On the Seven Towers

Chapter 636 Bombarding the Enemy Camp

In a world with fighting spirit magic, it has become much easier to transport two cannons to the top of a wall more than 20 stories high. Xiao Chen's people don't even need to take action. Count Orgas directly mobilized a team of low-level cannons. A group of four soldiers carried the cannon up the wall.

The imperial outpost camp is only about two kilometers away from Heimuguan. The camp is on a hillside and looks like a town covered with slope tops. In the center is a sizable castle.

Olgas and Xiao Chen looked at the imperial camp from behind the battlements on the top of the wall. He said: "Heimu Pass is one of the most powerful passes on the mainland. People nowadays don't have the ability to build such a tall pass. It is said that this pass was built by the mages of the Forging Tower in the Seven Towers Era to resist the attack of the Natural Temple. . I don’t know what method the mages used to build the stone so high. Some people say that the core in this level is made of mithril alloy. This is of course the wild imagination of fools. How can mithril be used for it when it is so precious? To do this, they must have used magic we don't know about though.

At that time, no one knew the victory or defeat of the Seven Towers mages here, but this pass has remained and has always been a barrier dividing the north and south of the continent. In the eastern part of Montenegro, whoever captures this pass will take the initiative in the war.

More than two hundred years ago, this level had been in the hands of the Purple Eagle Empire. Back then, the berserker Mero fought off an entire legion of berserkers before snatching this level from the hands of the empire. If it hadn't been for this battle, the subsequent war history of the kingdom and empire would probably have been rewritten. "

Although Xiao Chen had read a lot of historical documents, he had never heard of these details. Now the owner of Heimuguan came to him one by one, and he felt a strong sense of history. He asked: "So since Mero captured Heimuguan, it has never been breached again?"

"Of course, this has always been the case. So as long as the kingdom can provide us with enough support, it is impossible for the Empire to break in. But since the death of the late king, Queen Laura has been unable to control many powerful lords. Even if those people do not rebel, they will If I want to support myself, who will give me more troops here? If I hadn't recruited new soldiers from the surrounding villages and towns, I wouldn't be able to maintain the number of people I have now. Fortunately, the surrounding lords know that if Heimuguan falls, they will all. It has to be over, so he and Baldini will provide us with food and drink, otherwise we would have been hungry and dispersed. "

Count Orgas stretched out his hand and pointed to the hilltop in the distance and said: "In the last war, the Imperials fought very lively on the Eastern Front at the Guide Fort, and they could often penetrate the kingdom's border, but they struggled here. It is up to us to decide whether to fight or when to fight. They felt that they were too passive, so they also built an outpost camp here.

It turned out that it was just a piece of junk surrounded by a wooden fence. After being burned twice by our cavalry, they sent a large army and finally built a castle. Later, when the war ceased, they took advantage of this opportunity to expand the castle. Then a wall was built around the outside of the surrounding town. Now, there are more than a thousand people stationed in the castle and the nearby town.

However, there is a large camp just in front of the mountain, where the main force of the Imperial people is gathered. But you can't see it from here. According to the information obtained by our scouts yesterday, the opponent's assembled troops have exceeded 30,000. "

Xiao Chen said: "Then let's start from that camp."

"Okay." Orgas retreated to the side and gave the space to the artillery brought by Xiao Chen.

The artillerymen pushed the pneumatic cannon to the appropriate crenel and roughly aimed it at the Imperial camp. Then start calculating and adjusting the firing elements of the pneumatic cannon.

Orgas watched the artillerymen stretch out their right arms, raise a thumb and start gesturing towards the target fortress in the distance, and couldn't help but wonder: "What are they doing?"

"They are measuring the distance from here to the opponent's camp. This is called eye-jumping method." He saw that Orgas was still curious and said, "If you join our army, you will naturally have relevant training. I am not an artilleryman. , it’s hard to explain the principle clearly.”

Since no useful rangefinder has been built yet, the artillery battalion actually uses the Mage's Eye to measure range. However, Xiao Chen and Huang Zheng did not want to expose these methods, so they still asked the artillery to use visual distance measurement.

While the artillerymen were busy, Xiao Chen asked: "Does that camp have shields and defensive barriers?"

Orgas laughed and said: "How is it possible? Except for real big cities and castles with rich heritage, how can an ordinary fortress be worthy of that."

"In this case, just fire up the elemental bombs." Huang Zheng said.

After the artillerymen finished preparing, the two pneumatic cannons began test firing at the same time. One shell missed its target by about fifty meters, and another shell landed in the town next to the fortress, directly tearing off the roof of a house and setting the entire house on fire.

When the other gun made a slight adjustment and fired for the second time, both shells landed in the town, and two more huge sparks exploded. Xiao Chen glanced at Olgas. Although the Earl tried his best to remain calm, his wide eyes and slightly parted lips betrayed the shock in his heart.

Huang Zheng nodded to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen asked: "Your Excellency Orgas, the test firing has been completed. In order to achieve the best effect, we must start the official attack as soon as possible."

"Of course, of course." Olgas said to a soldier beside him: "Go, go and get the leaders of each unit to the top of the city wall, let them all come to see the means of the Chinese Tower."

Originally, there were more than ten people accompanying Xiao Chen and his team. After a while, more than twenty people came up one after another. There were warriors and mages, and the most important generals under Olgas were already here.

A few people who hurried over exclaimed when they saw the town covered by flames and smoke.

At this time, both pneumatic cannons began to fire effectively. Although the firing frequency of both cannons was not high. The operation of the artillerymen was also very step-by-step, but it was this unhurried attitude that formed a huge contrast with the miserable scene of the flames rising from the opposite side and the houses being blown up to the sky.

It was as if the Chinese could destroy a town without spending any effort. This made the audience, including Olgas, terrified.

As the surrounding town fell into a sea of ​​fire, both guns focused their attacks on the castle in the center. Although the castle was made of stone, the fire elemental shells did not require fuel and could burn for a certain period of time. Under their intensive attacks, the castle soon turned into a burning beacon tower.

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