On the Seven Towers

Chapter 497: River Bend Observations

Feng Qi understood Napel very well, but he himself was not fully prepared. After returning to his room and lighting the lighting crystal, he habitually opened a diary of his own. But he did not write anything, but looked through the records of the past few days. He felt that he had to think about his own destination.

May 7

Today is the first day in the Hewan New District. The mages of the capital who came with me are very excited. They are looking forward to seeing the results of magic research here, but I am looking forward to seeing this place itself. What kind of place has cultivated mages like Xiao Chen and Luo Ling.

Since I met them in the capital, I have always felt that they have a very different temperament. Although they are very powerful, they have never used this power to show their status or to contrast the weakness of others. No matter what their purpose is. At least when I came into contact with me, I felt that they were really willing to help us mages who are in trouble.

Today I just visited this area briefly, but I have discovered that in this neat, straight, and somewhat cold street, one can feel a kind of care. They separate the places where people and cars walk, so that the nobles' cars and horses do not threaten the lives of ordinary people. They set aside precious land and build parks for ordinary people to rest and play. They keep the city clean, and even where civilians live, there are no feces, urine, and corpses.

I saw that the ordinary people who received us did not have any awe in their eyes. But their conversation and knowledge made many of us feel ashamed.

If Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, the two mages, grew up in such an environment, it would not be difficult to understand why they could become such great figures.

I believe that everything that has been done here, as long as the Tower of Refining Gods is willing to do it, can also turn a small town into this. But why has this never happened?

May 8

I take back what I said yesterday. After visiting their so-called factory, I realized that even if the Tower of Refining Gods is willing to do it, there is no way to turn a small town into this.

I never thought that all kinds of small things could be made from different factories, and then put together to magically become the beautiful city we see.

The key to their ability to do this is standards. We visited a factory that makes steel pipes in detail. They produce various pipes ranging from the thickness of fingers to the thickness of thighs. Although we don’t know what those steel pipes will be used for, what amazes us is that the size of the same steel pipe is always exactly the same.

Most magicians don’t understand the meaning of this, and some even secretly say that they want to visit places like the academy first. But I saw the awesomeness here. The iron pipes made in the blacksmith shop in the royal capital are always large and small, and the fireballs said by the magicians in the Royal Mage Tower are always large and small.

Since these Chinese can make steel pipes of the same thickness, why can’t they make magic consistent?

Think about it, the two sides in the war, one side’s magic is big and small, close and far. And the other side is uniform and hits the same target accurately. Who will win in the end? The conclusion is very obvious.

I can associate magic with steel pipes because I discovered this from the analysis of magic by the two mages Xiao Chen and Luo Ling. They always like to use a unified standard to judge and measure magic. I remember that Mage Luo Ling once said: What kind of magic record is good? That is, the magic cast by the magician looking at my manuscript a thousand years later is the same as the magic cast by me today.

At that time, many people thought it was a joke, but today I found out that it was their instinct!

May 9

I went to school today, which made me doubt what magic talent is.

For us, the schools we can think of are the schools where the Temple of Nature trains priests, or the schools where the capital trains nobles. But the schools here are open to everyone. Six years of compulsory education is implemented here, which means that all children must go to class.

For us magicians, we don’t care whether ordinary people go to class or not. But the children here are very different from those in other places, that is, they have extremely high magic talent. Any magician who has participated in the recruitment of apprentices in the magic tower will know how rare people with magic talent are in this world. Magic is so profound and mysterious that most people's talents cannot understand this power beyond common sense.

But here I saw many children in their teens, all of whom began to show their magic talent. What's even more amazing is that they have developed a test paper. As long as you can answer the questions on this test paper and reach a certain score, it means that this person has a high possibility of awakening. They call this test the "Magic Entrance Stage Test".

As outsiders, we have no way to see the content of this test paper. Some of my companions are skeptical, but I think there is no need for the Chinese to deceive us.

We have always found that children from aristocratic families are more likely to awaken magic talents, but the children here obviously come from ordinary or even poor families. Is it because of education rather than blood? However, there are also many children who have received aristocratic education who have not really awakened their magic talents. Just go to those aristocratic schools and you will know that the proportion of students who awaken magic talents is still pitifully small.

Is it because the content of learning is different? Just like after applying the mathematical methods that Xiao Chen and Luo Ling taught us in the reading club, our ability to understand the structure of magic has become much stronger. If the children here learn those things from a young age, will it be easier for them to understand the structure of magic?

May 10

The theme of today's visit is the magic school. In addition to visiting the school building, we also listened to the speech of Mr. Mao Kai, the highest level of magic theory in the Chinese Tower. He is a very talented magician. Although the novel theories and hypotheses he proposed are different from the traditional magic cognition. But I naturally believe it.

What surprised me was that in the Chinese magic school, everyone did not spend all their time learning magic. The younger ones had to finish the basic courses every day before learning magic, while the adults had to finish their daily work. This is unimaginable in the magic tower, where every magician wanted to spend every moment, every minute and every second on magic learning.

When I asked Mr. Mao Kai about this issue, he told me a Chinese proverb: sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood.

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