On the Seven Towers

Chapter 394 Final Transaction

A great victory of 25 against 3,000 people. The Dream Tower only paid the price of two injured swordsmen, a magician's mental overdraft, and the destruction of several artificial monsters in the meditation space.

This gave Xiao Chen a new understanding of the power of the Dream Tower mages on the battlefield. The mages of the Dream Tower have much more means than ordinary mages of the same realm. Moreover, no one projected the meditation space today. If that were the case, the effect would be even more amazing.

The convoy continued on the road after simply cleaning up the battlefield. They did not rest at night, but continued to rush towards Black Stone City.

With the help of the power of the formation, Qiao Kano killed a saint, which consumed his spirit. Therefore, Xiao Chen did not disturb him who was meditating all the time.

So, there was no conversation all night, and the convoy arrived at the outskirts of Black Stone City in the early morning of the next day.

"Sir, the space suppression seems to have weakened a lot. According to our calculations, we can activate the teleportation magic about 50 kilometers ahead." During the morning break, a great magician who was responsible for monitoring the changes in space reported to Xiao Chen with a crystal ball.

"Well, I know." Xiao Chen knew in his heart that they could not run away like this. Otherwise, there would be no building of the Spirit Refining Tower behind.

"Five minutes later, we will set off. Remember to bypass Black Stone City. We don't need to enter the city." Qiao Cano said.

"No! The space has changed." Black mist suddenly swirled in the crystal ball in the hand of the previous great magician. "Large-scale space suppression broke out from Black Stone City. This, such space suppression cannot be done without more than three saints! Sir Saint!"

"Sir!" The mages including Qiao Cano looked at him. They all knew that it was impossible to escape if they ran into more than three saints at such a close distance.

"Don't panic, we'll wait here. Chocano, hurry up and draw a super-range spell array and an extremely effective spell array, nest them together, I want to use them." Gomez said.


When the Golden Branch Priest Artemio appeared in front of the Dream Tower with two elf elders, many Silver Leaf Priests, a large number of Temple Knights and elf troops, Gomez was already standing in the middle of a nested array.

"Artemio, I was wondering where you got the manpower to stop us here. It turns out that you mobilized the power of the elves. It's rare that these self-willed God's followers can obey your command."

"Well, I talked to the Elf Elders, broke a few tables, and finally persuaded them to send troops." Artemio is a white-haired old man with a thin figure, wearing a simple green robe, holding a wooden stick like a branch in his hand. However, this country old man-like figure made the magicians present nervous. "Gomez, you made a very interesting choice. You didn't continue to run away, but waited for us here. I want to know, do you have anything to say to me?"

Artemio's tone was calm, but his momentum was compelling. After all, even Xiao Chen had heard of his name. He was the most powerful of all the Golden Branch priests in the Seven Towers era. Although the two elf elders behind him were also saints, they might not be his opponents together.

"Well..., have you heard of the magic of 'Tide of Nirvana'?" Gomez said, standing in the center of the constantly rotating magic circle.

"The magic that destroys souls on a large scale and then uses the energy of the destroyed souls to destroy more souls?" Artemio asked, looking at the mages around Gomez. "This kind of magic only works on those below the Saint level, right? Moreover, once that magic is cast, all the people around you... will die, right?"

"That's right. But please look at my feet. What if I detonate a few more holy artifacts with the help of this magic array that embeds extreme spells and long-range spells?" Gomez looked at the mountains in the distance. "No one can escape when the space is suppressed. I guess no one can survive as far as I can see."

"It seems that you want to have a good talk. Tell me, what do you want?" Artemio was not panicked. He frowned and stared at Gomez with his bright eyes.

"It's very simple, three things. First, stop the hunt against us. Second, let us rebuild a new magic tower somewhere. Third, what happened between us in the past will be written off." Gomez said.

"Heh, do you know how many priests and warriors of the Temple of Nature died in the process of hunting you down?" Artemio chuckled.

"I don't care about that. It seems that many people died just when I detonated the holy weapon last time." Gomez laughed, "But so what? The key now is whether the people here can survive, and whether you can survive."

Artemio's eyes wandered between Gomez and the magic circle, as if considering how likely this matter was.

However, at this time, an elf elder behind him said: "Artemio, what is there to hesitate about? Are you scared by such a bluffing guy? The glory of the God of Nature does not allow us to make such a compromise!"

"Artemio, who has the final say here now?" Gomez asked.

"Me." Artemio said.

"Very good!" Gomez raised his hand and hit the elf elder with a white light. The elder had layers of shields on his body, but it was already too late. The white light penetrated the shield on his body and hit his soul directly.

The elf elder froze, immediately lay down on the ground, and snored.

Sleeping Dream, a holy-level magic, ignores magic shields and magic resistance, acts directly on the soul, and puts the subject into a deep sleep for a day.

"You see, this is the effect of the extremely effective spell casting circle." Gomez said, he looked at the second elf elder.

The latter nervously added several mental shields and strengthening magic to himself, but Gomez did not take action, but asked: "Artemio, what do you say? Tell me your conditions."

"Three things: First, give up the name of the Tower of Dreams. Second, hand over the holy scriptures on your body. Third, don't have any contact with the remnants of the other seven towers."

"Lord Saint, this is too much. The holy scripture is the foundation of the Tower of Dreams!" Giocano said angrily.

"No, the Holy Code is not, the people are." Gomez said to Artemio: "I will wait here until all my companions leave. Wait until the Temple of Nature announces to all countries that it will no longer pursue the Dream Tower. Belong. When you do this, I will withdraw the magic circle and give you the Holy Book of the Dream Tower, "The True Form of the Illusion World."

Artemio paused for a moment with the tree staff in his hand, turned around and summoned a silver-leaf priest, "Go and inform the temple about this, and say that I approve the deal."

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