On the Seven Towers

Chapter 348 Stimulant Powder

Xiao Chen took out the two unused scarves from his pocket and observed them carefully, "But this scarf looks rough. It should be made of the lowest coarse cloth, and then dyed with some color. There is no magic text on it." , there is no magic circle, and I can’t feel any magic power.”

"Your thinking is limited. Not everything may involve magic. The magic circle requires a huge cost. Who would use it on such a large scale?" Luo Ling took one of them and looked at it for a while, first facing the firelight He looked at it, then tugged hard, and finally brought it to his nose, "I found it! It has a smell."

Xiao Chen also picked up one and smelled it. Sure enough, there was a faint greasy smell, mixed with some herbal smells. "But you can't smell it if it is a little further away, and you don't feel anything when you smell it."

"Don't you think the air among the crowd is full of this smell?" Luo Ling took two deep breaths and said, "That means there must be some way to stimulate this smell."

Xiao Chen analyzed: "In the beginning, it was normal for everyone to wear headscarves. It was when someone took the lead and started dancing that things started to go wrong. Comparing the before and after, the biggest difference is that these people were singing and dancing, and their bodies were radiating heat... Could it be because of the heating?”

Luo Ling lit a small flame at her fingertips, then put a scarf on the fire to slowly heat it. Xiao Chen leaned over and took a smell, and sure enough, a smell that was several times stronger came out from it.

After Xiao Chen took a few puffs, he felt his heartbeat speed up and his body felt like it was about to move again.

"That's it!" Xiao Chen stabilized his emotions and deduced: "It doesn't have any magic fluctuations. It seems to be a special potion. Judging from the source of the cloth, it's possible that someone used the palace to hold events. Opportunity, what’s the conspiracy?”

Luo Ling recalled: "The guard said that these people will eventually gather in the market area for a bonfire party. If anyone is planning any conspiracy, they will probably be there."

"Then shall we..." Xiao Chen looked at Luo Ling.

"Of course, if we don't find out, how can we feel at ease? Publicly, we don't know what kind of outcome these innocent people in front of us will face, and privately, we don't know whether the conspiracy will harm our companions."

"Ha, heroes think alike. Let's go!"


Meditation world.

Tasia was in her room, hugging a pillow and sitting on the bed in a daze. Apparently he still hasn't recovered from the shock just now.

Xiao Chen was distracted and came over with a cup of hot tea and said: "Here, take a sip to calm down the shock."

"How is the situation outside?" Tasia looked concerned.

Xiao Chen sat on the sofa in the room and said, "My guess is right. Someone is doing something strange outside..." He told Tasia the characteristics and symptoms of the medicine found outside.

"I always feel like I've heard this symptom there..." Tasia thought.

Xiao Chen said: "According to what we say there, this medicine should be a stimulant, which puts people in a particularly excited state."

Tasia's eyes lit up and she said: "I remembered it. I heard that on the orc plains in the north, there is a plant called red thread grass. After it is dried and ground into powder, it will have a strong stimulating effect when heated with fire. .

It turns out that the orcs often used this as a stimulant when fighting against the Purple Eagle Empire. However, it was later discovered that the red thread powder would make the originally undisciplined orc warriors completely uncontrollable, and if the wind direction was wrong, it would motivate the warriors regardless of friend or foe. Often not only our own side goes crazy, but the enemy also fights crazy. The actual combat effect was not good, and there were often some hilarious battles, so the orc tribes gradually abandoned this medicinal powder. "

Xiao Chen wondered: "Things from the orc tribe? It is not easy to smuggle it through the empire into the kingdom."

Tasia said: "That's not necessary. I heard that red thread grass is also produced in the north of the empire. Some empire merchants will refine red thread powder and sell it to the orcs. The level of alchemy technology in the empire is much higher than that of the orcs. It is said that the red thread powder produced in the empire, It is a top-notch product in the Orc Empire, but it is more popular than the one produced by the Orcs themselves.”

"Didn't you say that orcs don't use this on the battlefield?" Xiao Chen asked strangely.

"However, some orc shamans will use red thread powder in witchcraft rituals. It stimulates the life energy in the bodies of the people around them, allowing the shaman's witchcraft to achieve better results. Also, orcs are aggressive, and they will fight in duels Use this in battle to make the duels have a great time. It can also be used in the gladiatorial arena to make the beasts go crazy and make the gladiatorial fight more beautiful. Anyway, these are some vulgar uses, and I only heard them as anecdotes in the aristocratic circles. of."

"Is it possible that someone is planning to cast a spell in the capital and use these people gathered for the New Year as materials? If the formation required is so large, the effect of the spell must be terrifying, right?"

"This is too sensational. There are many masters in the capital, led by two saints. Who dares to do such a thing in the capital. Time Saint Saso and Thousand Ren Sword Saint Venegas are not this sneaky at all. You can afford it." Tasia stood up from the bed and walked around the room.

She analyzed one by one: "Even the people of the empire dare not do this in the royal capital. This will lead to full retaliation from the kingdom. Both sides have just ceased war and need enough time to breathe. All the southern city states can think about is doing business. It is even more impossible for orcs to do such a thing. The enemy of their enemy is their friend. They still understand this principle, and even if a saint does such a thing, it will probably end with no return. After all, saints are still human beings, and no matter how powerful they are, they will perish if they are surrounded by many masters."

"The force that the opponent belongs to is not so easy to guess. After all, what we see is only what is on the table." Xiao Chen touched his chin and said, "As for the executor, there are only a few possibilities left. Either the opponent is someone who is not afraid The dead lunatic came here with the intention of dying together. Either the other party's spell would leave no obvious traces, and he could escape before the saint came. Or... he knew that even the saint could not stop his actions. . For example, the saint is involved in something..."

"But even if there are no saints, there will still be several great magicians like Master Kona. There are also several great knights and great swordsmen in the Guards, not to mention the Priests Roland and the others in the Temple of Nature. It's true. Is this possible?"

"Those headscarves were distributed through the City Guards. The person behind this may have tentacles in the City Guards or the palace, and he has very powerful powers."

"Then do you still want to go? It seems that there is a very dangerous situation involved." She stopped and looked at Xiao Chen and asked seriously.


"Okay then. Take your distraction away quickly, so that you can exert your full strength outside." Tasia walked up to him, lowered her head and said, "Be careful. But no matter what happens, I, I I will always be with you.”

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