On the Seven Towers

Chapter 273 The Power of Everyone

"Rafaelte!!" The ordinary dwarf warriors around who were holding swords and axes but had no chance to play screamed out the name of the victim.

However, Raphaelte was only the first one. Then, during the fight, another low-level warrior was pierced through the body with a spear by the golem in the distance, and then his head was chopped off by the golem in front of him.

Almost at the same time, a mid-level warrior was hacked to death by three golems in order to rescue two low-level warriors who were flanked. On the human side, Ji Yijun, who has low strength, and Aura, who has insufficient combat experience, are also in danger.

The surrounding dwarf warriors couldn't bear it any longer. They watched as the most powerful and talented warriors in the tribe died in front of them one by one to protect them. Even those humans who came from afar were fighting with all their might.

The noble female magician had vomited blood and collapsed. Several soldiers were also injured separately.

These men who advocate iron and fire cannot bear to be just bystanders. Their strength may be only a fraction or even a dozen of those on the field, but their desire to fight is not bad at all.

The fall of elite warriors one after another not only did not frighten the dwarves present, but instead aroused the bloodshed of many ordinary dwarves.

Farrell, who was standing outside the court, picked up his war hammer and said to Morey, "I have to play. Although I am not a fighter, I still have a fighting spirit. I have been playing iron all my life and I have never been able to fight. It's moving iron."

He took a step forward, and seeing Morey also taking a step forward, he couldn't help but smile: "What? You want to come too? Without preparing a magic circle, you are just a scumbag on the battlefield. You are still waiting to heal our wounds... or collect the corpses." Bar."

Morey handed over a small bottle of potion: "You, who only know how to blacksmith, are like a weight on the battlefield. Drink this can of super-sensitive potion and keep up with their pace."

"There must be some side effects, right?" The dwarf took the bottle and poured it into his mouth. "Hey, otherwise why didn't you give it to Ji Yijun and the others to drink?"

"That's tomorrow's matter, survive first!" Morey said lightly, but in his hand in his sleeve was a jar of the same potion.

Farrell roared and joined the battle group with his hammer raised high. His actions inspired the warriors behind him who could not restrain their fighting spirit. They ignored Yassen's previous arrangements and warnings, picked up their weapons and rushed forward.

They may not be the enemies of the golem, but at this time they are fighting regardless of their lives, using hammers, axes, even punching with fists, and hugging the golem with their bodies, all to drag the golem down. Because behind them is their home, every dwarf knows that if they choose to retreat here, the crazy golem will not show any mercy to the elderly, women and children in the village.

All the golems in the tunnel finally ran out. Pneumatic cannons and air guns eliminated half of them at the entrance to the ruins, but there were still more than ten golems left beside Juma, fighting against the dwarf warriors who rushed up beside the stone wall. .

At this time, the gunners had no use for them. These brave dwarves picked up the nearest hammers, knives, and even holding bars, jumped over the low wall, and rushed towards the golem. Some air gunners, after running out of bullets and unable to find their weapons, simply raised their air guns and hit the golem with their butts.

The power of the masses is strong everywhere. If we say that the golem was a liger at the beginning and the dwarf was a hunter. Now the golems are insects, and the dwarves are ants.

More than a dozen golems were overwhelmed by dwarves coming from all directions.

However, the addition of ordinary dwarf warriors also caused a sharp increase in the number of sacrifices on the field. In a few minutes, more than a dozen dwarves died under the swords and guns of the golem. However, these sacrifices were not in vain. Once the golem was pulled, dragged, and hugged by these dwarves, it would become Focusing on one thing and not the other, they acted slowly, which gave the fighting spirit warriors a chance to take action.

Therefore, after the ordinary dwarves joined the battle, three more demons were quickly destroyed by everyone's combined efforts.

It's just... this is exchanging the life of the dwarf warrior for the life of the golem. Often, to destroy a golem, several dwarf warriors must be paid.

The loss is too great.


Ji Yijun was already stained in several places, and half of his body was stained red. Some of the blood was his, and some was the dwarf's. It was difficult to tell them apart when mixed together. He was about to turn around and attack the golem's shoulder joint from the side, but he unexpectedly stepped on the bloody cement slurry. His sole slipped and fell to the ground, and the magic sword fell out of his hand. The golem discovered his mistake and immediately struck with his sword. Ji Yijun rolled on the spot, but bumped into a horse. The demon cut the horse with a knife, and then went straight to his waist with the knife.

It's over now! Ji Yijun watched helplessly as the blade struck his head, but his body was too late to make any movement. At this moment, two dwarves pounced on the golem's sword-wielding arm.

The two of them firmly held the golem's forearm from below to prevent its knife from falling.

However, the power of the golem was not something that two ordinary dwarves could contend with. The golem tilted its body forward, and the arm holding the knife pressed lower and lower, pressing the dwarves to the ground little by little.

Ji Yijun hurriedly jumped up from the ground. His magic sword had already fallen to nowhere. He grabbed a warrior's war hammer from the ground, inspired his remaining fighting spirit, and hit the golem on the head with the hammer.

The demon swung its other arm, trying to hit him, but Ji Yijun lowered his head and dodged him.

He hit it again, and another, and another, until the golem stopped moving.

A white evil spirit emerged from the golem's head. Ji Yijun concentrated the last of his fighting spirit in his hand and grabbed the evil spirit. The evil spirit screamed sharply and was burned out by the fighting spirit.

After completely solving the golem, Ji Yijun ran to the two dwarf warriors who saved him. The two dwarf warriors had been crushed by the golem. One dwarf had broken bones all over his body and twisted into a strange shape. He collapsed on the ground without a sound. The other dwarf spit out blood. His shoulder had been crushed. His head had to lean on the golem's arm to prevent it from falling.

The dwarf could no longer speak. His originally brown beard was dyed red and purple by blood and internal organs. But when he saw Ji Yijun, he tried to smile, and that smile squeezed the wrinkles and wounds on his face together. This was the ugliest smile Ji Yijun had ever seen, but also the most moving smile he had ever seen.

The dwarf raised his arm two inches and gave him a thumbs up. Then his eyelids couldn't stop falling. He struggled several times, but finally couldn't resist the call of nature and closed his eyes completely. His smile froze at that moment.

Ji Yijun stood there in a daze, and his face was covered with tears mixed with blood without knowing when.

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