On the Seven Towers

Chapter 498 Magical Life

May 11

I have been pondering this interesting sentence until I saw the process of sharpening the knife today, and I seemed to understand part of its meaning.

I have seen many low-level magicians, a few of whom were born in mansions, but most of them did not have prominent origins. Even if they survived hard in the Kingdom Magic Association, or even looked for work everywhere like wild magicians, they never worked like the magicians here.

For example, today, our group visited many places where Chinese magicians work.

We went to the factory first, which means a large workshop.

There, I saw Chinese magicians who used alchemy to purify raw materials. They stayed in the stuffy steel mills to work almost all day, and their job was to make the ore purer so that the steel mills could produce steel faster and better, which was unimaginable for traditional alchemists.

They did these jobs without too many complaints, and they also took this opportunity to improve their strength and even improve magic itself.

When they processed iron ore, they transformed the original expensive and complicated element extraction array into an element removal array. For example, for iron ore, the resources spent on precipitating iron elements are many times higher than those spent on removing sulfur elements. However, there is a prerequisite here, that is, they know what elements in iron ore affect the quality of steel. I think this must come from their past inheritance.

These people draw arrays very quickly and with high accuracy. I believe that a person who can draw an element removal array very skillfully must have at least a pair of stable hands and continuous mental strength, so when they learn to draw an attack array or a defense array, they must have a faster speed than ordinary mages.

I also visited the farmland, where I saw mages using water magic for irrigation.

Although it is a simple matter to summon water elements and then pour them on the fields, what these mages do is much more complicated than this. They have developed a new magic called "irrigation" specifically for watering. The principle of this magic is to break up the water into tiny water droplets, forming a water mist rectangle, and evenly distribute the water in an area. They call this timed and quantitative irrigation.

Moreover, they carefully study the habits of crops and use completely different irrigation methods for different crops. Sometimes they use water mist to soak the leaves of vegetables. Sometimes they control the water at the roots and keep them for a long time. Various requirements make this magic derived from watering more complicated than ice spear magic. Using it gives magicians many opportunities to practice their skills.

When these mages are not watering, they even use mental power to kill insects in the fields. They use mental power to twist the necks of small insects one by one. Mages with the ability to split their minds can also deal with many small insects at the same time.

At that time, I was invited by them to try this technique. I found that it was quite difficult to do this with my spiritual power close to the peak of forging spirit. However, those Chinese magicians of the same low level did it lightly and simply, which shows that their spiritual power is more condensed and more agile than mine. I think they will have a great advantage in distraction after becoming intermediate level.

We visited the fishing grounds on the lake again on the shore. I saw the mages cast detection magic to search for the location of the fish schools under the water, then use shock magic to stun the fish schools, and then use spiritual power to pick up the big fish floating on the water into the boat, while the small fish will wake up after a while and escape to the bottom of the lake.

None of these mages wore robes. Everyone wore the same clothes as ordinary fishermen. They mixed among the fishermen and worked with them.

Almost every place we visited had mages participating in the labor, not to mention those warriors with fighting spirit. They used their fighting spirit to carry goods, cut down trees, and build houses. Like the mages, they kept using their abilities in their work.

Many mages who went with me found it very difficult to accept that a mage could enter workshops, farms and fisheries and work like craftsmen, farmers and fishermen. They disdain the idea of ​​labor. Some even think that this is a tarnish to the dignity of mages.

But I think this has opened up a whole new field. Since magicians have superhuman abilities, why don't they use them at work? I should actually ask why no one has thought of the application of magic in these places after so many years of using magic on the mainland?

I actually have a feeling that in China, it is not mages who start to get involved in various jobs that can use magic, but those who work in all walks of life who start to learn magic. For them, magic is just a tool, not sacred or mysterious, no wonder they can naturally apply it to every corner of life.

If one day, a country full of magicians and fighting warriors is really born, no matter whether it is a kingdom or an empire, what qualifications can compare with it?

May 12

Today is the day of magic exchange, and we will teach the magic apprentices here. Although I was only a low-level one, I was assigned to a class. I thought about this class for a long time, and finally decided to talk about the awakening magic of the Spirit Refining Tower. Although this magic is simple, it is also very practical.

Before the class, I was lucky enough to talk with Mr. Mao Kai, who is in charge of the magic school, for a few minutes. I told him about my observations here in the past few days, and some of my views seemed to arouse his great interest.

He told me that he would talk to every guest who came to visit and see their opinions and ideas. He said in magic words: This is called "three people walking together must have my teacher". These people always have some words that sound simple and reasonable.

Taking classes here made me deeply realize the difference between these magic apprentices and the magic apprentices in the capital. They are extremely smart and have a very strong understanding. When I say one, they may have understood three and four. When I say four, they may have understood everything.

Although the awakening technique is a magic that magic apprentices can master, it is not simple. For example, it took me three days to release a successful awakening technique.

However, there is a little girl named Mei Tiantian here. Before I finished speaking, she had already released this magic. If I hadn't confirmed again and again that no one here knows the awakening technique, I really doubt that she would have known this magic long ago.

However, even so, I didn't feel too surprised in my heart, because everything here seemed to hint to me that the general magic routine is different here. They made so many changes, and naturally they would reap different fruits.

Plant two chapters and slow down.

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