On the Seven Towers

Chapter 638: Night Banquet

The location where Count Olgas placed the pneumatic cannon was in a warehouse located on the lower level of the city wall. This warehouse is located inside the city wall and is empty except for these two cannons. However, the count prepared food and bedding for the guarding soldiers so that they could rest inside.

After Xiao Chen thanked the earl, he told him that he wanted to give instructions to the people who stayed behind, so the earl's people left the room.

Xiao Chen cast a sound isolation spell. Then Zhang Hong couldn't wait to ask: "What are you doing? How come the Baron made it clear in just a few words? Didn't we plan to leave after the bombing? How come you stayed after he kindly asked you to stay?"

Xiao Chen said: "Don't you think the earl's behavior is strange?"

Zhang Hongdao: "Of course it's strange! He tried his best to keep us for a night's rest. Although it's not too much for a host to keep a guest, he was too insistent."

"Yes. His excessive insistence is exactly the reason why I want to stay." Xiao Chen said.

Zhang Hong stared and said, "Aren't you just looking for trouble? Why are we waiting here and taking risks in vain?"

"Don't forget what we are here to do." Xiao Chen said, "We want to persuade these people to recruit them, so naturally we have to find out what their intentions are. This is not to say that you can't catch the tiger's cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den. Besides, I don't I think Orgas is going to be detrimental to us, and he really wants to take action. There are many opportunities today, and there is no need to wait until night.”

Huang Zheng also said: "Even if we step into the trap, it is better than stepping into the trap after the meeting when the army is stationed. We have prepared means of teleportation and evacuation, and we can even take away these two cannons. There is nothing to panic about." Yes. And the cannons are equipped with self-destruction formations. If you really want to take advantage of them, you will die in an ugly way."

"Olgas repeatedly emphasized that most of us should go to the dinner. This behavior is very strange. I think he is implying something." Xiao Chen couldn't help but glanced outside the door and said, "Let's have a Let's go with the flow and see what happens. Let's do this. Roger and Evelin will stay, and the others will follow me to the banquet. But I will leave you three helpers." After he finished speaking, he was filled with confusion. Appearing in the room, after a while the fog dissipated, and the images of the three mages appeared in the room.

"I'm going to trouble you again." Xiao Chen said.

"No, only at times like this can I feel the meaning of my existence." Master Kona said with a smile.

Tasia said: "You can go and talk to the count with peace of mind. Orgas is not an easy person to deal with. Few people can take advantage of him. This is true for the people of the Empire and the same for the people of the Kingdom. We will do it here Be prepared.”

"Be careful in everything you do," Xiao Chen said.

"We know what's going on," Elena said. "That's how it is sometimes. Regardless of whether the actors come or not, we still have to set the stage first."


Olgas' dinner was not held at his home, but in a hall under the city wall. The interior style of this hall is very simple, with monotonous stone bricks and simple columns everywhere. The banquet was a buffet style that was rarely seen in aristocratic banquets. Several long wooden tables were placed in the center of the room, filled with various barbecues, game, grilled fish, and fruits and nuts from the nearby mountains. Some tables and chairs were scattered around the room, allowing guests to sit down and enjoy the meal or have a more private conversation.

"We soldiers prefer to eat and drink freely like this instead of being trapped in chairs after sitting in rows. I hope you can also get used to this style." Count Orgas is obviously not a supporter of the elegant new fashion in the royal capital. , he and his men are all typical eaters of meat and drink heavily.

"We also have this way of eating in our hometown." Xiao Chen forked a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. "I wonder what Mr. Olgas is thinking about it? Are you willing to join us?"

"Ah." The count put down a piece of mutton leg bone in his hand and picked up a piece of cloth to wipe his hands. "With all due respect, if anyone can't make a decision when he sees the fortress that is still burning, then he He must be an idiot. I am willing to join you, but not to surrender, but to join on my own initiative."

"In our place, this is called an uprising." Xiao Chen said.

"Whatever, but if I lead these people to join, what kind of status will you give me and them? I heard that you don't have any noble titles there, and in terms of money, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to satisfy the appetite of an established noble." Earl asked.

Xiao Chen said: "I can only say that everyone will receive different treatment according to their abilities. As the leader of the uprising, you will naturally have your own achievements."

Orgas couldn't help laughing: "Hmm, merit? It sounds a bit unreal."

"That should be an honor. I thought noble warriors would care about their honor very much?"

"Yeah. That's right." Orgas nodded in agreement, "What else?"

"Other than that, what are your requirements?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Except for fighting, I don't have any other specialties. So I still want to stay in the army and lead a team." Orgas patted the long sword on his waist and said, "Only with this Being with old friends makes me feel at ease.”

"I think this is entirely possible. However, you have also seen that our army's combat model is completely different from yours. Soldiers from any kingdom must join our system and undergo sufficient training and study." Xiao Chen said.

"Of course, of course. I'm actually looking forward to this." The Earl said, "I will open the checkpoint tomorrow, and you are welcome to come and confirm the details with me. Before that, I have one last thing to do tonight in Blackwood Pass as the chief here."

"The last thing?" Xiao Chen felt that the next words were the real theme of tonight.

At this time, the Earl's face showed a bit of coldness: "Since the Empire's Black Guards have already understood Suero, could it be that they have not infiltrated Blackwood Pass? In the past, I had some feelings about their little moves, but I didn't have much handle that I could catch.

But today I saw an opportunity. Your cannons are too powerful, so powerful that the Empire cannot be indifferent to them.

On the other hand, since I have already spread the word and all the members have joined your reorganized army, it is meaningless for many spies in ambush to stay. So I think that when your people and our elite are holding a dinner here. Maybe someone will jump out and do something to the two cannons."

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