On the Seven Towers

Chapter 392 Valley Blockade

Speaking of the inheritance of the Dream Tower, it is undoubtedly what Gomez values ​​most. He glanced at the ring on his hand. He and Gregorio made many arrangements, all for the preservation of the inheritance.

The prophet said again: "Not only the Dream Tower, but the inheritance of all the other seven holy towers must continue to exist."

"For the later generations you mentioned?" Gomez asked, "I don't understand. The grand occasion of the Seven Holy Towers is unprecedented. Magicians have never been stronger than in this era. Now there are only a few scattered figures left in each tower. In the foreseeable future, they will also be suppressed by the Temple of Nature. When will there be a chance for the kind of power you mentioned? If we can't do it before the God Killing War, why can they do it?"

"There are several powers that you have never heard of, even if the civilization of this era has not reached the height that can produce them. It will take a long, long time, and a group of specific people. You can't see that day, but that day will come."

After saying this, the prophet's figure began to fade.

Xiao Chen asked at this time: "Who is the real power to end the God of Nature?"

"Haha. The inheritor of the Dream Tower, I am very optimistic about you." The voice of the prophet changed here, no longer deep and vicissitudes, but became very crisp, making Xiao Chen feel like a young girl talking to him, "We will meet again in the future."

"Who are you?" However, when he asked this question, the figure of the prophet had completely disappeared.

Xiao Chen recalled the conversation between the prophet and Saint Gomez just now. The information contained in it was too important. The ancient history that was originally vague was presented to him bit by bit.

However, he was sure that the last words of the prophet were said to him, Xiao Chen, not to Gomez. Although this may also be a plot set in the crystal ball, he always had a feeling that at that moment, the prophet was not the image of the previous conversation with Gomez, but a kind of existence that transcended time and space.

While he was thinking, Master Jocano knocked on the car door and said, "Sir, the nightmare beasts have rested. We can continue to set off."

The convoy continued on the road, and Xiao Chen asked Master Jocano who returned to the car, "What do you think of the prophet?"

"The prophet? Are you talking about the observer behind the seven towers?"

"If you are talking about a woman with a cloak and no face, then that's her." Xiao Chen said, "She appeared just now."

"The mysterious lord appeared again? Great, did she bring any instructions?" Jocano raised his eyebrows and looked very excited.

"First, tell me what you think of her."

Jocano thought for a moment and said, "I only know that there have been legends about her for a long time. Even as early as the establishment of the Seven Towers, there were stories about her helping the founders of the Seven Towers. Over the years, her figure often appeared beside us magicians, bringing us help and warnings. The last time I heard of her appearance was before the War of God Killing.

Different magicians naturally have different views on her. Some people think that she is not a person, but an organization passed down from generation to generation. After all, no one can live forever except the gods. Some people think that she is a ghost, because even if she appears, only the person she wants to talk to can see her. Others think that she is the remnant of an ancient god, so she spared no effort to oppose the God of Nature. But I didn't have the opportunity to meet her, and I can't say what I think of her. I can only tell you some other people's views."

"Well, this is just a guess about her identity. What do you think about her provoking the War of God Killing?" Xiao Chen continued to ask.

Jocano said sincerely: "Although I am an opponent of the God-killing War like you, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the God-killing War itself. The high gods are like a sword hanging over our heads, which may fall and kill us at any time. People do not need to be more noble than them. For the wizard who wants to control his fate, this is even more intolerable. I just think that the timing of the war is wrong. As for the things that the prophet reminds us of, they are all inevitable."

"Well, the prophet reminds us that we can negotiate with the Temple of Nature when necessary."

Jocano's eyes lit up : "If the prophet said so, then this thing must have the possibility of success."

"Let's take it one step at a time."

Jocano was about to say something else, but suddenly paused, then showed a disgusted expression, "The scouts in front reported that the Giant Rock Empire organized an army to intercept us in front. There are about 3,000 people, including some knights and wild mages. These greedy and ignorant fools have become running dogs of the Temple of Nature so quickly."

"The Temple of Nature must have told them that I was still unconscious and used them to test us." The person who said this was naturally Gomez himself, not Xiao Chen.

"Space suppression does not distinguish between enemies and friends. The people of the Temple of Nature also need someone to hold us back so that they can catch up from behind." Jocano said.

Gomez said, "I remember that there is only one low-level Saint left in the Giant Rock Empire, and he is a warrior?"

"Yes, Saint, you don't need to take action against such a person, we are enough to deal with him. We haven't started a war in the human world for several years. Many people have forgotten the horror of the Dream Tower Mage, right?" Jocano said coldly, "Why don't you pretend to be unconscious, so that even if we face the Temple of Nature, we will have an extra plan."

Gomez agreed with Chocano's idea. When the latter got off the car to prepare the team, he released a magic of the Mage's Eye. An invisible eyeball flew out of the car window, taking in the scene around the convoy.

Xiao Chen was very excited at this time. This kind of high-end magic battle was very rare for him. Observing how these mages of the Seven Towers era fought would definitely give him a lot of magic inspiration.

At this time, the Mage's Eye had flown over the enemy in front and saw the full picture of the blocking position.

It was a valley with a narrow road. There was a battle formation blocking the road and waiting in full battle formation. The battle formation was quite neat. In the front were more than a dozen warriors with gorgeous equipment and various weapons. They were masters in their army. They surrounded a middle-aged warrior with an arrogant look, who should be the saint. Behind these people was a row of warriors holding swords and shields, followed by spearmen and archers, and cavalry on the flanks. The other side also sent several mages to fly to the high ground on both sides to occupy the terrain advantage.

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