On the Seven Towers

Chapter 391 The Mysterious Prophet

"I think we'd better get back to the carriage," said the woman known as the Prophet.

Gomez told Chocano that he was going back to the carriage to meditate for a while, and returned to the carriage with the prophet.

"I didn't expect you to show up. They are all dead, why aren't you dead yet?" Gomez asked menacingly, closing the car door.

"Fighting is not my duty. I am just a guide. That was true then and that is true now." The prophet sat opposite, giving Xiao Chen a chance to look at her face carefully, but the entire hood of her cloak was covered with mist. Covered by white light, the facial features cannot be seen at all.

"Hasting, those guys from the United Magic Council, were deceived by your so-called prophecies, so they launched an attack on the gods at all costs. If you follow my opinion, you can first unify the entire continent, and then devote all the power of the entire continent to save money. After more than ten years of strength, cultivating a large number of saint-level and master-level mages, manufacturing a large number of holy weapons, and finally attacking the divine realm, wouldn't it be much more certain? Now that the unification war has just been fought, it has been abandoned halfway, and there are more than ten more. The country has not been conquered; the elves, dwarves, orcs, and sea tribes, these available forces are not under control; the power of the natural temple in the world has not been damaged at all; it is unwise to rush to the divine domain to gamble with the power of the Seven Towers! Worth it!" Gomez snapped.

Xiao Chen still remembered hearing two bards who were also spies from the Temple of Wisdom singing the legend of Hasting. It seemed that the rumors in the ballads were exaggerated after all. Hasting's sphere of influence was far less powerful than in the legends of later generations, and Attacking the Divine Realm was not his idea alone, but a joint decision made by those in charge of the Seven Towers. Maybe Hasting of the Tower of Swords is just a representative introduced by everyone.

"I have seen the scene you mentioned, in which you became the leader elected by the Magic United Council." The prophet said.

"Aren't you still talking nonsense now?" Gomez sneered, "Do you think that by saying this, I will believe these nonsense?"

"That time, you spent ten years unifying the continent. No matter which race, humans, elves or dwarves, they all eventually came under the rule of the Mages Union. Even the orcs, goblins and sea tribes served as slaves for your magic empire. Make a contribution.

As the consul of the United Council of Mages, you are much more powerful than you are now, and have become the most powerful person in the world. No one has a larger empire than you since ancient times, and naturally no one has a bigger empire than you. Have more power than you.

You have waged war against the temples of nature. The Mages United Council, which gathered the power of the entire continent, defeated the Temple of Nature and retreated to the last fortress of the Temple of Nature. Golden Bough priests died either in battle or in sacrifices to the god of nature.

However, just after you completely destroyed the Temple of Nature, the God of Nature awakened. The closer God is to awakening, the more energy he obtains, and the faster his power recovers. Over the past ten years, his power has become much stronger than it is now. You have endured the true wrath of God in front of that fortress. , that scene is difficult to describe in words. In short, the result is that all the elite members of the Seven Towers, including you, were killed and injured, and no one escaped from the battlefield. Subsequently, the God of Nature not only swept away all the magic towers, but also destroyed many human cities. The wealth, culture, and technology accumulated by people over thousands of years were lost in history, and human civilization was returned to its original state... We have retreated to the days when the spark of civilization was just ignited and we had almost nothing. "

"Why does the God of Nature do this?" Xiao Chen couldn't wait for Gomez's answer and couldn't help asking.

The prophet did not speak, but looked at Xiao Chen. Although Xiao Chen couldn't see her facial features and expression at all, he had a feeling that this woman was looking at him seriously, "Because of fear..., the more human beings develop, the more... There is no need for gods. Today the Seven Sacred Towers will do something to kill gods, and tomorrow someone else will do the same thing, so it is not okay to deal a certain blow to humans from time to time. "

"Then why doesn't he just wipe out all humans?" Xiao Chen asked puzzledly.

"If you take care of a garden, will all the flowers and plants be burned due to thorns?" The prophet asked, "Isn't what you have to do regularly weeding and pruning?"

Xiao Chen was thinking about the prophet's words when Gomez took the initiative to speak again: "Everything you said is just ridiculous inference. Just like the stories you told to the United Council of Mages before. I remember that was another one A completely different version, what to say... If the mages do nothing, the god of nature will awaken sooner, and he will lead the temple of nature and wipe out all the magicians. "

"You know there are smart people in the United Council of Mages who know how to deduce the right choices."

"But the ending now seems to be no different from the two stories you told. The elite of the Seven Holy Towers were almost wiped out, and the only few of us left were chased by the Temple of Nature and fled for our lives. So what's the point of attacking the God's Domain? Where?" Gomez asked.

"The significance is that history has been completely changed, and the awakening of the God of Nature has been interrupted. The mages of the Seven Holy Towers have completed their mission."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure that they forced the God of Nature to wake up and severely injured him, making him fall into a deep sleep again. This will give us enough time to wait for the power that can truly end him to appear." The prophet's tone revealed A sense of historical heaviness.

"The Seven Sacred Towers are just a prop used to delay time? You knew in advance that they would never come back, right?" Master Gomez glared at the other party.

The prophet nodded slowly and said, "Do you think they don't have such awareness?"

"They..." Gomez seemed to have thought of something, and instead of questioning her like before, he asked: "Then why did you come to me?"

"I'm here to advise you to reach a compromise with the people of the Natural Temple. In many possible futures, you will all die together with the pursuers in different ways."

"This is the last dignity of the Dream Tower, isn't it great?"

"No! This is not the most valuable future."

Gomez's face was uncertain, "Even if I agree, what confidence do you have that they will compromise with us?"

The prophet explained: "Because as priests, they know very well that the God of Nature is sleeping again. They will not get the real support of the God for a long time in the future, and it is impossible for them to eliminate all mages. And just two games Continuous battles have made them understand that if you fight with you, you will make them pay an unbearable price. In this case, we can naturally talk."

"Is this another conspiracy?" Gomez looked hesitant. His limited contact with this woman told him that everything this woman did was interlocked and related to each other like a chain.

The prophet said calmly: "There is no conspiracy, just a very simple reason: the inheritance of the Dream Tower must be maintained."

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