On the Seven Towers

Chapter 393 Overwhelming

Before the enemy discovered them, Chocano stopped the entire convoy at a col, and the swordsmen and mages got off the car. Chocano discussed with several other great magicians and great swordsmen and decided on a battle plan.

Then a scene that opened Xiao Chen's eyes appeared. I saw that the twelve magicians of the Dream Tower began to project spirit servants from the meditation space. One by one, the warriors were summoned around them. Their bodies changed from phantoms to reality. After a moment, they were no different from real people. The magicians took out various weapons from the storage rings and armed these spirit servants. Xiao Chen counted them. In this way, their warrior team actually had more than 60 people.

The spirit servant warriors and the original swordsmen formed a battle formation that was much smaller than the enemy, but in Xiao Chen's opinion, the momentum was even greater. They guarded the road leading to the enemy battle formation.

Eight high-level mages ambushed on both sides of the road, ready to cast spells. The four great magicians began to draw two magic circles on the ground. They each performed their duties very quickly. It took only about fifteen minutes to complete the two magic circles.

The super-distance casting magic circle greatly increases the magic range. The cross-level casting magic circle can release magic of a higher realm at the cost of spending more time. Just when Xiao Chen was confused, he got such a message in his mind, and then he felt that the contents of the two magic circles were directly thrown into his meditation space. It must be the explanation left by Saint Gomez who created this scene. He also hopes that later generations can learn these inheritances?

A great magician stood on the super-distance casting magic circle, took out a scroll and began to cast a spell. A magic structure nearly one person tall appeared in front of him, and the magic energy from all directions began to gather in the middle, turning into a dazzling red light ball.

And Master Qiao Cano stood on the cross-level casting magic circle, and he began to draw a complex model at a very slow speed.

The magic fluctuations here obviously also attracted the attention of the other side. From the eyes of the mage, Xiao Chen saw that the two mages who were scouting in the sky began to fly over here. However, just as they approached the battle formation here, seven or eight magical lights shot out from the ground, hitting the two people like sieves and falling down.

The enemy commander saw this scene and immediately commanded the team to move forward. However, the enemy army had just marched a few hundred meters when the large-scale magic here was released. A huge fireball crossed an arc and suddenly hit the rear of the enemy army.

After the fireball exploded, it turned into an overwhelming wave of fire, sweeping in the rear soldiers who were running around.

Xiao Chen looked down from the sky. The scene after the explosion and the fire was horrible. The soldiers in the center of the explosion had long been reduced to ashes, and those who were a little further away were burned to charcoal. Those who were farther away were actually even worse. Most of them were burned black, but they were not dead yet. They fell on the ground that was still on fire and screamed and groaned.

This attack killed almost 80% of the enemy's archers and some spearmen, but more importantly, it completely messed up the enemy's formation.

Many soldiers in the front half of the battle formation were also burned and scalded. They screamed and fled everywhere. The strong men and officers had to abandon them and drive the obedient soldiers to continue moving forward.

However, at this time, the high-level mages on both sides launched, releasing various mental magic and status magic.

Magic like the Heart of Fear fell one after another in the enemy's battle formation. Fear, slowness, weakness, confusion, sluggishness, and various negative states fell on these elite soldiers. Although many of them had fighting spirit, they were as fragile as children under the magic of high-level mages.

The formation that could still hold on completely collapsed after a round of magic bombardment. The remaining soldiers not only fled everywhere, but also began to hack and kill each other, and there was a hellish scene everywhere.

The leading saint's face turned blue, and he shouted loudly: "Our mages in the sky will release attack spells to the enemy's hiding place to force them out! All warriors above the middle level, follow me to charge, we must kill those sneaky mages. Otherwise, we can only passively take the beating."

The enemy mages hurriedly flew up to support. But the magicians here once again showed the strangeness of the Dream Tower. Under the projection of the meditation space, magical creatures appeared out of thin air. Griffins, flying dragons, wargs, unicorns, nightmare beasts, hellhounds emerged one after another, and finally even two giant dragons appeared.

These magical creatures, each exuding a powerful aura, rushed towards the enemy. Griffins and flying dragons pounced on the flying mages of the other side, and several groups began to besiege those panicked poor creatures, and their sharp teeth and claws burst into brilliant sparks on the shields of those mages. Unicorns, hellhounds and other ground creatures rushed towards the enemy's charging team. These creatures were all above the middle level, and their natural strength and physique far exceeded that of humans. Under their charge, human warriors, even if they were one level higher than them, felt that they could not resist. The enemy was in a bitter battle in the air and on the ground at the same time.

The opponent's saint had just killed two unicorns, and their bodies turned into magic energy and dissipated in the air, and two giant dragons pounced on them. These were two young blue dragons, which could be considered weak among the dragons, but even so, they had the strength of a master level. With their huge physique and thick scales, the saint could not quickly win even if he released the domain. What's more, the electric field around the blue dragon can weaken and offset part of the effect of the domain.

Just as he was fighting with the dragon, the magic of the four great magicians hit him one by one, making the saint's condition worse and worse, and his resistance weaker and weaker. Finally, Qiao Cano completed the cross-level spell, and the white chain he cast bound the saint's body.

Another message appeared in Xiao Chen's mind: Mind Chain, Saint-level magic, once locked by the Mind Chain, any subsequent mental magic cast by the caster will directly penetrate the soul, unable to resist, unable to be immune, and produce the maximum effect. Similarly, a complex information recording this Saint-level magic was thrown into his meditation world.

Qiao Cano's cross-level spell took nearly ten times longer than normal spells, but in the end, with the assistance of the cross-level spell array, he successfully tied up the enemy's saint.

"Destroy!" Qiao Cano released a mantra of the Tower of Talisman. Such mantras are generally ineffective in the face of the powerful mental resistance of the Saint-level. But under the effect of the Mind Chain, it directly annihilated the saint's soul.

The saint's body suddenly stiffened, and then he fell straight down from midair, turning into a soulless corpse, and then burned into charcoal under the lightning breath of the blue dragon.

"Follow me to charge!" The leading great swordsman in the battle formation seized the opportunity when the enemy leader was killed, swung his sword forward, and more than 60 warriors including the spirit servant rushed towards the enemy who were leaderless and still fighting hard with the monsters.

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