of soil was drilled out from the ground, which condensed on his limbs and waist, forming a thick layer of mud armor.

Sasuke's eyes were sharp: "Earth escape? The art of earth-shattering dogs!"

"Kacha kacha~~"

The mud armor constructed from the earth platform was easily destroyed by Sasuke.

"Escape? Rock Spear Technique!" Tudai continued to use ninjutsu.

This time, Sasuke did not choose to fight head-on, he chose to avoid this move.

Tutai's rock spear technique is not that simple.

Dodai saw Sasuke dodge, and he immediately took the opportunity to activate another ninjutsu.

This is the art of earth escape and earth flow wall.

This defensive technique can protect him tightly.

The function of the soil flow wall is to separate the surface soil into soil flow blocks or form a solid barrier.

Sasuke looked around and found that the only person besides himself was Dodai.

"In this case, then I will kill you first." Sasuke's eyes were cold and he clasped his hands together.

"Konoha style? Cutting technique!"

Sasuke's body was surrounded by various plants. They grew crazily and then attacked the platform.

"Damn it, how could this happen?" Tu Tai had a look of horror on his face.

These Mudun attacks were completely beyond his cognitive scope.

He had never seen this level of attack power.

"Does Sasuke also know that ninjutsu?"

"No, how could he?"

He denied his own thoughts in his mind.

Sasuke is a clumsy child.

He simply doesn't have the superior ninjutsu talent as rumored.

Thinking of this, Tutai became more courageous.

"No matter what, I will win!!" Dodai roared, and then took out a kunai.

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