On the Seven Towers

Chapter 67 Seeds of the Seven Towers

"You are so complimentary." Xiao Chen said somewhat flattered.

"Although your talent is astonishing, without the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", you may not have achieved what you have achieved now even after several years of hard work."

"But I've only learned one magic these days." Xiao Chen felt that he didn't know enough.

Master Icasa snorted angrily and funny: "You are really dissatisfied. How long have you been a mage? You must know that the most difficult part of magic is to increase mental power through meditation, because mental power is invisible and intangible. . Many ordinary people have empty minds and cannot find any spiritual power at all. It is also a very difficult process for magic apprentices and magicians to grow spiritually. "

Xiao Chen pondered what Master Icasa said, and according to his understanding, it meant that most people couldn't feel their subconscious, let alone control it. This is normal, because the subconscious mind originally refers to the part of consciousness that people cannot feel.

"But "The Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" can turn the elusive spiritual power into a visible world of meditation. People who read this book can practice in a tangible world of meditation. For example, if your world is a sea, it would be much easier to fight against the sea water than to experience the void during meditation," Icasa explained.

Xiao Chen nodded. His goal in meditation was very clear, not to let the rain get his clothes wet and not to be washed off the boat by the waves, and his mental power was unknowingly improved in the process. But he asked again: "So, doesn't the Tower of Dreams help all magicians grow quickly?"

"It's not that simple. The most important thing in the Tower of Dreams is talent. The spirit of many magic apprentices cannot meet the requirements. Even after watching "The Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", there will be no space for meditation. Once in the "Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" If concentration fails, it is easy for the mental power to collapse and even lose the soul. As for the magicians who have successfully concentrated, "Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness" will try to rebuild the structure of their mental power. Doing so for middle and low-level mages is simply asking for death. . The mental structure of high-level mages and great magicians is already very solid and difficult to be shaken by the "Shadow of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", so it will basically have no effect. "

It seems that the inheritance of the Tower of Dreams is not so easy to peep, Xiao Chen thought to himself, waiting for someone to read the book would be like eating arsenic for an old man.

"However, this kind of danger is accompanied by great benefits." A trace of envy showed in Icasa's eyes. "In addition to practicing fast and having his own meditation world, a magician can only practice another holy book of the Tower of Dreams. You can project the world of meditation into reality by reading the book "True Form of Illusion". Think about the crazy and weird worlds in people's minds, such as cages, mazes, seas of fire, mountains of swords, rivers of blood, and even various fantasy creatures. , this is a nightmare for the enemies trapped in it. This is how the most powerful illusionists in the Tower of Dreams use real dreams to destroy the enemies.”

Xiao Chen couldn't imagine what kind of scene it was. Although Icasa's description was strange and confusing, he was very excited to hear it. This was simply a wonder that only existed in fairy tales. He quickly asked: "Do you know " The whereabouts of "The True Form of the Fantasy World"?

Icasa sighed and said: "I don't know, the Tower of Dreams has long disappeared in history, whether it is the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​Knowledge" and "The True Form of the Illusion World", or the third holy book "The Secret Book of Strange Dreams". It has been lost for thousands of years.”

"What is "The Secret Book of Strange Dreams"?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The holy book contains many dream worlds created by holy mages sealed in it. It is the training ground for the wizards of the Tower of Dreams. It is said that the magic of those trial worlds is no less than that of the small worlds." Ikasa said with a look of regret. Said, "The whereabouts of this holy book are also unknown."

Xiao Chen was just a little disappointed. The answer was not beyond his expectation. He said to Master Icasa with some pride: "If there is a chance, I will get it. If there is no chance, I will try it myself. These holy scriptures exist There must have been people who have done these things with their own abilities before. If they can do it, why can't I give it a try? And according to what you said, at least I have a good starting point in terms of mental strength, right?"

Icasa laughed and said: "It's a good thing that young people have high spirits. Yes, you and them are different. According to records, the meditation world of illusionists is relatively limited. It is by no means as boundless as yours. The sea, imagine thousands of enemies suddenly being swept into the sea controlled by you, if you can do that, one person can win a war."

"Master Icasa, what determines the size of the meditation world?"

"Insight. The wider the experience, the more impressions there are in the mind, the larger the environment is, and the stronger the potential of mental power. On the other hand, because there are too many distracting thoughts, the more difficult it is to succeed in concentration. This has always been magic. A difficult problem in the world, the earlier you focus, the smaller your potential, and the later you get, the more difficult it is. It is said that before the apprentices of the Tower of Dreams use the "Shadow Scroll of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness", they will be taken around by their teachers to increase their knowledge, or to "Qi". Add experience in the world of "The Secret Book of Dreams". Then use the unique mind-refining secret method to train their minds so that they will not be confused by illusions, and finally complete their concentration between the ages of twelve and eighteen according to their abilities. There is obviously no such condition, and I would like to know how you can have such knowledge.”

"Maybe it's because I come from another world." Xiao Chen now understands a little. He comes from the information age. He has read countless newspapers, magazines and books since he was a child. He has been exposed to various radio, television and movies. Later, he often read news on the Internet and read posts on Weibo and WeChat. How can anyone in modern society compare to people in this era of illiteracy, no media and inconvenient transportation? What's more, Xiao Chen has read a lot of books and worked as a reporter, so his knowledge is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Then the white light ball gave him some preliminary mental power, so he could use the flame sword and the star-moon badge.

