On the Seven Towers

Chapter 349 Raid on the Bell Tower

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling continued to walk forward with the crowd. The people around them were still immersed in the cheerful atmosphere, but the singing, dancing and leather lamps flying in the night no longer had the romantic feeling, but with a sense of romance. A weird feeling that makes people feel cold on their back. The two of them walked among slightly crazy people, feeling very uneasy.

"Although they look normal. But... I always feel like I'm in a zombie movie, and I'm afraid that they will suddenly pounce on me at some point." Xiao Chen was hit from behind by a jumping boy. For a moment, the young man turned around, his eyes full of red bloodshot eyes. He was panting and stuck out a small part of his tongue. His appearance was really no better than a zombie. He even smiled apologetically at Xiao Chen, letting this person The image becomes more and more terrifying.

Xiao Chen was so frightened by this honor that his heart beat violently, "I take back what I just said, are you almost turning into a zombie?"

"Don't scare yourself." Luo Ling complained, but as she spoke, she held Xiao Chen's arm.

Xiao Chen took out two scrolls from the space bag and stuffed them into Luo Ling's hands, "Two random teleportation scrolls per person. If something goes wrong, use this to escape."

Soon, the crowd dispersed in front, and the market area appeared in front of them.

The market is an open space in the middle of a civilian area. In order to welcome the New Year, most of the stalls have been temporarily demolished and replaced by bonfires every ten meters. People have already started dancing around the fires, one after another from all sides. The people who came over all joined in one by one.

Dancing around the fire is obviously more exciting than dancing while walking. In Xiao Chen's field of vision, the light groups representing spiritual power trembled even more.

"The smell of the red thread powder here is too strong." Luo Ling had already learned the information provided by Tasia from Xiao Chen. "Although we can suppress this excitement with mental power, it will interfere with our spellcasting to some extent."

Xiao Chen rummaged through the space bag and found two scarves. He and Luo Ling each wrapped two circles around their faces and covered their mouths and noses, "This will be better."

He looked around and found a clock tower not far away. "Let's go up there. It should be the highest point of this small square. From above, we can see if we can find those troublemakers."

The two walked to the bottom of the bell tower and found that the door was locked from the inside.

"I'll fly up and have a look," he said.

"Wait a minute, if someone is causing trouble here, won't they occupy the top spot?"

"It makes sense." Xiao Chen held a pistol in one hand and prepared a Heart of Fear magic in the other, and then flew up quietly. He flew up from the side of the bell tower facing away from the square. He was close to the blind corner of the wall. It would be difficult for people inside to spot him unless they deliberately poked their heads out to look down.

When he was about to reach the top of the bell tower, he slowed down further and slowly poked his head out.

Sure enough, two fully armed warriors holding crossbows stood guard under the big bell. Just as Xiao Chen was about to retreat quietly, one of the soldiers suddenly turned around and glared at him.

The warrior exclaimed, raised his crossbow and fired.

However, Xiao Chen was prepared. As soon as the soldier raised his crossbow, he shot him in the arm, causing a ball of blood to burst out, and the crossbow arrow was immediately released. Immediately afterwards, the fear displayed by Xiao Chen's left hand exploded in the small space of the tower.

The soldier who had his back turned to him was unprepared, and the frightening image invaded his mind. He fell out of the tower upside down. He didn't even use his fighting spirit. He hit his head on the roof of the second floor and fell. A brain bursting.

The soldier who was shot was also dizzy due to the fear magic and sat down on the ground. Xiao Chen immediately cast a charm spell. The warrior with a gap in his mind had no resistance before the charm, and was immediately struck.

When Luo Ling flies up. The soldier was already kneeling on one knee in front of Xiao Chen and answered the questions respectfully.

"Say your name." Xiao Chen asked.

"Dear Sir, Uceta is at your service. If you don't like this name, you can call me whatever you want." Although the soldier was injured in his arm, he didn't care, but looked at Xiao Chen with firm and warm eyes.

Xiao Chen coughed and asked, without looking into his eyes, "Whose warrior are you originally?"

"I am the deputy captain of the White Eagle Squadron of the City Guards, a mid-level warrior. But now I am your warrior."

"Hehe, this person is very charmed." Luo Ling whispered.

"This is why I don't like to use charm," Xiao Chen sighed. "Sometimes it's really disgusting to be looked at by a big man like that."

Luo Ling nodded in agreement.

"However, not everyone will become so flattering. Maybe it's just a matter of character."

"My lord, I assure you that there is no question about my character, especially in front of you."

"Okay, who is that person who jumped out?"

"That's my subordinate, Larenco, who is also a member of the White Eagle Squadron. He is a low-level warrior, but a marksman. It's a pity that he did not pass the test of adults." Speaking of Larenco, Uceta seemed quite disappointed. Sad, but he didn't seem to have any intention of resenting Xiao Chen at all.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling both looked a little serious. If these two people were mercenaries, spies, or even people from the Temple of Wisdom, they wouldn't be surprised. But they are actually members of the Kingdom's army, which shows that the problem is very serious. It's serious. Xiao Chen asked again: "What is the White Eagle Team? Who sent you here? What is the mission?"

Uceta raised his head and said proudly: "The White Eagle Squad is the most elite squad in the City Guard, with a total of fifty people. Everyone has mastered Dou Qi. The captain is a high-level warrior, and I and the other eight senior team members are mid-level warriors, and the rest are also low-level. Our usual task is to deal with the strong who appear in the capital, to capture or suppress those who have Dou Qi or magic, and the general city guards can't deal with them."

"Today our mission was directly ordered by Baron Juvina, the adjutant of the Marquis Landines, the commander of the City Guard. He ordered the entire White Eagle Squad to go out and guard this square. Our and Larenzo's mission is to guard this bell tower and ring the bell to warn if we find anything abnormal."

"What is it? Abnormal situation?"

"It's just...just like what you just said. If there are suspicious warriors or mages entering the square, we must eliminate them and then give the alarm. But I will never give the alarm now. My lord, you must have something important to do here. Please tell me, I will do my best to complete it for you."

"Kill without mercy? That's cruel enough. Do you know who gave the order to Baron Juvenal?"

"I don't know, my lord. But it's usually Marquis Landinas himself, and no one can bypass the Marquis to give orders to the Baron."

"Do you know what is worth guarding in the square?"

"Sorry, my lord, I really don't know."

"It seems that there is not much to ask." Xiao Chen said.

"How come? Let me ask." Luo Ling said.

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