On the Seven Towers

Chapter 637 Bombarding the Mage

Count Orgas and his men saw many little men covered in fire running out of the stronghold. However, most of them were unable to extinguish the flames on their bodies and soon fell to the ground and burned into charred corpses. There were many more people who didn't even have a chance to escape. They were engulfed in flames in the town, or died of suffocation due to lack of oxygen. According to Orgas' detailed calculation, less than one-third of the people could escape, and most of them were highly skilled people.

He didn't even see the general of the opponent's camp. Even if a grudge warrior was in such an environment, it would be normal for him to be stunned by the explosion or unable to breathe and faint. A strong man might also be engulfed by the fire if he was not careful.

"I wonder if His Excellency Orgas is still satisfied with the power of our cannon?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I saw a lot more cannonballs in that scene than here. I guess you used a lot more cannons than today?" Orgas said.

Xiao Chen said: "There are probably more than a hundred gates, some are larger than these two gates, and some are smaller."

"More than a hundred doors?" Several officers behind several counts couldn't help shouting, "Isn't Suero already burned to the ground?"

Xiao Chen said: "Suero is the city we want to take over. Naturally, we cannot use this fire element bomb, but use ordinary bombs that will not burn like this. But the imperial camp opposite is different."

The two pneumatic cannons each fired a base number of fire element bombs. Huang Zheng asked both artillery groups to replace them with ordinary ammunition and aimed at the road leading to the outpost camp from behind.

The count saw the muzzle of the gun move slightly and immediately understood what they meant, "You want reinforcements?"

Xiao Chen said: "Let's see if the Imperial people give us a chance."

The fireworks-filled camp naturally attracted the attention of the camp at the rear. First, a few mounted scouts ran over and walked around outside. Then they grabbed a few fleeing and crying soldiers to ask about the situation, and then hurried back to report.

During this period, people came one after another from the camp behind, but they could only watch from outside the burned city, but they were helpless.

About an hour later, a large group of people came over, guarding a general-looking man and seven or eight mages. Those people pointed at Heimuguan, as if discussing what exactly burned the camp to this point.

"That person's status should not be low. At least he is a general who commands thousands of people." Xiao Chen said.

"Did you see that wyvern flag? That should be the Davis family. They have the blood of the wyvern." Orgas said.

"It looks like a big fish. Prepare to bombard it." Huang Zheng ordered.

However, before the cannonballs here were fired, a shield appeared over there and wrapped the team inside. Two shells fell on their heads and exploded outside the shield. The flames from the shells caused some chaos below, but did not hurt anyone.

"These people react very quickly." Huang Zheng said.

"A few of Suero's black guards still ran away. I guess they have already crossed the mountain and passed the checkpoint and reported the situation to the camp. It's not like the other party knew nothing about us. It's just that they didn't expect it at first, so soon. There will be cannons placed at Heimuguan." Xiao Chen lay on the battlement and cast a lens magic invented by Mao Kai. This magic uses magic to form concave and convex lenses, which can be freely formed into a telescope or microscope. The combination he made at this time was natural. It was in telescope mode. He observed it for a while and said, "This is a dual shield of magic power and position. Let's try it with shield-breaking bullets."

The enemy general was very decisive. After discovering that this position could only be passively attacked, he immediately ordered a retreat. The team immediately turned and walked away. However, their mage maintained a shield and the progress was very slow. This gave Artillery opportunity.

Two shield-breaking bullets were fired one after another. The first one hit the shield. The shield cast by an individual was far from comparable to the city defense barrier. The shield-breaking bullets directly popped the shield like a bubble. Although it exploded Most of the power was blocked by the shield, but a considerable amount of fragments still splashed into it, knocking down and injuring several people. The next second shell fell directly into the middle of the group. Although the power of the shield-breaking shell was slightly less than that of ordinary shells, its lethality when it fell among the crowd should not be underestimated. The explosion point of the shell was right in the middle of the team, knocking over a dozen people including several mages to the ground.

Most of the soldiers were frightened by the cannon fire. Some people ran outside, some went in to save people, and some were so scared that they stood still. The originally neat team suddenly dispersed. The noble general shouted loudly for a long time, but was unable to organize the entire team. He had no choice but to command a few personal guards to protect the remaining three mages and evacuate in a hurry.

Huang Zheng did not let the artillery chase the other people who were running. Instead, he continued to let the artillery shells attack the original position until the subsequent artillery shells turned over the area again, killing the fallen mages and dozens of soldiers around them. It only stopped after it was blown to death.

"Okay! I actually killed four or five mages at once. That old ghost Stuart must have felt very distressed." Orgas slapped the battlements hard. In the past, mages were the objects of heavy protection. They themselves There are many ways to ensure escape, so even if the opponent's team is defeated, it is difficult to hurt the mage among them. But today the Chinese easily accomplished this with two cannons. Those artillerymen are just doing what scholars do: calculations and testing. Then hundreds of people died helplessly in the distance. This power shocked and excited him.

It was already dark by this time, and the burning fortress outside the pass was particularly eye-catching in the darkness. Xiao Chen said: "Mr. Earl, by this time tomorrow, there will be a charred ruin on top of the tower. I wonder if our performance today is still acceptable to you and the people around you?"

"Of course, I sincerely thank you for coming here, showing the strength of the Chinese people, and giving the imperial people a profound lesson. I now know clearly where your confidence in building a strong country comes from. I think next, we need to have a good talk with you about the following issues." Olgas said sincerely, "I have prepared a dinner, and I hope to have a good chat with you."

Xiao Chen and Huang Zheng looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Okay! But I plan to transport these two pneumatic guns out first."

"Is it unnecessary?" Garriott said, "It's going to be dark soon, and it's not convenient for you to leave the city now. I will provide a warehouse, you can arrange soldiers to guard it, and if necessary, I can also arrange my people to assist you."

"I will naturally stay, but my companions don't need to be here."

"I just have some questions about pneumatic guns to ask these people who operate the cannons. Don't you trust me so much?"

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