On the Seven Towers

Chapter 691: Start Transmission

Zhang Hong didn't sit with anyone during dinner. He found a corner alone and took a few bites of food before preparing to leave the canteen.

When he walked to the door, he was suddenly slapped on the back, which frightened him out of his wits.

"Old Zhang, why do you look so flustered?" The voice turned out to be Shi Hao, who had also finished his meal.

Zhang Hong swallowed, tried his best to calm down, then turned around with a painful expression and said: "Captain Shi, I seem to have eaten something bad and my stomach hurts."

"Oh, it's a bit hot. Is the food not fresh?" He turned to look at other people in the canteen, "I don't know if anyone else has eaten bad. I'll talk to the cooking team and let them be careful."

"I, I'll go and make myself comfortable first." Zhang Hong said.

"You go, you go."

Zhang Hong hurriedly ran out of the canteen, made sure that no one was following him, and walked into an empty house that was deserted. This was a blind spot he had chosen a long time ago, right in the middle of two magic fluctuation detection posts. This was a "good place" that he found after carefully exploring Blackwood Pass in the past two days.

Nowadays, there are fewer people and more rooms in Heimu Pass. After his observation, no one has been near this corner for several days.

So yesterday he set up an isolation barrier outside a remote house. This barrier can block the sound and light inside from spreading outward.

Zhang Hong hid in the house and took out the two "traveling doors". The metal disc has a round blade on it, which is engraved with fine magic words, and in the middle of the disc is a bright silver crystal.

He had taken these two things out secretly several times in the past few days, and had thought of destroying them more than once.

He knew very well that even if the incident of killing Hong Lifeng was exposed, he could still save his life. But if what he is going to do next is exposed, he will really die without a burial place.

Zhang Hong held a travel door and murmured to himself in an almost inaudible voice: "But I don't want to live like a salted fish. If this is a story, I should be the protagonist. Most protagonists don't Would it be better for me to betray the world than for the world to betray me?

Those who are going to die today, go in peace. I will live well for you from now on, and when the opportunity is right, I will avenge you. The Emperor, Cole, and Queen Lara are all going to die. I will kill them one by one for you to see. "

Zhang Hong gritted his teeth and began to infuse magic power into it. After the portal was stimulated by magic power, the runes on it lit up one after another, and then the crystal in the center also glowed dimly. Immediately afterwards, the traveling door automatically flew up from his palm, floated upright in the air more than one meter high, and then began to rotate. It turned faster and faster. After the speed exceeded a limit, the metal blades on it were thrown around, and then a circular wheel was formed in the air. The crystal in the center softened like a liquid, and then spread out over the entire circular space. , a strange space door appeared.

Zhang Hong looked at the sparkling door anxiously, secretly guessing what kind of character would appear inside.

After a while, a man's head stuck out of the door. He was in his thirties, a little thin, with fair skin and prominent eyebrows. He looked like a typical Imperial man. He looked around and found nothing. After discovering the obvious abnormality, he walked out of the space door. When his body stepped out of the passage door, the silver light on the door quickly dimmed, and then the metal blades scattered on the ground with a clanking sound.

Zhang Hong saw that the person who came was wearing a set of black close-fitting leather armor and holding a short sword in each hand. He did not speak to him, but quickly walked around the room to check if there was anyone else around.

After he looked around, he walked up to Zhang Hong and said: "Your Excellency Zhang Hong, I am Amigo, the captain of Emperor Alfred's Black Guard team. You did a good job and mastered the timing very well. Also There is no trick here, so let’s continue.”

"Okay." It was too late to say anything at this point. Zhang Hong obediently activated another door to travel through. This time, a man dressed as a magician came through. The visitor asked a few questions about Amigo, and unexpectedly took out five other portals from the storage ring.

He released the five portals in sequence, summoning the Imperials one by one. The first four summoned were all powerful warriors. Most of them were wearing black armor, with serious expressions and silence. According to Zhang Hong's perspective, each of them has at least a high-level level.

Zhang Hong understood that these people were the real masters of the Black Guard. It seemed that the Empire was bound to win this time, and they actually put such powerful warriors into a battle with great risks.

As soon as these Black Guard warriors appeared, they each held weapons and ran to a corner of the house, making a defensive posture, as if the last person who appeared was much more important than them.

As the last passage door lit up, a middle-aged magician wearing a gray robe and an indifferent expression walked out. The mage appeared to be over fifty years old. He had long gray and white hair and a face full of wrinkles. He held a short wand in his hand and looked around with great momentum.

The previous magician waited for the magician to walk out of the door, and saluted respectfully: "Master Gandas, everything is ready. Everything is waiting for you to speak."

"Master!" Zhang Hong was surprised by the imperial people's move, and actually sent a great magician. He couldn't tell whether he was worried or relieved. A great magician secretly appeared in Heimuguan, which meant that his mission success rate would increase exponentially. But it also meant that he attracted a time bomb. God knows how terrible casualties would be caused if a great magician went all out.

"Well. It seems that the first step is going well." Master Gandas looked up at Zhang Hong, and Zhang Hong only felt that a cold magic power gathered on him from all directions, forming a seal on his back. Zhang Hong couldn't tell the meaning of this seal for the time being, but he guessed that his life should be in the hands of the other party.

"This, what's going on? Didn't we agree that I only need to lead the way? Cole promised me that I only need to cooperate with you to find them." Zhang Hong said in panic.

"I like to do things without mistakes." Master Gandas said, "Now you are mine, I like this feeling of complete control."

Amigo said: "Master Gandas's teacher is the Saint Morales of Silent Praise. It is your honor to serve him, Master Zhang Hong."

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