On the Seven Towers

Chapter 331 Magic Report

Mao Kai is a talented spellcaster. After forming a meditation space, he became an absolute mid-level magician in a month.

He is also an excellent researcher. He has made many breakthroughs in the methodology of magic research. He has also put forward many ideas in magic theory and is determined to establish a "modern magic theory system".

But he is not a good teacher. He thinks quickly and speaks fast, but he is often immersed in his own world and does not care whether the audience can understand. Many people present have not been able to keep up with the pace in class.

Today is the same. After entering the door, Mao Kai used a set of large magic crystal batteries to connect the projector to the power, connected to his notebook, and started to get straight to the point.

"As you all know, I have been talking about the three steps of magic modernization, which is to figure out three basic questions: What is magic? Why is it like this? And what do we need to do?"

"The answer to the first question, we started thinking about it when we first encountered magic. Not only me, but everyone else present has put forward various hypotheses. But for those who have not really come into contact with magic, this is undoubtedly a blind man touching an elephant.

Because at that time we had no way to really observe and contact our research objects. Please note that the magic I am talking about here is not those sound, light and electricity effects. It refers to the kind of...things behind these magic effects, we can temporarily call it magic.

But when I became a magician After that, the situation changed drastically. I observed magic power, and I could mobilize it. I could feel that it was a medium between me and the elements that really produced the effect.

This contrast gave me an inspiration. Before and after I became a magician, I observed magic power in the same way. Only one variable changed, that is, my spirit, which shows that magic power has the property of reacting with spirit.

It can mobilize elements of nature, which means that it also has the property of reacting with matter.

So I put forward a hypothesis: magic power, an element unique to this world, has both spiritual and material properties, and this is why we can cast spells. ”

The people below made a buzzing discussion. Even Luo Ling's two earrings did not stop.

Mirda said: "This person's ideas are very different from my father's."

"What does your father think?" Luo Ling asked.

"Father believes that the source of magic power is a ball in another space. The essence of using mental power to cast magic is to break through space and absorb energy from the source ball. In fact, the purpose of their creation of the "Searching Index" is to find this space."

Glade said: "Since the Seven Towers era, various speculations have emerged one after another, but no one can prove that they are right. Instead of guessing these things blindly, it is better to practice a few more spells and hit the heads of those gods one by one."

Mao Kai above continued: "In order to prove this hypothesis, I designed a series of experiments. However, it was not until the dwarves joined us recently and provided a lot of materials left over from the Black Dragon Empire era that I was able to gradually improve my experiments."

"As you know, when a magician releases magic, other people cannot feel the existence of magic power except for the magician himself. Therefore, the magician is not suitable as an experimental subject. Fortunately, we often use an auxiliary material: magic crystal, which can be measured clearly. Teacher Luo does not We not only exchanged high-quality magic crystals of various properties from the dwarves, but also found a high-grade magic crystal mine that had not been mined on the way back. Therefore, our experiment was a natural success. "

Mao Kai played several pictures of magic arrays, "Mr. Morey and I developed a magic array that consumes the energy of magic crystals without stimulating its elemental properties. In layman's terms, it is a magic array that burns a magic crystal in vain without producing any magical effects. "

"You can see that if my hypothesis is true, the essence of magic crystals should be a combination of magic power and natural elements. And those natural elements can form a crystal structure, which I think is the effect of magic power.

Everyone knows that magic crystals will turn into powder after their 'energy is exhausted'. Can it be explained that the magic power that maintains the structure in the middle of the magic crystal is exhausted, so the elements cannot maintain the crystal state and collapse? Let's take a look:"

A group of photos appeared on the slide, each of which was a magic crystal and a pile of powder.

"We selected ten magic crystals with different properties but exactly the same volume, recorded their masses, and then put them into the magic consumption array. Then we weighed the remaining powder after consumption, and finally analyzed the powder composition using Mr. Morey's detection array and the element analyzer in the laboratory. Then we made several discoveries:

First, the spiritual crystals disappeared completely, and there was no powder left except for a very small amount of impurities. So we suspect that the spiritual magic crystals are made of pure magic power!

Second, the mass lost by all magic crystals after turning into powder is almost the same. In other words, there is probably only one kind of magic power, which can form different crystals with various elements.

Finally, those powders are all known single substances or compounds, and we tried to make these powders undergo chemical reactions. As a result, we found that all the reactions were as classic as middle school textbooks. In other words, after eliminating the magic power, our chemistry is back!"

With a bang, the classroom exploded.

Almost everyone present knew that the biggest difficulty they encountered as time-travelers after coming here was that chemistry didn't work. The reaction results of many substances deviated from the original records, which made them difficult to move forward. If Mao Kai's experiment is correct, it means that magic has changed and affected all the substances brought from the original world little by little, making their properties different from the original ones.

Several people raised their hands and began to ask Mao Kai about the details of the experiment. Mao Kai also answered one by one. He had taken many classes, but the atmosphere was so warm and unique.

Luo Ling raised her hand. After getting a response from the other party, she asked: "I also have a question. Is there any correlation between the energy properties emitted by the magic crystal when it is intact and the powder left behind when they use up the energy? For example, water magic crystal Is the water left behind? Is the fire magic crystal high-energy material left behind?”

Mao Kai shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, it's not that we haven't been able to find enough rules. Often some elements with very ordinary properties, once magic is added, will have very magical effects. For example, there is a kind of space magic crystal, The component contained is silver. We cannot understand that silver is of any help to space magic, but this magic crystal can be used to cast space magic or arrange space magic circles.

The preliminary inference we can give now is that after magic is combined with different elements, their original chemical properties can be changed, and they can be used by the magician's mental power to finally produce various magical effects. "

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