On the Seven Towers

Chapter 332 Three Ideas

Mao Kai flipped through the slides: "We then conducted a series of experiments and made many new discoveries. In the following experiment, we tried to observe how mental power and magic interact..."

Mao Kai then introduced several experiments and their findings in the experiments:

They used the same amount of mental power to push the magic crystal and the corresponding residue respectively, recorded their respective speeds, and found that the magic power in the magic crystal had a bonus effect on mental power. The magic crystal with larger mass moves faster.

They found that under the action of specific catalysts, magic crystals with different properties can be converted into each other. In particular, spiritual magic crystals can be converted into various types of magic crystals. This further strengthens the speculation that magic itself has no properties.

They also discovered that magic power is not evenly distributed in space, and magic crystals will further crystallize in places where magic power is dense. The so-called magic crystal mines are locations where the magic power concentration is very high.

Finally, they also discovered that the reason why the magic circle was effective was that the material used to draw the magic circle contained magic.

Mao Kai's report contained a lot of information. The audience below listened and took notes, but many people still seemed to understand.

It took him nearly two hours to briefly explain all the experiments and conclusions. He finally concluded: "I hope everyone will pay close attention to practice and gradually join our work. After deeply understanding the nature of magic, no matter it is Our magic practice and the scientific reconstruction of the old world will be greatly promoted. For magic, we can remove those mysterious and superstitious contents, improve the design level of magic and the efficiency of spell casting, and standardize and scientificize them. ; And for science, we can combine magic with this substance to create a new situation..."


After class, Luo Ling found Mao Kai in the office.

Luo Ling looked at his handouts and said, "Xiao Mao, your eloquence has improved a lot recently. Those experiments just now were explained clearly and easily."

"Teacher Luo, please don't belittle me. I was forced to come out by force during your absence. I can barely explain one thing clearly, but it is very boring. I know "They don't like to listen to me in class." Mao Kai scratched his head and said, "What I'm good at is doing research, so you still have to come to class."

"As for me, I may have to leave here and go to the royal capital soon. So, you still have to hold on to this position."

"Ah? Why are you leaving again?"

"Time waits for no one. Research is like this, and the situation in the outside world is not like this." Luo Ling sighed slightly, "By the way, when I was listening to your report just now, I discovered that magic power has no attributes, which is actually a very interesting thing."

"What should I say? Teacher Luo, what do you think?"

"Three half-baked ideas came to mind."

"You say it, I'm all ears."

Luo Ling clasped her fingers and said, "First, since magic power has no attributes, then the attributes they obtain when they crystallize depend on the surrounding elements?"

"It should be like this. The magic crystal mine you discovered is surrounded by copper ore, so the magic crystal does contain a lot of copper."

"That is to say, if we divide the area into the magic crystal mine and put different types of compounds in, we can produce different magic crystals in the same mine, right?"

"This... this is really a valuable idea. We haven't thought in these directions yet, but according to my analysis and inference, it should be very feasible. The difficulty lies in slowly exploring the catalysts of different magic crystals. However, many spell documents Zhongdu has recorded the experiences of magicians and alchemists in using magic crystals, from which we should be able to find many ready-made methods. We can also slowly try and improve the remaining records that are not accurate enough. "

"Well, that's your business. The second point that comes to my mind is that the traditional magic teachings in this world will mention the issue of magic affinity. That is, everyone is good at different types of magic."

"Well, this phenomenon does exist. For example, you are good at ice magic among elemental magics, but I am better at transformation magic."

"I'm not good at the ice system, it's just that it's colder when I cast spells in the ice system, so I don't vomit blood easily." Luo Ling said with a smile, "But if magic power has no attributes, and mental power only deals with magic power, not the element itself , Why do we have bias in casting spells?”

"This... is indeed strange."

"I have a hypothesis that every magician does not have elements that he is not good at, but magic structures that he is not good at. But for the same series of magic, there are always some similar structures that are constantly being used, and some people can easily understand it. This kind of structure is easy for some people to understand, which gives people the illusion that magicians are friendly.

After the mage becomes familiar with these structures, it will be easier and faster to master this series of magic. This gap will become wider and wider, causing the mage to do twice the result with half the effort in unfamiliar categories. In the end, learning other departments of magic becomes an uneconomical choice. "

"If you are right, then many training methods based on magic affinity are wrong. For example, water mages spend more time in water, fire mages stay in hot places... Maybe they should spend more time building blocks. , exercise spatial imagination ability, but this inference still needs to be verified slowly.”

Luo nodded, raised his last finger and said: "I have another idea about magic runes. Since magic has no attributes, the reason why magic runes are effective is their structure. But I don't think the characters look like seal scripts. There is a natural logic to the effect associated with a certain magic element. It is more like someone has made a rule for this. Just like if we agree that one represents chicken, two represents duck, three represents cooking, and four represents eating, we can use one. Coming to the fourth indicates what to cook for dinner.

Therefore, runes are just a tool to control magic and are not unique or irreplaceable. After we have studied the characteristics of magic and the combination of elements, we may not be able to directly mobilize magic. "

"Yes, from the perspective of the entire system, any runes and magic arrays consume energy. If the elements can be directly mobilized, I estimate that both the efficiency and power of the magic may be higher.

Teacher Luo, when you listen to my report, you will think of so many good ideas, and you will know ten after hearing them. In this school, I will obey you. "Mao Kai praised with admiration.

"Stop! Young people should learn well and stop imitating those old guys who flatter others!" Luo Ling laughed and scolded, "I leave all my ideas to you, you can refer to them slowly. Seeing that you have achieved so many results today, I I'm really happy. You don't know how difficult it is for us to hold on to the scene with only a little bit of strength outside.

Now I believe that with people like you here, we will never lose to those magic towers in the future. "

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