On the Seven Towers

Chapter 347: Exploring the Cause

Xiao Chen appeared beside Tashia, who was kneeling on the deck of the speedboat, holding the rudder. The speedboat had been thrown into the air by a huge wave, tilting its hull. If it fell again, it could capsize in the sea at any time.

How could this happen? Everything was normal, why did the meditation space change like this?

"Let go!" Xiao Chen shouted while flying. But Tashia clung to the horizontal bar of the turntable and refused to let go.

Xiao Chen's mind moved, and the rudder suddenly turned into a pool of sea water. Tashia's arms were empty, and her body lost support and fell out of the boat. She screamed in fear.

At this time, Xiao Chen appeared beside her and hugged her body. The two drew an arc in the air and finally landed on the beach.

Xiao Chen put Tashia on the ground, but she hugged Xiao Chen tightly, trembling, and refused to let go.

Xiao Chen gently patted her back and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay. We are on the beach."

"I'm sorry." Tasia buried her face in Xiao Chen's shoulder, "I, I know you have something important to do outside, but, but I was too scared just now."

"You did the right thing, fortunately you called me here, tell me, what happened?" Xiao Chen asked softly.

"Today, I was collecting spiritual energy on the boat as usual. But suddenly the sky around me changed. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, because it was usually cloudy outside and the waves were rolling. But slowly, the waves got bigger and bigger, and the boat became more and more unstable. I realized something was wrong and was ready to come back, but the huge waves had already rushed over, and then the boat was thrown into the sky. I shouted for help, and then you appeared.

What happened? What did you encounter? Although your outer world would fluctuate before, it was never so violent. You must have encountered something extraordinary, right?"

"Does it usually happen?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise, "Why haven't I seen it before?"

"I guess as long as your emotions fluctuate violently outside, changes will occur inside. But when you come in, you are mostly in a meditative state, and your mind is very calm, so you naturally don't see such a scene."

"Makes sense." Xiao Chen looked at the sea in the distance. Since he came in, the sky and the waves have been gradually calming down. It seems that it won't take long for them to return to their usual state.

"What happened outside just now?"

"I...I was participating in the New Year's parade, dancing in the crowd."

"With her?" Tasia keenly sensed something from Xiao Chen's tone.

"Yes." After answering this, Xiao Chen felt that Tasia's hand seemed to be exerting force.

"What kind of person is she? I really want to meet her."

"Why? Why do you say that suddenly?"

"I didn't expect that dancing with her would move you so much. She must be very beautiful and attractive to you, right?" Tashia let go of Xiao Chen and lowered her head, "Thank you for saving me."

Xiao Chen laughed and said, "Don't be silly. How could there be such a big reaction to dancing? There must be something wrong."

"Did you get tricked?" Tashia raised her head and said, "Although you look very conscious now. But I remember that some drugs or magic can make people feel uneasy. In this case, people will become impulsive and easily make misjudgments, or affect the success rate of casting spells. Quick, go out and look around you."

"My other distraction is outside. There are people dancing around. There is nothing abnormal. Wait..., it seems wrong."

In the outside world, Xiao Chen found that Luo Ling's face was flushed and her expression was very excited. She was dancing faster and faster, and she was giggling. A little...slightly drunk?

He pulled her, stopped, and hid in a corner away from the crowd.

"What are you doing? Why don't you dance anymore?" Luo Ling shook her head and looked around.

"Wake up, wake up, do you feel something is wrong with you?" Xiao Chen pressed her shoulders and shook her.

"Hey, what are you doing? I want to dance, you dance too." Although Luo Ling was held by Xiao Chen, she still did not give up spinning. She twisted her shoulders and insisted on continuing to dance.

Xiao Chen had no choice but to cast a small mental shock to wake her up. Unexpectedly, just as he let go and prepared to cast a spell, Luo Ling put her hands together, hooked his shoulders, and kissed him on the face: "Haha, I'll reward you with a kiss, come and dance with me?"

Xiao Chen was angry and amused. He prepared the magic and flicked Luo Ling's forehead with his middle finger. Luo Ling shuddered, and the excitement in her eyes gradually faded.

"Are we in trouble?" She held her forehead with her hand and closed her eyes to feel it.

"Yes. Not only us, but also the people around us are affected by a strange power. Everyone seems to be very excited. Look for yourself..." Xiao Chen pointed to the crowd passing by. Everyone, regardless of gender, age or young, seemed to have stimulated their greatest vitality, dancing and laughing wantonly.

"And I just kissed you?"

Xiao Chen was stunned and pointed to his cheek and said, "Here, do you still remember?"

"I didn't lose consciousness, but everything seemed like a dream, the picture was not clear, and the impression was a little vague." She snorted softly, "You got it."

"Hee, don't you know who took advantage of you?"

"Yeah, did I take advantage of you? I'm so sorry, I will never do that again in the future." Luo Ling said apologetically.

"I'm a bad mouth, you think I didn't say anything." Xiao Chen was defeated immediately.

Luo Ling flicked her middle finger on Xiao Chen's forehead: "Stop talking nonsense, check what's going on."

Xiao Chen released a detective spirit magic and found that the souls around him were stimulated in some way, and the light balls representing the spirit power were trembling and twitching.

But not all the light balls reacted in the same way. Some light balls were relatively calm, while others were shaking and about to collapse.

Xiao Chen used his night vision ability to observe these people with different reactions. Sure enough, those whose light balls were relatively calm also had calmer expressions and movements. They could still control their behavior and had enough reason, just like Xiao Chen just now.

And those whose light balls were the most turbulent were often jumping and almost falling down. Their expressions and movements had become instinctive reactions.

He told this conclusion to Luo Ling, who helped him observe for a while and said, "The problem is the headscarf. You see, those calm people often wear wreaths, or nothing at all. And those who are the most excited all wear headscarves!"

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