On the Seven Towers

Chapter 471 Magical Resonance

At the foot of the hill in the village, the soldiers of the second platoon and the mage squad encountered trouble when they surrounded the last stronghold of the enemy. There was actually a mid-level mage in this stronghold, and a low-level mage and seven or eight archers were still resisting. The ice storm released by the mid-level mage made the two squads that came forward to attack unable to advance, and also caused more than ten soldiers to suffer serious injuries.

The second platoon leader believed that the strong attack might pay a heavy price. Now is the time for the mage squad to take action.

Outside the range of the opponent's magic and bows and arrows, the mage squad has prepared to cast spells.

Including Wu Qi, the nine mages of the mage squad did not wear traditional robes, but wore the same camouflage uniforms as the surrounding guards, but each of them wore a unique armband with a pattern of five stars, a staff, and two olive branches.

Most of these young people are time travelers in the guard team. Their excellent magic talent made them grow into low-level magicians in a short time. Then they were selected from the army and became pure spellcasters specializing in magic strikes.

The squad leader of the mage class stood in the middle. There was one person standing in each of the four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast. The other four people stood in the southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest in the distance, forming a square nested diamond formation around the squad leader. There was about one meter between every two people. Wu Qi stood in the southwest position. Since Huang Zheng was not there, they could only use a nine-person formation to release the joint fireball.

The skills of joint casting naturally exist in this world, but they are often cast by several mages together to cast large-scale magic. They keep a distance from each other when casting so that the magic power will not interfere with each other. After the spell is successfully cast, the various parts of the magic are pieced together to produce the effect. It's like some magicians are responsible for making a big fireball, and another magician is responsible for pushing the fireball with wind. The last magician is responsible for detonating it at a specific location.

But there has never been a practice of using multiple mages to release the same magic and enhance the output power. Because under normal circumstances, when two mages cast spells together at close range, they often interfere with each other, greatly reducing the magic effect, or even causing the magic to fail.

While exploring magic interference, Mao Kai from the magic group accidentally discovered that the magic interference of the same magic at different angles may find opposite changes. Not only will it not weaken the magic effect, but it will also enhance the power of magic in terms of power, time or range. It has the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

He called this new discovery magic resonance. So he took the most common fireball spell as a sample and began to study the resonance position of this magic.

He called two people casting together two-digit resonance, and three people casting together three-digit resonance. Mao Kai spent four hours to calculate the three-digit resonance, and eight hours to calculate the four-digit resonance, but it took a full three days to get the seven-digit resonance. In the end, it took a full month and a half to calculate the fireball spell to ten-digit resonance.

According to calculations, ten-digit resonance can increase the explosive power of fireball by 3 times, the range by 1.7 times, and the magic piercing effect by 0.8 times. You know, this is based on the destructive power of ten fireballs, which is increased by 3 times. It is simply a leap from a knife to a giant axe. In this case, the combined low-level magic even exceeds many high-level magics in power.

However, the hard work of more than a month was not in vain. Mao Kai and a research team composed of seven or eight teachers and students from mathematics, physics and computer science majors summarized a set of algorithms during the calculation process. Through this algorithm, most magic can automatically calculate to ten-digit resonance as long as the six-digit resonance is calculated.

Although the calculated result is not the final version, and various adjustments and changes will be made in the future, it greatly reduces the time to calculate the resonance position.

Of course, the more complex the magic, the more time it takes. Basic magic like fireball takes one and a half months. If it is a complex magic like the heart of fear, it may not be possible to calculate ten-digit resonance clearly in a few years. It takes a week to calculate the high-level magic of two-digit resonance, and it is unrealistic to develop ten-digit resonance by manpower. But with the help of this algorithm and computer software, it is really feasible.

Mao Kai's discovery aroused great interest in the guards. Wang Jiyuan, who was full of modern warfare concepts, had long wanted to put magicians into the contract combat system. Magic resonance inadvertently opened the door to joint casting as the basic combat method of military magicians.

However, although there is theoretical support, as a spellcaster, it is necessary to cooperate closely and synchronize the movements when casting, which requires a lot of training to achieve. Therefore, although Mao Kai and his team have developed ten-digit resonance for seven or eight spells. But Wu Qi and others spent a month to practice the fireball spell to 80% synchronization rate and the sleep spell to 50% synchronization rate.

And today is the first time they really put this tactic on the battlefield.

"Fireball spell, ready, three, two, one, chant." Following the squad leader's command, the nine people began to chant together.

The so-called magic spell itself has no effect, it is just a formula to help the wizard outline the model. It is essentially the same as the formula of the old man Hua Ding (note). Therefore, different magic towers may have different formulas for the same magic, and each wizard will adapt the formula according to his own needs. For those very skilled wizards, there is naturally no need to chant the spell.

But spells are very useful in joint casting. By performing actions according to the spell, the rhythm of all mages will be easier to synchronize, and the effect of casting will be much better.

While the fireball spell was still in preparation, there was a trace of magic flowing between these mages, making them seem to be in a red gauze tent.

When the last spell in the mouths of the mages ended, nine fireballs flew out of their hands together, and under the traction of the surrounding forces, they merged together to become a super large fireball. This fireball was like a meteor, drawing a bright arc in the air, spanning a distance of nearly 200 meters, and fell on the enemy's stronghold.

With a loud bang, flames shot out and smoke rolled. The enemy's stronghold and the people inside were blown to ashes by a fireball. Even the intermediate mage had his shield shattered and burned to charcoal. Only the most powerful Douqi warrior stumbled out of the sea of ​​fire. He was charred all over and still on fire. He fell down with a bang after a few steps and was silent.

Thanks to book friend Majaree for the tip. I will seriously consider your suggestions about the characters.

Note: An old man Ding (nose bridge) borrowed two eggs (eyes), I said I would return them in three days (forehead wrinkles), he said he would return them in four days (mouth), bought a big leather ball (face), drank three soups (hair), spent 33 cents (ears), bought a big watermelon (belly), spent 66 cents (arms), bought a string of candied haws (clothes buttons), spent 77 cents (legs).

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