On the Seven Towers

Chapter 470 Transmission Blockage

Seeing Xu Xin hiding behind the shield and not moving, Huang Zheng shouted: "Remove the shield and go with us! If you are innocent, we will naturally give you innocence. But if you want to resist stubbornly, does it mean that you have something to hide? No matter what realm you have reached now, you can't fight against the four of us. What's more, there is a company of guards outside, you can't escape."

"I refuse." Xu Xin sneered: "I don't have time to waste time with you."

He took out a fixed-point teleportation scroll. This is a treasure he got through an adventure in a relic. As long as it is used, he can escape from here instantly and go to the place marked by him.

As soon as Xu Xin took out the scroll, Glade felt what it was. He warned: "This place is covered by my magic isolation array. If you want to teleport forcibly, you may die."

"Do you think I will believe you? This scroll can break through the space blockade." Xu Xin said while continuing to release the scroll.

"Go! Stop him!" Kalanda raised his sword and chopped at the shield first.

Others also started to attack the shield.

But Xu Xin's short magic wand also came from the ruins. Although it had no other effect except protection, the shield it released was very powerful.

Although everyone tried hard to attack, Xu Xin's casting speed was still faster than them. When there was still a layer of shield, he had already completed the casting. A magic circle with a diameter of more than one meter began to rotate under his feet, and the transmission was about to begin.

"You don't understand, the magic isolation array does not block the space, but affects the operation of magic. With your control of magic, you can't successfully cast the spell!" Glade warned loudly.

Xu Xin looked at him with disdain and said, "That was my own choice. I'm tired of being with you saintly bitches every day. I don't want to do things here secretly, and I don't want to go back and waste my breath with you. I traveled here not to be a screw, but to build a hegemony. To change this world, you need to accumulate strength as quickly as possible. Slaves should be slaves. They should work hard and shed blood and sweat in exchange for a daily ration. In the end, using their labor and even their lives to contribute to our cause is what they should do.

I originally thought that our 700 people should become real nobles. Rule all the natives here. But those nagging guys in the school actually planned to merge with them into one nation! How can our blood allow such inferior people to taint it? Since they can't do it, let me do it. Now you are stopping me, but one day you will be grateful to me."

"You are really crazy." Ji Yijun swung his sword and chopped the last shield.

"I think I am the most normal one among all of you. Listen, I don't want to fight with you, and I don't want to use my power on my fellow Chinese."

Ji Yijun was obviously stunned by what he said, and his men slowed down. The final blow to break the shield was still made by Kalanda.

At this time, the white light of transmission had already wrapped around Xu Xin's head and neck. He raised his head and waved his hand, "Goodbye! See you later."

Ji Yijun rushed to him, but found that his body below his head had become transparent. He didn't dare to reach out to grab him. When his whole body turned into white light and disappeared in the air, Ji Yijun seemed to hear a distant scream.

"Did he succeed in transmitting?" Ji Yijun asked.

"Not all of them succeeded, and he must have suffered a lot, but he didn't fail either, otherwise you would have seen a bloody rain, and then countless broken arms and limbs fell. You have to understand that the magic isolation array can only interfere with him, but I didn't expect his space magic to be so penetrating, and his mental power is also very strong, and he can break through the isolation array at a relatively small cost." Glade squinted his eyes, as if he was feeling the residual magic fluctuations in the air, "Your school is really full of talents."

"He? He's just a guy in the late stage of middle school syndrome." Ji Yijun said disdainfully, but after he finished speaking, he saw Kalanda and Huang Zheng were thinking about something, "What are you thinking about?"

"I just think that there will be such a person among you eventually. His appearance is no different from humans despising goblins." Kalanda sighed, "But I still believe that people like Lao Chen are the mainstream."

"Don't think too much." Ji Yijun said.

"I know, I'm not a child. It's not easy for a person to integrate into another group of different people, but the moment he said those words... forget it." She waved her hand.

"I'm fine." Huang Zheng waved his hand and said, "I'm just wondering, what's the source of his confidence? Although you said he was a chuunibyou who wanted to conquer the world, but I observed his tone and his expression and found that he was very serious. He seems to be someone who has mastered some kind of power and keeps it secret. He is a business person in the business group. Isn't it strange that he has so many good things?"

"You mean, he has adventures like Xiao Chen or Ye Zi?"

"Why not? Don't you think some of us are ridiculously lucky? Xiao Chen knows to share things with others when he gets them, but not everyone will do that. Don't you also read online novels? What would those selfish protagonists who believe that if they don't work for themselves, they will be punished by heaven and earth if they get something like "Shadow Scroll of Consciousness"? "

Ji Yijun shrugged: "He made a fortune in silence, pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger, and pretended to be awesome and slapped his face all the way to the peak of his life. You mean he has very powerful power? Then why didn't he use it just now?"

"Because, maybe what he just said about not wanting to fight with us is true." Huang Zheng shook his head and said, "Let's go. We don't have time to waste here. There is still a village and countless slaves waiting for us to receive them."


In a cave dozens of kilometers away, a white light appeared, and then it became brighter and brighter, and finally illuminated the cave like daylight.

Under the white light, you can see that there are not many things in the cave, only a bed, some property, a few buckets, and some food. This is the safe house prepared by Xu Xin. There are few people around, and it is difficult to reach without flying.

The white light passed away, and the cave returned to darkness, but there were shrill screams in the darkness. The screams came one after another, as if someone was being tortured. After a while, a lighting crystal on the wall of the cave slowly lit up. Only then did Xu Xin's hunched figure appear.

The forced teleportation just now cost him a price. The space cracks that suddenly appeared during the magic interference cut off a lot of tissues on his body. The ring finger and little finger on his left hand disappeared, half of his left ear was missing, and there was a deep wound on his lower back and right leg, but the worst thing was that the part between his legs was gone.

He screamed and looked at the blood gushing out of his body in horror, sweating profusely, like a madman.

He took out two books from his ring, which were clearly written "The List of the Dead" and "Eternal Brand". He opened the book called "Eternal Brand" in a panic. There was a red blood drop pattern on the page. His face was twisted, and he stretched his fingered hand in the air, but he couldn't press it down. However, he soon fell down due to excessive blood loss, and the broken finger fell on the blood pattern. For a while, the room was shrouded in red blood light from the book, and the wounds on his body recovered at a very fast speed, but the missing part never grew back...

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