On the Seven Towers

Chapter 66 Test attack

"Is the future uncertain? In other words, did you see Perrin's future and then change it?" Xiao Chen was a little worried. If he was facing an omniscient person, it would undoubtedly be a scary thing. No matter who they are, they have some secrets that they don't want others to know, let alone them, the time travelers.

Ikasa shook his head and said, "The past and the future are a web woven by the thread of cause and effect. All we do is follow the veins and look forward a little bit." Seeing Xiao Chen's confused face, he pointed to the coffee table and kettle beside him and said, "What will happen if I knock over this coffee table?"

"Uh, the teapot will fall on the grass." Xiao Chen replied.

"Yes, this is the prophecy." Ikasa pointed to his gray hair and asked, "What did these hair look like when I was young?"

"When you were young, they were definitely not white."

"Yes, this is history." Ikasa smiled and said, "You must be thinking that these things are understood by everyone. It is the simplest inference, right?"

"Indeed." Xiao Chen scratched his head and thought, what kind of prophecy is this.

"But will it know?" Ikasa pointed at the white parrot perched on the treetop not far away and asked.

Xiao Chen glanced at the shaking parrot and said, "If this is just an ordinary parrot, I'm afraid it won't be able to make such an inference."

"This is the difference between humans and parrots. Because humans are better at inference than parrots, humans know more than parrots. And the magicians of our Spirit Eye Tower may know a little more than ordinary people, which makes people a little surprised. This is the ability of the Spirit Eye Tower. But we can't see the accidents caused by the entanglement of various cause and effect lines."

"For example, when the teapot fell, I caught it with my hand." Xiao Chen now understands a little.

"Yes, or maybe I had white hair when I was young."

"I now understand a little about the prophecy about the future. You can infer and calculate more based on the current situation and the power of magic, but why do you talk about the past and the future together? Isn't the past something that has already happened and has been determined?"

"If there were no people in this world, the past would indeed be certain and unchanging. But with the existence of people and their observations, things in the past are given the meaning of the present."

"You mean, how we view things in the past determines what the past is like?"

Ikasa told a story: "There was a young man who grew up in a harmonious family, his parents were well-off, and he lived a peaceful life. For him, the past was just some memories of life. But there are One day, he found out that he was not his biological father. On the one hand, many of his adoptive parents' actions in the past had different meanings in his eyes. On the other hand, he also had the idea of ​​looking for his biological parents. At this time, has the past changed for him? What if he further discovered that his adoptive father was the murderer of his biological parents? Maybe he would look at the past with hatred and plan to take revenge. What would he think if he found out that his biological parents were actually brutal bandits and his adoptive father killed them to stop them from killing more innocent people? "

"It is an objective fact that the adoptive father killed his biological parents, but three different understandings of the same past will completely lead to different behaviors in the present, and finally different results in the future. "Xiao Chen said thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is the past and the future affecting the present. We don't know much more about the past than the future. This is because our observation ability is really limited. Even with the help of the 'Insight Hole', we can only see more and farther. There is no omniscient and omnipotent existence, not even 'God'."

"Insight Hole?"

"It's the blue ball of light you saw when you came in. It is a gap in the web of time. It allows us to peek into some things more easily."

"When I just came in, your eyes became like that ball of light. Did you see my past and future?"

"From the time you said the three words Dream Tower to Perrin, I saw something from you. Now , you are standing in front of me, I am more convinced of this. This is also the real reason why I invited you here for the second time. "

"Dream Tower..."

"If you are not the inheritor of the Dream Tower, my disciple only needs to tell you not to use magic recklessly in the cities within the kingdom, and then register in the house outside. There is no need to bring you to this small world. Dream Tower, speaking of the Dream Tower, it affects the past and the future, and it is related to the lives of many people. "

Xiao Chen couldn't help but get nervous. On the one hand, it was because he had only read the Dream Tower's "Shadow of the Sea of ​​Consciousness" and didn't know the details of the Dream Tower. At that time, he said this name just to scare the other party and make himself look like he had something to rely on. On the other hand, if the Dream Tower was really that important, he was afraid that the other party would have some bad thoughts. He didn't think he would be the opponent of a white-haired old wizard.

Ikasa saw what Xiao Chen was thinking and comforted him, "Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you. If I really have any ideas about your inheritance, there's no need to beat around the bush. I've seen something in you. You didn't originally belong to this world, but now you're closely connected to it."

Xiao Chen's heart beat wildly. The old mage could actually see where he was coming from. Even though he had always been in a good state of mind, he was confused at this time.