As for the secret method of refining the mind, modern people have watched so many movies and TV series and seen all kinds of strange and terrifying scenes. And they have gone through various learning exams, so their spirits are not ordinary.

These factors combined, he passed the test of "Shadow Scroll of Consciousness" by chance.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart was warmed. There are so many modern people in the school. I wonder if they can also pass the "Shadow Scroll of Consciousness" and become talented magicians? If so, wouldn't the survival ability of the entire school be greatly enhanced? What he lacked was just a set of concentration techniques to allow them to practice to the bottleneck of concentration. If they learned the appropriate concentration techniques from other schools, maybe they could safely create magicians?

Master Ikasa didn't know that Xiao Chen was already thinking about forming a magic army, but said something that surprised Xiao Chen: "Anyway, it is a blessing for the Dream Tower to have a successor like you. But the fact that you are the successor of the Dream Tower itself...maybe it is unfortunate."

"Unfortunate? The Dream Tower has disappeared, right? Is there any enemy left today?"

The old wizard said: "Yes. This name is a taboo, and it can bring you death at any time."

Xiao Chen looked at Master Ikasa worriedly. If the magicians of the Dream Tower are so powerful, how terrible will the enemies who destroy them be?

"Come with me." The old wizard stood up and asked Xiao Chen to follow him. They walked through the garden and came to a door in the corner. The old wizard pushed the door open and walked into a study.

The study was very simple and quaint, with bookshelves covering all four walls. Master Ikasa walked to a bookshelf, squinted his eyes and looked at the top of the shelf, then waved his hand. A heavy book floated down from the top shelf and flew to the large desk in the middle of the room.

This big book was half a meter square, with no words on the cover, and there was a lock on the page, tightly locking the front and back covers.

The old wizard took out a small key from his sleeve and gently opened the lock. He waved his sleeve, and the pages of the book turned automatically without wind, all the way to the middle page.

Xiao Chen leaned over to take a look. There was nothing on this page except a line of words "Divine Calendar 3903". He looked at Ikasa in confusion.

The old wizard asked him to stand in front of the desk and said, "This book is the holy book of the Spirit Eye Tower, the Wordless Volume. You will understand if you concentrate your mental power to look at the year."

Xiao Chen did as Master Ikasa said, and suddenly found that the pages of the book lit up. Countless information poured into his mind like a torrent, and the book on the desk also turned very quickly. The strange thing is that no matter how many pages he turned, the book would not be turned out. When the light disappeared, Xiao Chen woke up and found that the page had stopped at the page of the 6,200th year of the divine calendar.

Xiao Chen stood still for a long time, and finally exhaled and said, "So that's it. The Dream Tower is so magnificent and great, but it was destroyed by God in the end. God... actually exists. Alas..."

"Do you feel regretful?" asked the old wizard.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "I think they should know what they are doing, so they followed Hastings to fight against the gods. On the way here, I heard the bard singing the hymn of Hastings, but it seems that the story of the Dream Tower was not mentioned in it?"

"Many glamorous characters standing on the stage of history are not necessarily the real protagonists. Hastings's battle to kill the gods is just a statement without knowing the truth. Behind him is not only the Dream Tower, but all the Seven Holy Towers participated in that battle."

"Seven Holy Towers?"

"Those are the seven most powerful magic towers in the Heroic Age. Compared with them, the Spirit Eye Tower is just a little brother. It was a glorious era. The Forging Tower, which is good at refining and changing, the Star Tower, which interprets the stars and space, the Spirit Tower, which controls the living and the dead, the Sword Tower, which is keen on controlling soldiers and fighting, the Talisman Tower, which is proficient in formations and spells, the Source Tower, which controls existence and destruction, and the Dream Tower, which is free from illusion and reality, these seven towers are the pinnacle achievements of magic civilization. And Hastings himself is actually the master of the Sword Tower. "

Is this the seven towers mentioned in the letter from the magician's mansion? The relationship between the seven towers and the gods is unexpectedly like this.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said, "The book doesn't say what the final battle was."

"Because everyone who entered the divine realm never came back, the seven towers either disappeared or became ruins. People in the world can only conclude that the elite were wiped out and the seven towers were destroyed."

"I don't understand, since the mages challenged the bottom line of the gods, why are there still magic towers that survived to this day. I just saw in the book that many magic towers are closely related to the Seven Holy Towers, right?" Xiao Chen asked in confusion.

"Because after that war, the gods fell into a deep sleep and never woke up again, and people need magic. Even the priests of the Temple of Nature do not want magic to disappear and the world to regress to the age of ignorance. Our small sects did not participate in the act of killing gods at that time. Maybe it was some magic seeds deliberately left by the Seven Holy Pagodas..., and now..." Master Ikasa looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly, "A seed that truly belongs to the Seven Holy Pagodas seems to have sprouted."

Thanks to the book friend Leaf of the Plane Tree of Winter for the reward.

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