On the Seven Towers

Chapter 274: Song of Inheritance

"Help me up, help me up quickly." Luo Ling shouted to Elena. They were now hiding behind a gun emplacement. Luo Ling was sitting on the ground with her back against the earth wall, but she kept tilting her head to observe the battlefield from behind the crenel, while Elena was treating her body injuries.

"You can't do this anymore. These golems are not suitable for you to fight!" Elena roared in a rare moment.

"No! I feel like there's something wrong with the golem's behavior." Luo Ling stood up holding on to the wall. "I want to see more clearly. Help me stand on the wall."

Elena couldn't resist her, so she could only help her stand on the wall. She held Luo Ling's hand with one hand and hugged her leg with the other, with an angry look on her face.

Luo Ling braved the cold wind and stood at a high place to observe for four or five minutes. Her expression was serious, and she seemed to be muttering something silently.

"Quick! Go and call Chief Yasen." She said to Elena.

Yasen was fighting the demon at this time. The old village chief with white beard and hair was wielding an ordinary war hammer, and his body was full of fighting spirit. Although he showed his age, his aura was not inferior to that of the young people. He heard Elena calling him and knew that Luo Ling must have something important, so he hurried to the wall.

"Your Excellency Luo Ling. You must have made some important discovery, right?"

"The situation is urgent, let's make a long story short. Do you dwarves have any songs that have been passed down for many years, that everyone can sing, and are of great significance? Folk songs, war songs, anything!"

Luo Ling's words left Yasen confused. However, her previous performance gave him a lot of confidence in her, so he said: "If there is a song that every dwarf can sing, it is the 'Forge Ode'. This song has been sung by dwarves for countless times. A thousand-year song. We will sing this song whether we are in the Dwarf Kingdom, when we are slaves in the Black Dragon Empire, or when we are living in seclusion here.”

"Okay, Village Chief Yasen, take the people who are not involved in the battle to sing this song. I believe it will be helpful to the battle!" Luo Ling said.


"I can explain it to you, but not now. Every minute we delay talking, a dwarf will die."

"Okay. At least singing can inspire some morale." Yasen said, stood up and greeted the two air gunners who were still looking for opportunities to shoot, and ran towards the battlefield.

"Why are you singing?" Elena asked after Yassen left. "It must not be as simple as boosting morale. The way you looked just now, you must be planning something."

Luo Ling coughed a few times and smiled: "You are right. But I am not 100% sure of the effect. I still have to try it before I know what will happen."

Seeing Elena waiting to look at her with big eyes, she knew that the other party would not give up unless she told her that she was ugly. "You know that I am very sensitive to numbers, time and rhythm. When I was healing just now, I discovered The battle rhythm of some golems has slowed down, and there are many unnatural pauses.”

"Why didn't I notice?"

"Very subtle differences. For example, when some golems raise their swords to slash, there is a pause for a quarter of a second. Or when some golems are looking for enemies, their eyes stay in a certain place for half a second. ”

"Isn't that weird? Maybe they just ran out of power?"

"So I'm going to observe what affects them. Finally, I analyzed their actions and came to the conclusion that they seemed to hesitate a little when killing dwarves, or when they saw sacrificed dwarves."

"Why didn't I see it?" Elena watched the battle for a while and found nothing.

"I said, this requires a keen sense." Luo Ling pointed to a place on the battlefield where four or five dwarves lay in miserable shape. "Several golems will pause for a while when their eyes pass by here."

"So, I have a guess. Is it the part of the dwarves in the golem's mind that was awakened by the images of these sacrificed dwarves?"

"So that's it, you want Yassen to sing to evoke their racial memory?"

Luo Ling nodded: "Listen, it's begun."

"A river of lava, boiling and rolling,

The flames dance and cast my soul.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Hammers roars like waves,

Steel is my bones, forging my foundation..."

An old and majestic song rang out from a corner of the battlefield. This song was not loud in the noisy and chaotic battlefield, but it passed through blood and fire, knives and guns, and rang in the ears of many dwarves.

This melody is a lullaby engraved in the memory of every dwarf since childhood, and has been with them since they were born. These words record legends, tell the history of the dwarves, and praise the civilization of the dwarves.

Sinclair hammered away the golem's spear, and while fighting hard, he also sang along with the tune. His voice was hoarse and breathless, but the voice firmly joined the melody:

"...the war hammer was swung, and the wall was broken by thousands of feet,

Knocking with nails and picks, not afraid of danger and depth,

In the valley of despair, beneath the depths,

The beginning of all generations, the city of glory..."

Whether it is the gunmen shooting around or the soldiers fighting on the field, many people are infected by this familiar and exciting tune. More and more voices become part of the song.

But at this time, the golem's behavior became strange. Not only did its reactions become slower, but its movements became weaker and weaker.

A dwarf who was about to be hacked to death found that the tip of the golem's knife had reached his nose, but it stopped there tremblingly.

Some golems were still fighting, but they seemed to be fighting drunkenly, stumbling and unable to aim at the target.

Other golems had split consciousness, and their left hand tightly grasped the right hand holding the knife, making it unable to swing the weapon.

"I understand." Yasen had stopped singing at this time and came to Sinclair's side. The golem that was Sinclair's opponent actually knelt on the ground and began to hit his head with his fist. However, it seemed to be restricted by some rules. As long as the hand approached the head, it would become powerless. Therefore, it hit many times, but only made a clanging sound.

"Village chief. What's going on?"

"Our brothers are helping us..." Yasen looked at the golem that kept hitting his head, and took the hammer from Sinclair's hand, "We should also help them escape from this cage."

The old village chief walked up to the golem and said, "I'll help you."

The golem actually moved its palm away and stretched its head in front of Yasen.

Yasen ignited his fighting spirit and smashed the golem's head with all his strength. A white evil spirit floated out. It seemed to want to pounce on Yasen in front of it, but something made it hesitate.

"These are all your compatriots and descendants. Don't hurt them." The old village chief said slowly, "You no longer belong to this world. Return to the embrace of the God of Forging."

The evil spirit made a cry, then began to struggle and tremble, and finally like a punctured balloon, it got rid of the octopus-shaped restraints and turned into nothingness in the air.

"So that's it." Sinclair said softly.

"Go, let them be freed one by one in the ode of the ancestors."

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