"Although plane travel is a strange thing, it has not happened before. Where you come from is not important." Icasa simply ignored the identity of the traveler, but asked with some excitement: "Where are you from? Obtaining the inheritance from the Tower of Dreams is a big question related to this world. I hope you can answer my questions truthfully, so that I can have a more accurate prediction of the future. "

Xiao Chen looked at the old mage's expectant and serious eyes, and could faintly feel that the other party had no ill intentions. He slowly calmed down. The inheritance of the Tower of Dreams actually had little to do with the school, and their foundation was not based on an ancient book. So he hesitated a little and decided to tell the truth: "I got the Tower of Dreams." Ta’s “Shadow of the Sea of ​​Knowledge” and then read it.”

"It turns out to be the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", the first of the three sacred scriptures in the Tower of Dreams. However, the premise of reading the Scroll of the "Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" is to cultivate your mental power to concentrate on the bottleneck, and then complete a special concentration through the "Scroll of the Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" , formed a world of meditation, and became a low-level mage with "nascent spiritual consciousness". Have you practiced to this level before getting the "Sea of ​​Consciousness Shadow Scroll"?

Xiao Chen said: "No, since you have seen our origins, I am not afraid to tell you. In the world where I came from, there was no magic. I got the power of magic after reading that book ”

"What? You watched "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" when you didn't know magic, and you didn't die of mental breakdown? Instead, you succeeded in concentrating directly? Incredible, incredible, there must be special conditions that I don't know about." Ika Sa was amazed, "Then what did you see in your spiritual world after reading that book?"

"An endless sea, and I am on a ship in the middle of it."

Icasa stared at Xiao Chen for a long time with a look that looked at a monster, and then said excitedly: "Quick, use the magic you used to attack Palin to attack me with all your strength."

"What are you doing?"

"Quick! Don't hold back."

Xiao Chen had no choice but to cheer up and release his fear with all his strength. As he waved his hand, his violent mental power rushed towards the old mage with this terrifying aura.

Master Icasa looked calm at first, but after a moment he frowned. After a few seconds, he had to take out a light green crystal stone from his sleeve and hold it in front of him. . But after more than ten seconds, the crystal shattered with a click. The old mage's face became darker and darker, veins popped up on his forehead, and fine beads of sweat appeared.

At this time, Xiao Chen's power had spread out, and the white parrot that was originally parked on the tree flew up in fright, but after flapping its wings twice, it twitched and fell to the ground, and then there were bursts of noise from the surrounding trees. The rapid and short sound of birds chirping and insects chirping.

Xiao Chen's mental power was still gushing out like a flood. In his opinion, he was a complete novice, a real rookie. Although some details have been seen through by the other party, you still have to show as much strength as possible so that you can have more initiative. What's more, Icasa looks like a master and is also known as the Great Magician. He must be able to easily receive his own spells.

But he was so immersed in it that he didn't realize that Icasa was reaching its limit. Xiao Chen already had a mental foundation far beyond that of an ordinary mage. In the past two months, he had seized every spare moment to meditate. With the help of the Ring of Secret Technique Inheritance, the mental power he controlled had already improved by leaps and bounds. When he tried his best, Master Icasa, who was not prepared enough, suffered a tragedy. His mental defense was already crumbling, his hands were trembling, and his face was frighteningly white. If he hadn't been sitting on a low stool, he would have almost collapsed on the ground.

Finally, when Xiao Chen finished releasing this magic heartily, he found Master Icasa opposite him holding the coffee table with both hands and breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Chen was shocked and quickly stepped forward to support the other person. Master Icasa waved his hand and adjusted his breath.

After a while, he raised his head with a serious face and said to Xiao Chen: "Now I understand that you were really merciless to Palin. I almost fell under your spell."

"You mean, I'm strong enough to fight you?" Xiao Chen asked in disbelief.

Master Icasa glanced at the spar fragment in his hand and said: "No, I didn't release any defensive magic just now, I just used my own mental power to catch your attack. This is like an adult getting punched by a child. Being almost knocked down is enough for that child to be proud even if the adult is not wearing armor. If I really want to deal with you, I have many ways to capture you before you use magic."

He put the fragment into the pocket of his robe, and then pointed at the white parrot that fell on the ground in the distance, and the parrot woke up. But when it saw Xiao Chen, it screamed and flew away in a hurry.

"Master Icasa, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect the movement to be so loud. My control over magic is very poor." Xiao Chen blushed and apologized to the master.

Icasa laughed and said to Xiao Chen: "You are a genius. Even when the Tower of Dreams was at its most glorious, the tower master would definitely accept you as a disciple at all costs."

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