On the Seven Towers

Chapter 692: Betrayal

Saint Morales is best at sealing and enchanting. His title of "Silent Praise" came from a battle against the orc tribe. He cast a spell to block the traces of a legion of his own. Not only the sight and hearing, but also the traces of smell and footprints were erased by him. This was originally all Orcs are best at tracking. What's even more remarkable is that he also concealed his mental power and magical detection methods, allowing this invisible legion to hide from several orc troops along the way, allowing the empire's legion to have the opportunity to penetrate directly into the Tiger Banner's king's tent. , directly killing the then Tiger King, four princes, and a group of tiger nobles. Since then, Huqi has been in a state of decline, and to this day it has not regained its former strength.

As a disciple of Saint Morales, Master Gandas is naturally good at hiding his whereabouts. The concealment magic he inherited from Saint Morales is far more effective than ordinary invisibility. A group of seven people from the empire disappeared in front of Zhang Hong under his shielding magic. Zhang Hong could not even detect their presence using the method of detecting spiritual power. The most amazing thing is that the voices of the few of them speaking cannot reach the outside world, but Zhang Hong can hear their conversations through the seal.

From that seal, he could also feel that Master Gandas's will was connected with him, and his orders could be transmitted directly to Zhang Hong's mind.

"Master Gandas, the time has come. The people outside should be ready. We can start taking action now." Amigo reported.

"Yes. Zhang Hong, let you lead the way." Master Gandas ordered through the seal.

Zhang Hong did not dare to neglect, so he had to obey. Master Gandas had just activated the seal. As soon as he thought, Zhang Hong's mental power was contained in the body by the seal, making it almost impossible to mobilize any magic power around him.

Zhang Hong led them to the doorway under the city wall. He said: "Master Gandas, I will serve you with all my heart, but if there is a battle later, please take care of me and lift my seal for a while. "I don't want to cause trouble, but I don't have the mental strength to protect myself. Your Majesty, Emperor Alfred, will still need me. If I suffer any loss here, it will be a loss to the empire."

"Humph. Your attitude is really interesting." A laugh from Master Gandas came to mind, "You don't have to worry about me being here. Do you think this seal will only suppress your power? It also protects you. , you will know when the time comes.”

Zhang Hong walked in front, and the Imperial people led by Master Gandas followed behind him. However, due to the shielding magic, in the eyes of others, only Zhang Hong could be seen.

Not long after they left this corner, they ran into a patrol consisting of a squad of escorts. When the captain of the patrol team saw Zhang Hong, he asked strangely: "Teacher Zhang, how did you come out of such a corner?"

"I..., I went out for a walk after dinner." Just as Zhang Hong spoke, he heard Gandas say in his mind: "Hold them and attract their attention."

"Going for a walk?" The patrol leader glanced at the dark alley behind Zhang Hong, "But it's dark in here, and there's not even a single person..."

"Yes. The magic I have recently practiced is easier to practice in the dark, so I practice it here. Moreover, even if some noise is made here, it will not affect other people." Zhang Hong made a nonsense Reason, "I can tell you what kind of magic it is."

"Oh..." the patrol leader nodded, "I know. It's okay, Teacher Zhang, I'm just asking. Those of you who practice magic often have all kinds of strange and unique things. Those of us who practice fighting spirit do. I don’t understand. Then get busy.”

When the patrol leader was about to turn around, he was suddenly startled and his expression became panicked. The soldiers behind him also raised their guns and aimed randomly around them. It was as if they were suddenly surrounded by some enemy. But in Zhang Hong's field of vision, the surroundings were still quiet and there was nothing.

The soldiers began to shout loudly with their mouths wide open, but Zhang Hong could not hear any sound, as if they were watching a pantomime. He could see their lips opening and closing, their saliva flying, but in his ears there was only the sound of the evening breeze.

Suddenly one after another sword light appeared around these warriors, slashing at them from all directions. One warrior was cut off at the waist, another warrior was chopped into two pieces, and some warriors had their hands and feet cut off, and their heads were chopped off, but all these Some are still silent.

Zhang Hong covered his mouth in horror, watching his compatriots being hacked to death by enemies that appeared in the shadows in a matter of seconds.

Only the patrol captain avoided the first sword and fired a shot with all his strength, but on such a chaotic battlefield, it was impossible for him to hit any enemy.

Zhang Hong saw his movements, but did not hear the crisp crackle of the air gun. With a whoosh, a bullet flew past not far from him, and then hit the stone wall with a little cracking sound. The sound was not much louder than a kicked pebble, and could not attract anyone's attention in the darkness.

Zhang Hong finally realized that Gandas had wrapped the entire patrol with some kind of barrier, so the sound was only heard again when the bullets flew out of the range of the patrol.

After the patrol leader fired a shot, a long sword penetrated his heart from behind. Zhang Hong happened to be facing him when he saw the other party dying. His face was full of pain and ferocity, and he shouted to him with all his strength. With two words.

After Zhang Hong tried hard to distinguish, he understood what he was shouting: Enemy attack, warning! Enemy attack, warning!

Gandas's imperial warriors were covered in blood, revealing part of their bodies. In the dark night, they looked like terrifying ghosts. They did not deal with the bodies, but urged Zhang Hong to leave quickly. Zhang Hong walked past the walls and walked to the front, but when he looked back, he saw that all the bodies and bloodstains were gone. The bloodstained figures also disappeared in the air again.

Gandas really lived up to his teacher's reputation. All enemies were destroyed in silence, and the destroyed disappeared in silence. It was as if nothing happened that night.

"Master Gandas. Actually... we don't need to do that, there is no need to kill these people. They, they just believed what I said." Zhang Hong said softly.

Gandas said: "They are suspicious, and there are traces of transmission in the room behind. Of course, they have to be killed! What, don't you understand your position? You are now on the side of the empire, and you are still sympathizing with them. Do you want to keep them company?"

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